4. modify_interfaces — An interface for enabling/disabling applications

The modify_interfaces module is used as a simple interface for modifying the interfaces module so that you don’t have the edit the interfaces.py file manually.

4.1. Implementation

Here is the source code for the modify_interfaces module:

import os

_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
_INTERFACES = 'interfaces.py'

def modify(application_name, enable=True):
    new_interfaces = []
    with open(os.path.join(_ROOT, _INTERFACES), 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if application_name in line and enable:
                new_interfaces.append(line.replace('#', ''))
            elif application_name in line and not enable:
                new_interfaces.append("#" + line)
    with open(os.path.join(_ROOT, _INTERFACES), 'w') as f:
        for line in new_interfaces:

def read():
    with open(os.path.join(_ROOT, _INTERFACES), 'r') as f:

def enable(application_name):
    modify(application_name, enable=True)

def disable(application_name):
    modify(application_name, enable=False)

4.2. Example

Here’s an example to enable LibreOffice Calc:

python -c "import iac.modify_interfaces; iac.modify_interfaces.enable('lowriter')"


iacmodify --enable --app lowriter

The resulting interfaces.py file modified from a clean install of version 0.2 would look like:

#import iac.app.libreoffice.calc as localc
import iac.app.libreoffice.writer as lowriter
#import iac.app.gnumeric as gnumeric

To disable it, you can do the following:

python -c "import iac.modify_interfaces; iac.modify_interfaces.disable('lowriter')"


iacmodify --disable --app lowriter

Which would result in the following interfaces.py file:

#import iac.app.libreoffice.calc as localc
#import iac.app.libreoffice.writer as lowriter
#import iac.app.gnumeric as gnumeric

To read the current interfaces.py file contents:

python -c "import iac.modify_interfaces; iac.modify_interfaces.read()"


iacmodify --show

To view the help:

iacmodify --help