2. IAC protocol specification

The protocol implementation is in the parser module. The protocol specification could potentially be implemented in a different language. Python, however, is the perfect language for this protocol because of its introspective capabilities, its use as a glue language, and its general awesomeness!

The power of the parser and lexer are intentionally stripped down because calculations should be performed on the client-side. The protocol specification is simple and concerned only with object creation and functional calls to the provided interface.

2.1. Lexical definitions

The lexer is kept intentionally simple. It tokenizes the operators, string literals, and identifiers (also referred to as names). String literals currently do not support any escape sequences. The lexical definitions are as follows:

stringliteral ::=  "'" stringchar* "'" | '"' stringchar* '"'
stringchar    ::=  <any source character except newline or the quote>
identifier    ::=  (letter|"_") (letter | digit | "_")*
letter        ::=  lowercase | uppercase
lowercase     ::=  "a"..."z"
uppercase     ::=  "A"..."Z"
digit         ::=  "0"..."9"

2.2. Operators

The following tokens are operators:

=       (       )
.       ,       ->

The assignment operator = is used for variable assignment:

identifier = expression

The parenthesis ( and ) operators are used to enclose function calls. The . operator is used to call an object-specific function. Objects and functions are both identifiers:

| function(parameters)
| object.function()
| object.function(parameters)

The -> operator is used for application scope. It is required for each command so that the protocol knows which application to call:

scope -> statement

The , operator is used as a delimiter for parameter arguments:

function(argument1, argument2, ...)

2.3. Scoped statements

Scoped statements are comprised of an application scope and a statement. The scoped statement is mandatory for every command in the protocol. The scope is an identifier. The application looks for the passed in scope name in the interfaces module.

The scoped statement is the entry point for the parser. It is defined as:

scoped_statement ::=  scope "->" statement

2.4. Statements

Statements are used to assign or call a value. The syntax is as follows:

statement ::=  expression
               | identifier "=" expression

2.5. Expressions

Expressions are used to call a value or procedure. The syntax is as follows:

expression        ::=  identifier"()"
                       | identifier
                       | identifier"("parameters")"
                       | identifier"."identifier"()"
                       | identifier"."identifier"("parameters")"
parameters        ::=  parameters"," optional_argument
                       | optional_argument
optional_argument ::=  stringliteral | digit

2.6. Implementation

See the interfaces module and existing plug-ins for more details on plug-in implementation.