FreeSAS Package

class freesas.model.SASModel(molecule=None)

Tools for Dummy Atoms Model manipulation

Calculate the invariants of the structure:
  • fineness, ie. average distance between an atoms and its nearest neighbor
  • radius of gyration of the model
  • diameter of the model
Return invariants:
 3-tuple containing (fineness, Rg, Dmax)

Save the 6 canonical parameters of the initial molecule: x0, y0, z0, the position of the center of mass phi, theta, psi, the three Euler angles of the canonical rotation (axis:x,y’,z’‘)


Calculate the rotation matrix to align inertia momentum of the molecule on principal axis.

Return rot:rotation matrix det==1

Calculate the translation matrix to translate the center of mass of the molecule on the origin of the base.

Return trans:translation matrix

Calculate the position of the center of mass of the molecule.

 1d array, coordinates of the center of mass of the molecule
dist(other, molecule1, molecule2, use_cython=True)

Calculate the distance with another model.

  • self,other – two SASModel
  • molecule1 – 2d array of the position of each atom of the first molecule
  • molecule2 – 2d array of the position of each atom of the second molecule
Return D:

NSD between the 2 molecules, in their position molecule1 and molecule2

dist_after_movement(param, other, symmetry)

The first molecule, molref, is put on its canonical position. The second one, mol2, is moved following the transformation selected

  • param – list of 6 parameters for the transformation, 3 coordinates of translation and 3 Euler angles
  • symmetry – list of three constants which define a symmetry to apply
Return distance:

the NSD between the first molecule and the second one after its movement


calculate the inertia tensor of the protein

Return self.inertensor:
 inertia tensor of the molecule

Read the PDB file, extract coordinates of each dummy atom, extract the R-factor of the model, coordinates of each dummy atom and pdb file header.

Parameters:filename – name of the pdb file to read

Save the position of each dummy atom in a PDB file.

Parameters:filename – name of the pdb file to write
transform(param, symmetry, reverse=None)

Calculate the new coordinates of each dummy atoms of the molecule after a transformation defined by six parameters and a symmetry

  • param – 6 parameters of transformation (3 coordinates of translation, 3 Euler angles)
  • symmetry – list of three constants which define a symmetry to apply
Return mol:

2d array, coordinates after transformation

freesas.model.delta_expand(vec1, vec2)

Create a 2d array with the difference vec1[i]-vec2[j]

Parameters:vec2 (vec1,) – 1d-array
Return v1 - v2:difference for any element of v1 and v2 (i.e a 2D array)
class freesas.align.AlignModels(files, slow=True, enantiomorphs=True)

Used to align DAM from pdb files


Align two models using the first one as reference. The aligned models are save in pdb files.

Return dist:NSD after alignment

Align all models in self.models with the reference one. The aligned models are saved in pdb files (names in list self.outputfiles)

alignment_sym(reference, molecule)

Apply 8 combinations to the molecule and select the one which minimize the distance between it and the reference.

  • reference – SASModel, the one which do not move
  • molecule – SASModel, the one wich has to be aligned
Return combinaison:

best symmetry to minimize NSD

Return p:

transformation parameters optimized if slow is true, unoptimized else


Create SASModels from pdb files saved in self.inputfiles and saved them in self.models. Center of mass, inertia tensor and canonical parameters are computed for each SASModel.

Return self.models:
 list of SASModel

Find the reference model among the models aligned. The reference model is the one with lower average NSD with other models.

Return ref_number:
 position of the reference model in the list self.models

Calculate the NSD correlation table and save it in self.arrayNSD

Return self.arrayNSD:
 2d array, NSD correlation table
optimize(reference, molecule, symmetry)

Use scipy.optimize to optimize transformation parameters to minimize NSD

  • reference – SASmodel
  • molecule – SASmodel
  • symmetry – 3-list of +/-1
Return p:

transformation parameters optimized

Return dist:

NSD after optimization

plotNSDarray(rmax=None, filename=None, save=False)

Create a png file with the table of NSD and the average NSD for each model. A threshold is computed to segregate good models and the ones to exclude.

  • rmax – threshold of R factor for the validity of a model
  • filename – filename for the figure, default to nsd.png
  • save – save automatically the figure if True, else show it
Return fig:

the wanted figures

class freesas.align.InputModels

Create SASModels from pdb files saved in self.inputfiles and saved them in self.models. Center of mass, inertia tensor and canonical parameters are computed for each SASModel.

Parameters:molecule – optional 2d array, coordinates of the atoms for the model to create
Return self.models:
 list of SASModel

Check if each model respect the limit for the R-factor

Return self.validmodels:
 1d array, 0 for a non valid model, else 1

Calculation the maximal value for the R-factors, which is the mean of all the R-factors of inputs plus 2 times the standard deviation. R-factors are saved in the attribute self.rfactors, 1d array, and in percentage.

Return rmax:maximal value for the R-factor
rfactorplot(filename=None, save=False)

Create a png file with the table of R factor for each model. A threshold is computed to discarded models with Rfactor>Rmax.

  • filename – filename for the figure, default to Rfactor.png
  • save – save automatically the figure if True, else show it
Return fig:

the wanted figures

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