
Basic Usage

Firstly, import module. headlessvim module has some submodules for internal use. Only the top module is designed to import by user.

>>> import headlessvim


DO NOT import by from headlessvim import *. headlessvim module has the function named open. So it hides built-in open function.

Secondly, open the background Vim process. open is the only entry point to open Vim.

>>> vim = headlessvim.open()

open returns Vim object which is the interface to the background Vim process.

open takes some arguments which are passed to the constructor of Vim.


Make sure not instantiate Vim by its constructor. It’s like the relationship between built-in file and open.

Let it say something:

>>> vim.echo('"spam"') # make sure to quote bare words

Yes, vim.echo actually invokes :echo command of the background Vim, so you should quote bare words twice.

To know what is possible, see headlessvim.Vim.

Generally, something which has been opened should be closed when the manipulation has been finished. Vim is not the exception.

>>> vim.close()

Of course you can use with statement to ensure closing Vim. It is recommended.

>>> with headlessvim.open() as vim:
...     vim.echo('"spam"')

More complex example:

>>> import headlessvim
>>> with headlessvim.open() as vim:
...    vim.echo('"spam"') # make sure to quote bare words
>>> import os
>>> env = dict(os.environ, LANG='C')
>>> with headlessvim.open(executable='/usr/bin/vim', args='-N -u /etc/vim/vimrc', env=env): 
...    vim.send_keys('iham\033')
...    vim.display_lines()[0].strip()

Unit Test Integration

headlessvim is useful for testing vim plugins.

An example for standard PyUnit:

import unittest
import headlessvim

class TestVimPlugin(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.vim = headlessvim.open()
        self.vim.install_plugin('fixtures/spam', 'plugin/spam.vim')

    def tearDown(self):

    def testSomeFeature(self):
        res = self.vim.echo('"ham egg"')
        self.assertEqual(res, 'ham egg')

More example for pytest:

import os
import pytest
import headlessvim

def env(request):
    return dict(os.environ, LANG='C')

def vim(request, env):
    with headlessvim.open(args='-N -u /etc/vim/vimrc', env=env) as vim:
        vim.install_plugin('fixtures/spam', 'plugin/spam.vim')
        yield vim

def test_spam(vim):
    assert vim.echo('"spam"') == 'spam'