Class definitions


htmltemplate defines the following class hierarchy:

 |- Container
 |   |
 |   |- Repeater
 |- Template



These classes are documented below.


This abstract base class is subclassed by the Template, Container and Repeater classes from which the template object model is constructed. Each node in the object model contains zero or more named properties corresponding to the node directives declared in the original HTML template.

Node -- Abstract base class

    nodetype : str (r/o) -- the node's type ('con', 'rep' or 'tem')

    nodename : str (r/o) -- the node's name

    «NAME» : Node -- a sub-node, as declared by a compiler directive in the 
                     template HTML, where «NAME» is the sub-node's name. 
                     A node may contain zero or more Container and/or
                     Repeater sub-nodes.

    __iter__() -- can be used to iterate over a node's sub-nodes (e.g. for
                  introspection purposes) [1]
        Result : generator

    structure() -- output the hierarchical structure of this node and
                   its sub-nodes for diagnostic purposes
        Result : str

    copy() -- duplicate this node (including any sub-nodes)
        Result : Node -- a new Container/Repeater/Template object

    render(fn, *args, **kwargs) -- render this node as HTML
        fn : function | None -- the controller function responsible for
                                inserting content into the node [2]
        *args : any -- extra values to pass to the controller function
        **kwargs : any -- extra values to pass to the controller function
        Result : str -- the generated HTML

[1] See the script in the sample folder for a demonstration of use.

[2] The render method's first argument is normally a controller function that takes the following arguments:

node : Node -- a copy of this node to manipulate
*args : any -- extra  values that were passed to the 'render' method
**kwargs : any -- extra  values that were passed to the 'render' method

If given, the render method will pass a copy of the node to the function to manipulate, then render it as an HTML string. Otherwise, if None, the render method will render the original node as HTML.


Container objects represent HTML elements whose content can be manipulated by controller code. A Container node is rendered once, unless its omit method is called, in which case it won't appear at all. The HTML template can declare a Container node using the con directive (e.g. <h1 node="con:title">).

Container(Node) -- A mutable HTML element ('con')

    atts : Attributes -- a dict-like object representing the element's 
                         tag attributes

    text : str -- the element's content as plain text. HTML entities are
                  automatically encoded/decoded. [1][2]

    html : str -- the element's content as raw HTML. Unlike the `text`
                  property, HTML entities are not encoded/decoded 
                  automatically. [1][3]

    __len__() -- returns 0 if this node is omitted, else 1
        Result : int

    omit() -- don't render this node

    omittags() -- don't render this node's tags, only its content

[1] If the node is derived from an empty HTML element (e.g. <hr node="..."/>), setting its text or html property has no effect. If the node is derived from an non-empty HTML element (e.g. <p node="...">...</p>), setting these properties replaces any existing content with the given text or HTML (if the node contains any sub-nodes, these will be deleted). Note that non-string values will be automatically cast to str.

[2] By default, HTML entities are encoded using the htmltemplate module's encodeentity function which encodes the &, <, > and " characters only, unless an alternate encoder function was specified in Template.__init__().

[3] The html property should only be used when getting/setting the node's content as raw HTML markup, otherwise the text property should be used. When setting the html property, it is the user's responsibility to sanitize the new content as appropriate (escaping reserved &, <, >, " characters, stripping inappropriate tags, checking for malicious code, etc.) to ensure injection attacks, malform HTML output, etc. are avoided.


Repeater objects are containers that can appear any number of times in the rendered output. The HTML template can declare a Repeater node using the rep directive (e.g. node="rep:list_item").

Repeater(Container) -- A mutable, repeatable HTML element ('rep')

    __len__() -- the number of times this node has already been repeated
                 (omitted instances are ignored)
        Result : int

    add(fn, *args, **kwargs) -- render a copy of this node
        fn : function -- the controller function responsible for inserting
                         content into the node [1]
        *args : any -- extra values to pass to the controller function
        **kwargs : any -- extra values to pass to the controller function

    repeat(fn, sequence, *args, **kwargs) -- render a copy of this node for 
                                             each item in the given list
        fn : function -- the controller function responsible for inserting
                         content into a copy of this node [2]
        sequence : any -- a list, generator, or other iterable collection
        *args : any -- extra values to pass to the controller function
        **kwargs : any -- extra values to pass to the controller function

[1] The add method's first argument is a controller function that accepts the following arguments:

node : Repeater -- a copy of this node to manipulate
*args : any -- extra  values that were passed to the 'add' method
**kwargs : any -- extra  values that were passed to the 'add' method

[2] The repeat method's first argument is a controller function that accepts the following arguments:

node : Repeater -- a copy of this node to manipulate
item : any -- an item from the sequence being iterated
*args : any -- extra  values that were passed to the 'repeat' method
**kwargs : any -- extra  values that were passed to the 'repeat' method


The Template object is the top-level node in a template object model. This represents the complete HTML template document and can contain any number of Container and/or Repeater sub-nodes.

Template(Node) -- The top-level template node ('tem')

    __init__(html, isxhtml=True, attribute='node', encodefn=encodeentity)
        html : str -- the HTML template
        isxhtml : bool -- if True, trailing slash will be preserved in 
                          empty tags (e.g. '<br />'); if False, it will 
                          be removed (e.g. '<br>')
        attribute : str -- the name of the attribute used to hold
                           compiler directives
        encodefn : function -- the function used to encode HTML entities 
                               when setting sub-nodes' text content and 
                               attribute values [1]

[1] The default encodeentity function is suitable for use in generating UTF8-encoded HTML documents. If generating HTML documents in other encodings (e.g. ISO-8859-1), client should pass a suitable encoder function that takes a string as input and returns a string with reserved and unsupported characters encoded as HTML entities. Note that this function must at the very least encode the reserved &, < and " characters, otherwise the generated HTML will be susceptible to injection attacks and almost certainly malformed or invalid.


Attributes instances are used by Container and Repeater objects to represent their tag attributes. The Attributes class defines a simple dict-like interface that supports getting, setting and deleting attributes by name. For example, to set the href attribute of an <a> tag:

node.atts["href"] = "foo.html"

Note that any HTML entities in the attribute's value will be encoded/decoded automatically.

Attributes -- A dict-like object containing an HTML tag's attributes

    __getitem__(name) -- get an attribute
        name : str -- the attribute's name
        Result : str | None -- the attribute's value, if it has one

    __setitem__(name, value) -- set an attribute
        name : str -- the attribute's name [1]
        value : str | None -- the attribute's value, if it has one [2][3]

    __delitem__(name) -- delete an attribute
        name : str -- the attribute's name

    keys() -- get all attribute names
        Result : generator

    values() -- get all attribute values
        Result : generator

    items() -- get all attributes as (name,value) tuples
        Result : generator

[1] The attribute's name must match the pattern ^[a-zA-Z_][-.:a-zA-Z_0-9]*$. While this does not detect all invalid attribute names, it will prevent obviously incorrect or possibly malicious strings being inserted.

[2] Any reserved characters in the attribute's new value will be automatically encoded as HTML entities. (By default, this is performed by the htmltemplate module's encodeentity function which encodes the &, <, > and " characters only, unless an alternate encoder function was specified in Template.__init__().) The user is responsible for performing any additional escaping/encoding that attribute values might require; for example, to URL-encode strings before inserting them into src and href attributes.

[3] If the attribute's value is None, only the attribute's name is inserted into the tag, allowing the miminized form of Boolean attributes – for example, <option selected> instead of <option selected="selected"> – to be used if required for (e.g.) compatibility with older browsers.


In the event that Template.__init__() is unable to parse the supplied HTML template string (e.g. due to malformed markup), a ParseError exception will be raised.

ParseError(Exception) -- A template parsing error