Fork me on GitHub
                               gh_favs - Github Favorites

      A small script to clone and update all your watched GitHub projects

usage: gh_favs [-t DIR] [-i NAME] [-o] [-n] [-s STRATEGY] [-v] USER

positional arguments:
  USER                  Github user name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --target DIR      directory where the clones live
  -i, --ignore NAME [NAME ...]
                        repository names to be ignored
  -o, --add_own         clone own repositories, too
  -n, --no_docs         don't fetch origin/gh_pages
  -s, --strategy {subfolders,prefix,none}
                        how to handle name clashes, default is
  -v, --verbose         include Git status messages
  --version             show program's version number and exit

    Use easy_install:
    $ easy_install gh_favs
    or pip:
    $ pip install gh_favs
    The script should work just fine with Python 2.5 or newer, however not yet
    with Python 3. For Python 2.5 you need simplejson
    (<>) installed, for full CLI
    power argparse (both come packaged with Python 2.7).

About gh_favs:
    (C) 2011 Manuel Strehl, some rights reserved

    This code is online:

Conflict strategies:

    If you watch several forks of a project, the name of the forks is
    identical. To come around this issue when cloning all of them, there
    are several strategies, controlled by the --strategy flag:

    * subfolders: create one folder for each Github user and clone her
      repositories there
    * prefix: prefix double names with the corresponding user name:
      Abba's charts.git and Zappa's charts.git would end up as
      Abba-charts and Zappa-charts. Note that this is not future-proof.
      If you start watching a fork, the originally cloned repository
      will not be renamed
    * none: first come, first serve. Only the first of identical
      projects will be cloned / updated. All others will be ignored.

    This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    (GPL). See LICENSE for details.