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# Copyright (c) 2010 by Casey Duncan and contributors
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the MIT License
# A copy of the license should accompany this distribution.
"""Worlds are environments described by a configuration of components, systems and 
renderers. These parts describe the data, behavioral and presentation aspects
of the world respectively.

The world environment is the context within which entities exist. A typical
application consists of one or more worlds containing entities that evolve
over time and react to internal and external interaction.

See :ref:`an example of world configuration in the tutorial <tut-world-example>`.

__version__ = '$Id$'

import itertools
import pyglet
from pyglet import gl
from grease import mode
from grease.component import ComponentError
from grease.entity import Entity, ComponentEntitySet

[docs]class World(mode.Mode): """A coordinated collection of components, systems and entities A world is also a mode that may be pushed onto a :class:`grease.mode.Manager` :param step_rate: The rate of :meth:`step()` calls per second. :param master_clock: The :class:`pyglet.clock.Clock` interface used as the master clock that ticks the world's clock. This defaults to the main pyglet clock. """ components = None """:class:`ComponentParts` object containing all world components. :class:`grease.component.Component` objects define and contain all entity data """ systems = None """:class:`Parts` object containing all world systems. :class:`grease.System` objects define world and entity behavior """ renderers = None """:class:`Parts` object containing all world renderers. :class:`grease.Renderer` objects define world presentation """ entities = None """Set of all entities that exist in the world""" clock = None """:class:`pyglet.clock` interface for use by constituents of the world for scheduling """ time = None """Current clock time of the world, starts at 0 when the world is instantiated """ running = True """Flag to indicate that the world clock is running, advancing time and stepping the world. Set running to False to pause the world. """ def __init__(self, step_rate=60, master_clock=pyglet.clock, clock_factory=pyglet.clock.Clock): super(World, self).__init__(step_rate, master_clock, clock_factory) self.components = ComponentParts(self) = Parts(self) self.renderers = Parts(self) self.new_entity_id = itertools.count().next self.new_entity_id() # skip id 0 self.entities = WorldEntitySet(self) self._full_extent = EntityExtent(self, self.entities) self._extents = {} self.configure()
[docs] def configure(self): """Hook to configure the world after construction. This method is called immediately after the world is initialized. Override in a subclass to configure the world's components, systems, and renderers. The default implementation does nothing. """
[docs] def __getitem__(self, entity_class): """Return an :class:`EntityExtent` for the given entity class. This extent can be used to access the set of entities of that class in the world or to query these entities via their components. Examples:: world[MyEntity] world[...] :param entity_class: The entity class for the extent. May also be a tuple of entity classes, in which case the extent returned contains union of all entities of the classes in the world. May also be the special value ellipsis (``...``), which returns an extent containing all entities in the world. This allows you to conveniently query all entities using ``world[...]``. """ if isinstance(entity_class, tuple): entities = set() for cls in entity_class: if cls in self._extents: entities |= self._extents[cls].entities return EntityExtent(self, entities) elif entity_class is Ellipsis: return self._full_extent try: return self._extents[entity_class] except KeyError: extent = self._extents[entity_class] = EntityExtent(self, set()) return extent
[docs] def activate(self, manager): """Activate the world/mode for the given manager, if the world is already active, do nothing. This method is typically not used directly, it is called automatically by the mode manager when the world becomes active. The systems of the world are pushed onto `manager.event_dispatcher` so they can receive system events. :param manager: :class:`mode.BaseManager` instance """ if not for system in manager.event_dispatcher.push_handlers(system) super(World, self).activate(manager)
[docs] def deactivate(self, manager): """Deactivate the world/mode, if the world is not active, do nothing. This method is typically not used directly, it is called automatically by the mode manager when the world becomes active. Removes the system handlers from the `manager.event_dispatcher` :param manager: :class:`mode.BaseManager` instance """ for system in manager.event_dispatcher.remove_handlers(system) super(World, self).deactivate(manager)
[docs] def tick(self, dt): """Tick the mode's clock, but only if the world is currently running :param dt: The time delta since the last tick :type dt: float """ if self.running: super(World, self).tick(dt)
[docs] def step(self, dt): """Execute a time step for the world. Updates the world `time` and invokes the world's systems. Note that the specified time delta will be pinned to 10x the configured step rate. For example if the step rate is 60, then dt will be pinned at a maximum of 0.1666. This avoids pathological behavior when the time between steps goes much longer than expected. :param dt: The time delta since the last time step :type dt: float """ dt = min(dt, 10.0 / self.step_rate) for component in self.components: if hasattr(component, "step"): component.step(dt) for system in if hasattr(system, "step"): system.step(dt)
[docs] def on_draw(self, """Clear the current OpenGL context, reset the model/view matrix and invoke the `draw()` methods of the renderers in order """ gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) gl.glLoadIdentity() for renderer in self.renderers: renderer.draw()
class WorldEntitySet(set): """Entity set for a :class:`World`""" def __init__(self, world): = world def add(self, entity): """Add the entity to the set and all necessary class sets Return the unique entity id for the entity, creating one as needed. """ super(WorldEntitySet, self).add(entity) for cls in entity.__class__.__mro__: if issubclass(cls, Entity):[cls].entities.add(entity) def remove(self, entity): """Remove the entity from the set and, world components, and all necessary class sets """ super(WorldEntitySet, self).remove(entity) for component in try: del component[entity] except KeyError: pass for cls in entity.__class__.__mro__: if issubclass(cls, Entity):[cls].entities.discard(entity) def discard(self, entity): """Remove the entity from the set if it exists, if not, do nothing """ try: self.remove(entity) except KeyError: pass
[docs]class EntityExtent(object): """Encapsulates a set of entities queriable by component. Extents are accessed by using an entity class as a key on the :class:`World`:: extent = world[MyEntity] """ entities = None """The full set of entities in the extent""" def __init__(self, world, entities): self.__world = world self.entities = entities
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): """Return a queriable :class:`ComponentEntitySet` for the named component Example:: world[MyEntity].movement.velocity > (0, 0) Returns a set of entities where the value of the :attr:`velocity` field of the :attr:`movement` component is greater than ``(0, 0)``. """ component = getattr(self.__world.components, name) return ComponentEntitySet(component, self.entities & component.entities)
[docs]class Parts(object): """Maps world parts to attributes. The parts are kept in the order they are set. Parts may also be inserted out of order. Used for: - :attr:`` - :attr:`World.renderers` """ _world = None _parts = None _reserved_names = ('entities', 'entity_id', 'world') def __init__(self, world): self._world = world self._parts = [] def _validate_name(self, name): if (name in self._reserved_names or name.startswith('_') or hasattr(self.__class__, name)): raise ComponentError('illegal part name: %s' % name) return name def __setattr__(self, name, part): if not hasattr(self.__class__, name): self._validate_name(name) if not hasattr(self, name): self._parts.append(part) else: old_part = getattr(self, name) self._parts[self._parts.index(old_part)] = part super(Parts, self).__setattr__(name, part) if hasattr(part, 'set_world'): part.set_world(self._world) elif name.startswith("_"): super(Parts, self).__setattr__(name, part) else: raise AttributeError("%s attribute is read only" % name) def __delattr__(self, name): self._validate_name(name) part = getattr(self, name) self._parts.remove(part) super(Parts, self).__delattr__(name)
[docs] def insert(self, name, part, before=None, index=None): """Add a part with a particular name at a particular index. If a part by that name already exists, it is replaced. :arg name: The name of the part. :type name: str :arg part: The component, system, or renderer part to insert :arg before: A part object or name. If specified, the part is inserted before the specified part in order. :arg index: If specified, the part is inserted in the position specified. You cannot specify both before and index. :type index: int """ assert before is not None or index is not None, ( "Must specify a value for 'before' or 'index'") assert before is None or index is None, ( "Cannot specify both 'before' and 'index' arguments when inserting") self._validate_name(name) if before is not None: if isinstance(before, str): before = getattr(self, before) index = self._parts.index(before) if hasattr(self, name): old_part = getattr(self, name) self._parts.remove(old_part) self._parts.insert(index, part) super(Parts, self).__setattr__(name, part) if hasattr(part, 'set_world'): part.set_world(self._world)
def __iter__(self): """Iterate the parts in order""" return iter(tuple(self._parts)) def __len__(self): return len(self._parts)
[docs]class ComponentParts(Parts): """Maps world components to attributes. The components are kept in the order they are set. Components may also be inserted out of order. Used for: :attr:`World.components` """
[docs] def join(self, *component_names): """Join and iterate entity data from multiple components together. For each entity in all of the components named, yield a tuple containing the entity data from each component specified. This is useful in systems that pull data from multiple components. Typical Usage:: for position, movement in world.components.join("position", "movement"): # Do something with each entity's position and movement data """ if component_names: components = [getattr(self, self._validate_name(name)) for name in component_names] if len(components) > 1: entities = components[0].entities & components[1].entities for comp in components[2:]: entities &= comp.entities else: entities = components[0].entities for entity in entities: yield tuple(comp[entity] for comp in components)