Source code for ginsfsm.examples.essential_gobjs.ongconnex

GObj :class:`OnGConnex`

Utility for check :class:`ginsfsm.c_connex.GConnex`.

Send a query to two url's alternatively.

How? send the query each 10 seconds, but set a timeout_inactivity of 5.
In each disconnection the next connection will switch between the
two destinations.

.. autoclass:: OnGConnex


import logging

from ginsfsm.gobj import GObj
from ginsfsm.gaplic import GAplic
from ginsfsm.c_timer import GTimer
from ginsfsm.c_connex import GConnex
from ginsfsm.utils import hexdump

QUERY = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" + \
    b"Host: www\r\n" + \

def ac_rx_data(self, event):
    data =['data']
    if self.config.verbose:
        print('Receiving %d bytes' % len(data))
        print(hexdump('<=', data))

def ac_timeout(self, event):
    self.send_event(self.connex, 'EV_SEND_DATA', data=QUERY)

    'event_list': (
        'EV_SET_TIMER: bottom output',
        'EV_TIMEOUT:bottom input',
        'EV_RX_DATA:bottom input',
    'state_list': ('ST_IDLE',),
    'machine': {
            ('EV_TIMEOUT',      ac_timeout,     'ST_IDLE'),
            ('EV_RX_DATA',      ac_rx_data,     'ST_IDLE'),

ONGCONNEX_GCONFIG = {  # type, default_value, flag, validate_function, desc
    'verbose': [int, 0, 0, None, "Increase output verbosity. Values [0,1,2]"],
    'url1': [str, '', 0, None, "Url one to connect."],
    'url2': [str, '', 0, None, "Url two to connect."],

[docs]class OnGConnex(GObj): """ OnGConnex GObj. .. ginsfsm:: :fsm: ONGCONNEX_FSM :gconfig: ONGCONNEX_GCONFIG *Input-Events:* * :attr:`'EV_TIMEOUT'`: Timer over. Start the machine. * :attr:`'EV_RX_DATA'`: Receiving data. Receiving data from urls. *Output-Events:* * :attr:`'EV_START_TIMER'`: Start timer. """ def __init__(self): GObj.__init__(self, ONGCONNEX_FSM, ONGCONNEX_GCONFIG)
[docs] def start_up(self): """ Initialization zone.""" self.timer = self.create_gobj( None, GTimer, self, ) self.connex = self.create_gobj( 'connex', GConnex, self, destinations=[ (self.config.url1, 80), (self.config.url2, 80), ], timeout_inactivity=5, # only want receive EV_RX_DATA event connected_event_name=None, disconnected_event_name=None, transmit_ready_event_name=None, ) self.set_timeout(5)
def set_timeout(self, seconds): self.send_event(self.timer, 'EV_SET_TIMER', seconds=seconds) def clear_timeout(self): self.send_event(self.timer, 'EV_SET_TIMER', seconds=-1)
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "url1", nargs='?', default='', help="First url to connect." ) parser.add_argument( "url2", nargs='?', default='', help="Second url to connect." ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", help="Increase output verbosity", type=int, choices=[0, 1, 2], default=1, ) args = parser.parse_args() local_conf = { 'GObj.trace_mach': True if args.verbose else False, 'GObj.logger': logging, } ga = GAplic(name='', roles='', **local_conf) ga.create_gobj( 'ongconnex', OnGConnex, ga, verbose=args.verbose, url1=args.url1, url2=args.url2, ) try: ga.start() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print('Program stopped')