The hatcher package

hatcher.api module

class hatcher.api.BroodBearerTokenAuth(token)

Bases: requests.auth.AuthBase

class hatcher.api.BroodClient(url_handler, api_version=0)

Bases: object

BroodClient is the top level entry point into the hatcher API.


Create a new API token for the current user.

Parameters:name (str) – The name for the new token.
Returns:token (dict) – Dict containing the token and its name.
create_organization(name, description)

Create a new organization called name with the description description.

  • name (str) – The name of the organization.
  • description (str) – The description of the organization.

Returns Organization


Delete the user’s named API token.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the token to delete.
classmethod from_session(url, session, api_version=0)

Create a BroodClient from a Brood URL and pre-configured requests.Session instance.

classmethod from_url(url, auth=None, verify_ssl=True, api_version=0)

Create a BroodClient from a Brood URL and authentication information.


List the metadata of user’s API tokens.


This does not list the actual token that can be used for authentication, just the metadata name, created and last_used.

Returns:tokens (list) – List of metadata for all of the user’s active tokens.

List all organizations in the brood server.


List all platforms supported by the Brood server.

Returns:platforms (list) – List of platform names.

List PEP425 Python Tags supported by the Brood server.

Parameters:list_all (bool) – If False (default), will only list the tags that correspond to an actual Python implementation and version. If True, list all possible tags.
Returns:tags (list) – List of Python tags.

Get an existing organization.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the organization.

Returns Organization

hatcher.errors module

exception hatcher.errors.ChecksumMismatchError

Bases: hatcher.errors.HatcherException

exception hatcher.errors.HatcherException

Bases: Exception

exception hatcher.errors.InvalidRuntime

Bases: hatcher.errors.HatcherException

exception hatcher.errors.MissingFilenameError

Bases: hatcher.errors.HatcherException

exception hatcher.errors.MissingPlatformError

Bases: hatcher.errors.HatcherException

hatcher.utils module

hatcher.utils.command_tree_option(*param_decls, **attrs)

A decorator to add the command tree option.

Adds an option –command-tree which prints the command tree for the given click command and exits.

This is based on the click’s version_option decorator.

class hatcher.utils.CommandTreeFormatter(indent_increment=4)

Bases: object

A helper to format the tree of click commands for printing on the console.


Add a command to the tree at the current indentation level.

format(ctx, click_command)

Build the command tree starting from the provided click_command.

This is a recursive function that traverses the tree of click commands.


Return the formatted tree as a string.


Context manager to control the indentation of the tree at the current command level.