FogBugzORM Extended Interface

fborm Module Documentation

class fborm.FogBugzORM(hostname, token=None, username=None, password=None, namemap={})[source]

FogBugzORM Class Interface Documentation

logon(username=None, password=None, logoff=True)[source]
generate_token(username=None, password=None)[source]
listCustomFieldNames(sample_bugs='1, 2, 3')[source]

Wrapper around fborm.ext.listCustomFieldNames() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

listAllPeople(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.ext.listAllPeople() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.


Wrapper around fborm.commands.listFilters() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.


Wrapper around fborm.commands.setCurrentFilter() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

This extends the normal inerface to accept multiple types of objects for the filter argument.

search(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically. The keyword argument namemap, if not supplied, will be set to the the namemap member supplied durring construction.

new(bug, bugtype, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically. The keyword argument namemap, if not supplied, will be set to the the namemap member supplied durring construction.

edit(bug, bugtype, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.edit() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically. The keyword argument namemap, if not supplied, will be set to the the namemap member supplied durring construction.

resolve(bug, bugtype, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.resolve() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically. The keyword argument namemap, if not supplied, will be set to the the namemap member supplied durring construction.

close(bug, bugtype, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.resolve() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically. The keyword argument namemap, if not supplied, will be set to the the namemap member supplied durring construction.

listTags(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.listTags() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

viewProject(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.viewProject() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

listProjects(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.listProjects() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

viewArea(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.viewArea() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

listAreas(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.listAreas() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

viewCategory(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.viewCategory() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

listCategories(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.listCategories() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

viewPriority(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.viewPriority() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

listPriorities(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.listPriorities() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

viewPerson(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.viewPerson() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

listPeople(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.listPeople() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

viewStatus(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.viewStatus() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

listStatuses(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.listStatuses() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

viewFixFor(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.viewFixFor() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

viewMilestone(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.viewMilestone() which is an alias for fborm.commands.viewFixFor() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

listFixFors(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.listFixFors() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

listMilestones(*args, **kwdargs)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.listMilestones() which is an alias for fborm.commands.listFixFors() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

subscribe(ixBug, ixPerson=None)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.subscribe() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

unsubscribe(ixBug, ixPerson=None)[source]

Wrapper around fborm.commands.unsubscribe() . The first argument, the fogbugz instance, is supplied automatically.

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