Source code for ginsfsm.protocols.http.server.c_http_server

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
GObj :class:`GHttpServer`

.. autoclass:: GHttpServer

    import ssl  # Python 2.6+
except ImportError:
    ssl = None

from ginsfsm.gobj import GObj
from ginsfsm.c_srv_sock import GServerSock
from ginsfsm.protocols.http.server.c_http_clisrv import GHttpCliSrv

def ac_connected(self, event):
    """ New clisvr gsock (http channel):
    A new client http has been acepted.
    The new clisrv GSock, created by GServerSock is sending this event.
    gsock = event.source[-1]

    self._n_channel += 1
    clisrv = self.create_gobj(
        'channel_%x' % self._n_channel,
        subscriber=self.config.subscriber,  # TODO better to join two configs
    clisrv.subscribe_event(  # to delete the channel
    self.config.n_channels += 1

def ac_channel_closed(self, event):
    """ **Some** clisvr gsock closed, drop it.
    channel =
    self.post_event(self, 'EV_DESTROY_CHANNEL', channel=channel)

def ac_drop_httpchannel(self, event):
    """ It's better receive this event by post_event().
    channel =
    self._n_channel -= 1
    # the gsock is destroy in channel.ac_disconnected (GHttpCliSrv)
    self.config.n_channels -= 1

def ac_timeout(self, event):
    #print("Server's clients: %d, connected %d" % (
    #    len(self.dl_childs), self._n_channel))

    'event_list': (
        'EV_CONNECTED: bottom input',
        'EV_HTTP_CHANNEL_CLOSED: bottom input',
    'state_list': ('ST_IDLE',),
    'machine': {
            ('EV_TIMEOUT',              ac_timeout,             None),
            ('EV_CONNECTED',            ac_connected,           None),
            ('EV_HTTP_CHANNEL_CLOSED',  ac_channel_closed,      None),
            ('EV_DESTROY_CHANNEL',      ac_drop_httpchannel,    None),

    'subscriber': [
        None, None, 0, None,
        "subcriber of all output-events."
        "Default is ``None``, i.e., the parent"
    'host': [str, '', 0, None, "listening host"],
    'port': [int, 0, 0, None, "listening port"],
    'origins': [
        None, None, 0, None,
        "TODO:list of (host, port) tuples allowed to connect from"

    'expose_tracebacks': [
        bool, False, 0, None, "expose tracebacks of uncaught exceptions"
    'maximum_simultaneous_requests': [
        int, 0, 0, None,
        "maximum simultaneous requests. Default: 0, without limit."
    'identity': [
        str, 'ginsfsm', 0, None,
        "server identity (sent in Server: header)"
    'url_scheme': [str, 'http', 0, None, "default ``http`` value"],
    'inactivity_timeout': [
        int, 5 * 60 * 60, 0, None,
        "Inactivity timeout in seconds."
    'responseless_timeout': [
        int, 5 * 60 * 60, 0, None,
        "'Without response' timeout in seconds."
    # A tempfile should be created if the pending input is larger than
    # inbuf_overflow, which is measured in bytes. The default is 512K.  This
    # is conservative.
    'inbuf_overflow': [int, 524288, 0, None, ""],
    # maximum number of bytes of all request headers combined (256K default)
    'max_request_header_size': [int, 262144, 0, None, ""],
    # maximum number of bytes in request body (1GB default)
    'max_request_body_size': [int, 1073741824, 0, None, ""],
    'n_channels': [int, 0, 0, None, "Server stats, number of channels opened"],

[docs]class GHttpServer(GObj): """ Asynchronous Http Server gobj. In the startup, this class creates internally a server socket, gobj of :class:`ginsfsm.c_srv_sock.GServerSock` gclass. When a new client connects, a new :class:`ginsfsm.c_sock.GSock` gobj is created, receiving the EV_CONNECTED event. Then it creates a :class:`ginsfsm.protocols.http.server.c_http_clisrv.GHttpCliSrv` gobj that will process all the events of the GSock gobj. The output events of :class:`ginsfsm.protocols.http.server.c_http_clisrv.GHttpCliSrv` will be processed by ``subscriber`` gobj of this class. .. ginsfsm:: :fsm: GHTTPSERVER_FSM :gconfig: GHTTPSERVER_GCONFIG *Input-Events:* * :attr:`'EV_CONNECTED'`: new *clisrv*, client socket. The internal child :class:`ginsfsm.c_srv_sock.GServerSock` gobj has accepted a new socket connection, and it has created a new client gobj (*clisrv*) of :class:`ginsfsm.c_sock.GSock` gclass. This event has been sended by the new :class:`ginsfsm.c_sock.GSock` *clisrv* gobj. A new :class:`ginsfsm.protocols.http.server.c_http_clisrv.GHttpCliSrv` gobj is created, to process all the events of the GSock gobj. This class will be subscred to the ``'EV_HTTP_CHANNEL_CLOSED'`` event in order to destroy the GHttpCliSrv gobj. Event attributes: * ``peername``: remote address to which the socket is connected. * ``sockname``: the socket’s own address. * :attr:`'EV_HTTP_CHANNEL_CLOSED'`: http channel disconnected. The http server subcribes this event from clisrv gobj, in order to destroy it when became disconnected. """ def __init__(self): GObj.__init__(self, GHTTPSERVER_FSM, GHTTPSERVER_GCONFIG) self._n_channel = 0 def start_up(self): self.gserversock = self.create_gobj( if else 'sock-server', GServerSock, self, subscriber=self, # Iniatially capture all events from new clisrv., port=self.config.port, ) def _get_ssl_certificate(self, binary_form=False): """Returns the client's SSL certificate, if any. To use client certificates, the HTTPServer must have been constructed with cert_reqs set in ssl_options, e.g.:: server = HTTPServer(app, ssl_options=dict( certfile="foo.crt", keyfile="foo.key", cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ca_certs="cacert.crt")) By default, the return value is a dictionary (or None, if no client certificate is present). If ``binary_form`` is true, a DER-encoded form of the certificate is returned instead. See SSLSocket.getpeercert() in the standard library for more details. """ try: return binary_form=binary_form) except ssl.SSLError: return None