Source code for hepcrawl.spiders.arxiv_spider

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of hepcrawl.
# Copyright (C) 2016 CERN.
# hepcrawl is a free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the Revised BSD License; see LICENSE file for
# more details.

"""Spider for arXiv."""

import re

from scrapy import Request, Selector
from scrapy.spiders import XMLFeedSpider

from ..mappings import CONFERENCE_WORDS, THESIS_WORDS
from ..utils import coll_cleanforthe, get_license, split_fullname
from ..items import HEPRecord
from ..loaders import HEPLoader

RE_CONFERENCE = re.compile(r'\b(%s)\b' % '|'.join(
    [re.escape(word) for word in CONFERENCE_WORDS]), re.I | re.U)
RE_THESIS = re.compile(r'\b(%s)\b' % '|'.join(
    [re.escape(word) for word in THESIS_WORDS]), re.I | re.U)

[docs]class ArxivSpider(XMLFeedSpider): """Spider for crawling OAI-PMH XML files. .. code-block:: console scrapy crawl arXiv -a source_file=file://`pwd`/tests/responses/arxiv/sample_arxiv_record.xml """ name = 'arXiv' iterator = 'xml' itertag = 'OAI-PMH:record' namespaces = [ ("OAI-PMH", "") ] def __init__(self, source_file=None, **kwargs): """Construct Arxiv spider.""" super(ArxivSpider, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.source_file = source_file def start_requests(self): yield Request(self.source_file)
[docs] def parse_node(self, response, node): """Parse an arXiv XML exported file into a HEP record.""" node.remove_namespaces() record = HEPLoader(item=HEPRecord(), selector=node) record.add_xpath('title', './/title/text()') record.add_xpath('abstract', './/abstract/text()') record.add_xpath('preprint_date', './/created/text()') record.add_xpath('dois', './/doi//text()') record.add_xpath('pubinfo_freetext', './/journal-ref//text()') record.add_value('source', 'arXiv') authors, collabs = self._get_authors_or_collaboration(node) record.add_value('authors', authors) record.add_value('collaborations', collabs) collections = ['HEP', 'Citeable', 'arXiv'] comments = '; '.join(node.xpath('.//comments//text()').extract()) if comments: pages, notes, doctype = self._parse_comments_info(comments) record.add_value('public_notes', notes) if pages: record.add_value('page_nr', pages) if doctype: collections.append(doctype) record.add_value('collections', collections) record.add_value( 'report_numbers', self._get_arxiv_report_numbers(node) ) categories = ' '.join( node.xpath('.//categories//text()').extract() ).split() record.add_value( 'arxiv_eprints', self._get_arxiv_eprint(node, categories) ) record.add_value( 'external_system_numbers', self._get_ext_systems_number(node) ) license = get_license( license_url=node.xpath('.//license//text()').extract_first() ) record.add_value('license', license) parsed_record = dict(record.load_item()) return parsed_record
def _get_authors_or_collaboration(self, node): """Parse authors, affiliations; extract collaboration""" author_selectors = node.xpath('.//authors//author') # take 'for the' out of the general phrases and dont use it in # affiliations collab_phrases = [ 'consortium', ' collab ', 'collaboration', ' team', 'group', ' on behalf of ', ' representing ', ] inst_phrases = ['institute', 'university', 'department', 'center'] authors = [] collaboration = [] for selector in author_selectors: author = Selector(text=selector.extract()) forenames = ' '.join( author.xpath('.//forenames//text()').extract() ) keyname = ' '.join(author.xpath('.//keyname//text()').extract()) name_string = " %s %s " % (forenames, keyname) affiliations = author.xpath('.//affiliation//text()').extract() # collaborations in affiliation field? Cautious with 'for the' in # Inst names collab_in_aff = [] for index, aff in enumerate(affiliations): if any( phrase for phrase in collab_phrases if phrase in aff.lower() ) and not any( phrase for phrase in inst_phrases if phrase in aff.lower() ): collab_in_aff.append(index) collab_in_aff.reverse() for index in collab_in_aff: coll, author_name = coll_cleanforthe(affiliations.pop(index)) if coll and coll not in collaboration: collaboration.append(coll) # Check if name is a collaboration, else append to authors collab_in_name = ' for the ' in name_string.lower() or any( phrase for phrase in collab_phrases if phrase in name_string.lower() ) if collab_in_name: coll, author_name = coll_cleanforthe(name_string) if author_name: surname, given_names = split_fullname(author_name) authors.append({ 'surname': surname, 'given_names': given_names, 'affiliations': [], }) if coll and coll not in collaboration: collaboration.append(coll) elif name_string.strip() == ':': # everything up to now seems to be collaboration info for author_info in authors: name_string = " %s %s " % \ (author_info['given_names'], author_info['surname']) coll, author_name = coll_cleanforthe(name_string) if coll and coll not in collaboration: collaboration.append(coll) authors = [] else: authors.append({ 'surname': keyname, 'given_names': forenames, 'affiliations': [{"value": aff} for aff in affiliations] }) return authors, collaboration def _parse_comments_info(self, comments): """Parse comments; extract doctype for ConferencePaper and Thesis""" notes = {} pages = '' doctype = '' notes = {'source': 'arXiv', 'value': comments} found_pages ='(?i)(\d+)\s*pages?\b', comments) if found_pages: pages = if doctype = 'Thesis' elif doctype = 'ConferencePaper' return pages, notes, doctype def _get_arxiv_report_numbers(self, node): report_numbers = ','.join(node.xpath('.//report-no//text()').extract()) if report_numbers: return [ { 'source': '', 'value': rn.strip(), } for rn in report_numbers.split(',') ] return [] def _get_arxiv_eprint(self, node, categories): return { 'value': node.xpath('.//id//text()').extract_first(), 'categories': categories } def _get_ext_systems_number(self, node): return { 'institute': 'arXiv', 'value': node.xpath('.//identifier//text()').extract_first() }