
Bootstrap template

Formica provides a Bootstrap ready template. All you have to do is to call the formica/bootstrap/base_form.html template with {% form %} tag:

{% form "formica/bootstrap/base_form.html" %}
{% endform %}

You can use the following tags (and blocks).

Basic layout

You can render a basic form layout with {% fields %} with default block:

{% fields "field1 field2" %}

Horizontal layout

To renders all fields with labels floating on left side, you have to use {% fields %} with horizontal block name.

{% fields "field1 field2" "horizontal" %}

You can set {{ label_cols }} and {{ control_cols }} to set the grid classes for labels and controls.

With basic and horizontal style, you can also set {{ wrapper_class }} to add a class to .form-group HTML block.

Regrouped fields

To group all fields on a single line, use {{ fields }} with regrouped block name. You can set a {{ label }} variable to add a label.

{% fields "field1 field2" "regrouped" label="optional label" %}

Template filters

Formica provides template filters mostly borrowed from django-crispy-forms.


Returns True if field’s widget is a <input> tag, except checkboxe, radio or file.


Returns True if field’s widget is a textarea (forms.Textarea).


Returns True if field’s widget is a select box.


Returns True if field’s widget is a checkbox (forms.CheckboxInput).


Returns True if field’s widget is a password input (forms.PasswordInput).


Returns True if field’s widget is a radio select choice (forms.RadioSelect).


Returns True if field’s widget is a multiple checkbox select (forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple).


Return True if field’s widget is a file input (forms.FileInput).


This filter applies on a field list and returns True if any one of them has errors.


This filter applies on a field list and returns True if any one of them is required.

Demonstration project

Formica provides a demonstration project, allowing you to see how it looks and how it works with various templates. Here’s how to run it.

First, clone the project (prefer a virtual environment):

git clone https://github.com/olivier-m/formica.git

Then install formica:

cd formica
pip install -e .

Run the demonstration project:

cd demo-project
python manage.py runserver

You’ll find all needed sources in demo-project directory.