High-Level API ============== .. py:module:: gssapi The high-level API contains three main classes for interacting with GSSAPI, representing the primary abstractions that GSSAPI provides: :class:`~gssapi.names.Name`, :class:`~gssapi.creds.Credentials`, and :class:`~gssapi.sec_contexts.SecurityContext`. .. note:: Classes in the high-level API inherit from the corresponding classes in the low-level API, and thus may be passed in to low-level API functions. .. warning:: All methods in both the high-level and low-level APIs may throw the generic :class:`GSSError` exception. Main Classes ------------ Names """"" .. automodule:: gssapi.names :members: :undoc-members: Credentials """"""""""" .. automodule:: gssapi.creds :members: :undoc-members: Security Contexts """"""""""""""""" .. automodule:: gssapi.sec_contexts :members: :undoc-members: Enums and Helper Classes ------------------------ The following enumerations from the low-level API are also used with the high-level API. For convienience, the are imported in the high-level API :mod:`gssapi` module: .. autoclass:: gssapi.NameType :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: gssapi.MechType :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. TODO(directxman12): Sphinx doesn't document enums properly yet, so we need to figure out how to document them. .. autoclass:: gssapi.RequirementFlag :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: gssapi.AddressType :show-inheritance: Similiarly, there are a couple classes from the low-level API that are imported into the high-level API module. These classes are less likely to be used directly by a user, but are returned by several methods: .. autoclass:: gssapi.OID :members: .. autoclass:: gssapi.IntEnumFlagSet :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Exceptions ---------- The high-level API can raise all of the exceptions that the low-level API can raise in addition to several other high-level-specific exceptions: .. automodule:: gssapi.exceptions :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :imported-members: Utilities --------- .. autofunction:: gssapi.set_encoding