Source code for google.pubsub.v1.publisher_api

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"""Accesses the google.pubsub.v1 Publisher API."""

import json
import os
import pkg_resources
import platform

from google.gax import api_callable
from google.gax import config
from google.gax import path_template
import google.gax

from google.pubsub.v1 import pubsub_pb2

_BundleDesc = google.gax.BundleDescriptor

_PageDesc = google.gax.PageDescriptor

[docs]class PublisherApi(object): """ The service that an application uses to manipulate topics, and to send messages to a topic. """ SERVICE_ADDRESS = '' """The default address of the service.""" DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT = 443 """The default port of the service.""" _CODE_GEN_NAME_VERSION = 'gapic/0.1.0' _GAX_VERSION = pkg_resources.get_distribution('google-gax').version _DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30 _PAGE_DESCRIPTORS = { 'list_topics': _PageDesc('page_token', 'next_page_token', 'topics'), 'list_topic_subscriptions': _PageDesc('page_token', 'next_page_token', 'subscriptions') } _BUNDLE_DESCRIPTORS = { 'publish': _BundleDesc('messages', [ 'topic' ], subresponse_field='message_ids', ) } # The scopes needed to make gRPC calls to all of the methods defined in # this service _ALL_SCOPES = ('', '', ) _PROJECT_PATH_TEMPLATE = path_template.PathTemplate('projects/{project}') _TOPIC_PATH_TEMPLATE = path_template.PathTemplate( 'projects/{project}/topics/{topic}') @classmethod
[docs] def project_path(cls, project): """Returns a fully-qualified project resource name string.""" return cls._PROJECT_PATH_TEMPLATE.render({'project': project, })
[docs] def topic_path(cls, project, topic): """Returns a fully-qualified topic resource name string.""" return cls._TOPIC_PATH_TEMPLATE.render({ 'project': project, 'topic': topic, })
[docs] def match_project_from_project_name(cls, project_name): """Parses the project from a project resource. Args: project_name (string): A fully-qualified path representing a project resource. Returns: A string representing the project. """ return cls._PROJECT_PATH_TEMPLATE.match(project_name).get('project')
[docs] def match_project_from_topic_name(cls, topic_name): """Parses the project from a topic resource. Args: topic_name (string): A fully-qualified path representing a topic resource. Returns: A string representing the project. """ return cls._TOPIC_PATH_TEMPLATE.match(topic_name).get('project')
[docs] def match_topic_from_topic_name(cls, topic_name): """Parses the topic from a topic resource. Args: topic_name (string): A fully-qualified path representing a topic resource. Returns: A string representing the topic. """ return cls._TOPIC_PATH_TEMPLATE.match(topic_name).get('topic')
def __init__(self, service_path=SERVICE_ADDRESS, port=DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT, channel=None, metadata_transformer=None, ssl_creds=None, scopes=None, client_config=None, timeout=_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, app_name='gax', app_version=_GAX_VERSION): """Constructor. Args: service_path (string): The domain name of the API remote host. port (int): The port on which to connect to the remote host. channel (:class:`grpc.beta.implementations.Channel`): A ``Channel`` object through which to make calls. ssl_creds (:class:`grpc.beta.implementations.ClientCredentials`): A `ClientCredentials` for use with an SSL-enabled channel. client_config (dict): A dictionary for call options for each method. See :func:`google.gax.construct_settings` for the structure of this data. Falls back to the default config if not specified or the specified config is missing data points. metadata_transformer (Callable[[], list]): A function that creates the metadata for requests. timeout (int): The default timeout, in seconds, for calls made through this client app_name (string): The codename of the calling service. app_version (string): The version of the calling service. Returns: A PublisherApi object. """ if scopes is None: scopes = self._ALL_SCOPES if client_config is None: client_config = {} goog_api_client = '{}/{} {} gax/{} python/{}'.format( app_name, app_version, self._CODE_GEN_NAME_VERSION, self._GAX_VERSION, platform.python_version()) metadata = [('x-goog-api-client', goog_api_client)] default_client_config = json.loads(pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, 'publisher_client_config.json')) defaults = api_callable.construct_settings( 'google.pubsub.v1.Publisher', default_client_config, client_config, config.STATUS_CODE_NAMES, timeout, kwargs={'metadata': metadata}, bundle_descriptors=self._BUNDLE_DESCRIPTORS, page_descriptors=self._PAGE_DESCRIPTORS) self.stub = config.create_stub( pubsub_pb2.beta_create_Publisher_stub, service_path, port, ssl_creds=ssl_creds, channel=channel, metadata_transformer=metadata_transformer, scopes=scopes) self._create_topic = api_callable.create_api_call( self.stub.CreateTopic, settings=defaults['create_topic']) self._publish = api_callable.create_api_call( self.stub.Publish, settings=defaults['publish']) self._get_topic = api_callable.create_api_call( self.stub.GetTopic, settings=defaults['get_topic']) self._list_topics = api_callable.create_api_call( self.stub.ListTopics, settings=defaults['list_topics']) self._list_topic_subscriptions = api_callable.create_api_call( self.stub.ListTopicSubscriptions, settings=defaults['list_topic_subscriptions']) self._delete_topic = api_callable.create_api_call( self.stub.DeleteTopic, settings=defaults['delete_topic']) # Service calls
[docs] def create_topic(self, name, options=None): """ Creates the given topic with the given name. Example: >>> from google.pubsub.v1.publisher_api import PublisherApi >>> api = PublisherApi() >>> name = api.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]') >>> response = api.create_topic(name) Args: name (string): The name of the topic. It must have the format ``"projects/{project}/topics/{topic}"``. ``{topic}`` must start with a letter, and contain only letters (``[A-Za-z]``), numbers (``[0-9]``), dashes (``-``), underscores (``_``), periods (``.``), tildes (``~``), plus (``+``) or percent signs (``%``). It must be between 3 and 255 characters in length, and it must not start with ``"goog"``. options (:class:`google.gax.CallOptions`): Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries etc. Returns: A :class:`google.pubsub.v1.pubsub_pb2.Topic` instance. Raises: :exc:`google.gax.errors.GaxError` if the RPC is aborted. """ request = pubsub_pb2.Topic(name=name) return self._create_topic(request, options)
[docs] def publish(self, topic, messages, options=None): """ Adds one or more messages to the topic. Returns ``NOT_FOUND`` if the topic does not exist. The message payload must not be empty; it must contain either a non-empty data field, or at least one attribute. Example: >>> from google.pubsub.v1.publisher_api import PublisherApi >>> from google.pubsub.v1 import pubsub_pb2 >>> api = PublisherApi() >>> topic = api.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]') >>> data = '' >>> messages_element = pubsub_pb2.PubsubMessage(data) >>> messages = [messages_element] >>> response = api.publish(topic, messages) Args: topic (string): The messages in the request will be published on this topic. messages (list[:class:`google.pubsub.v1.pubsub_pb2.PubsubMessage`]): The messages to publish. options (:class:`google.gax.CallOptions`): Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries etc. Returns: A :class:`google.pubsub.v1.pubsub_pb2.PublishResponse` instance. Raises: :exc:`google.gax.errors.GaxError` if the RPC is aborted. """ request = pubsub_pb2.PublishRequest(topic=topic, messages=messages) return self._publish(request, options)
[docs] def get_topic(self, topic, options=None): """ Gets the configuration of a topic. Example: >>> from google.pubsub.v1.publisher_api import PublisherApi >>> api = PublisherApi() >>> topic = api.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]') >>> response = api.get_topic(topic) Args: topic (string): The name of the topic to get. options (:class:`google.gax.CallOptions`): Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries etc. Returns: A :class:`google.pubsub.v1.pubsub_pb2.Topic` instance. Raises: :exc:`google.gax.errors.GaxError` if the RPC is aborted. """ request = pubsub_pb2.GetTopicRequest(topic=topic) return self._get_topic(request, options)
[docs] def list_topics(self, project, page_size=0, options=None): """ Lists matching topics. Example: >>> from google.pubsub.v1.publisher_api import PublisherApi >>> from google.gax import CallOptions, INITIAL_PAGE >>> api = PublisherApi() >>> project = api.project_path('[PROJECT]') >>> >>> # Iterate over all results >>> for element in api.list_topics(project): >>> # process element >>> pass >>> >>> # Or iterate over results one page at a time >>> for page in api.list_topics(project, options=CallOptions(page_token=INITIAL_PAGE)): >>> for element in page: >>> # process element >>> pass Args: project (string): The name of the cloud project that topics belong to. page_size (int): Maximum number of topics to return. options (:class:`google.gax.CallOptions`): Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries etc. Returns: A :class:`google.gax.PageIterator` instance. By default, this is an iterable of :class:`google.pubsub.v1.pubsub_pb2.Topic` instances. This object can also be configured to iterate over the pages of the response through the `CallOptions` parameter. Raises: :exc:`google.gax.errors.GaxError` if the RPC is aborted. """ request = pubsub_pb2.ListTopicsRequest(project=project, page_size=page_size) return self._list_topics(request, options)
[docs] def list_topic_subscriptions(self, topic, page_size=0, options=None): """ Lists the name of the subscriptions for this topic. Example: >>> from google.pubsub.v1.publisher_api import PublisherApi >>> from google.gax import CallOptions, INITIAL_PAGE >>> api = PublisherApi() >>> topic = api.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]') >>> >>> # Iterate over all results >>> for element in api.list_topic_subscriptions(topic): >>> # process element >>> pass >>> >>> # Or iterate over results one page at a time >>> for page in api.list_topic_subscriptions(topic, options=CallOptions(page_token=INITIAL_PAGE)): >>> for element in page: >>> # process element >>> pass Args: topic (string): The name of the topic that subscriptions are attached to. page_size (int): Maximum number of subscription names to return. options (:class:`google.gax.CallOptions`): Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries etc. Returns: A :class:`google.gax.PageIterator` instance. By default, this is an iterable of string instances. This object can also be configured to iterate over the pages of the response through the `CallOptions` parameter. Raises: :exc:`google.gax.errors.GaxError` if the RPC is aborted. """ request = pubsub_pb2.ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest(topic=topic, page_size=page_size) return self._list_topic_subscriptions(request, options)
[docs] def delete_topic(self, topic, options=None): """ Deletes the topic with the given name. Returns ``NOT_FOUND`` if the topic does not exist. After a topic is deleted, a new topic may be created with the same name; this is an entirely new topic with none of the old configuration or subscriptions. Existing subscriptions to this topic are not deleted, but their ``topic`` field is set to ``_deleted-topic_``. Example: >>> from google.pubsub.v1.publisher_api import PublisherApi >>> api = PublisherApi() >>> topic = api.topic_path('[PROJECT]', '[TOPIC]') >>> api.delete_topic(topic) Args: topic (string): Name of the topic to delete. options (:class:`google.gax.CallOptions`): Overrides the default settings for this call, e.g, timeout, retries etc. Raises: :exc:`google.gax.errors.GaxError` if the RPC is aborted. """ request = pubsub_pb2.DeleteTopicRequest(topic=topic) self._delete_topic(request, options)