Source code for fborm.commands

""".. _commands:

FogBugz XML API Command Wrappers 

Performance Implications

.. _fborm.commands:

fborm.commands Module Documentation
from . import objects
from . import parse
from . import util
import re
[docs]def listFilters(fb, sort_by=None): """ """ res = fb.listFilters() return parse.extract_all(res.filters, objects.fbFilter, {}, sort_by)
[docs]def setCurrentFilter(fb, filter): """ """ if isinstance(filter, (int, long)): fb.setCurrentFilter(sFilter=str(filter)) elif isinstance(filter, basestring): fb.setCurrentFilter(sFilter=str(filter)) elif hasattr(filter, has_key) and filter.has_key('sFilter'): ## This is a special test that will work with dicts, jsontrees, and ## BeautifulSoup elements which are very particular on how you look ## up attributes. The 'in' keyword, get, and hasattr have been ## overloaded and should be avoided. fb.setCurrentFilter(filter['sFilter']) else: fb.setCurrentFilter(sFilter=filter)
[docs]def new(fb, bug, bugtype, namemap={}, **args): if 'cols' in args: raise ValueError("You can not specify the 'cols' argument.") if bug is None: bug = {} case = bug if args: case = dict(bug) case.update(args) res ='ixBug', **parse.fbargs(case, bugtype, namemap)) return parse.extract(res, objects.fbBug_ixBug).ixBug
def _edit(editcall, fb, bug, bugtype, namemap, args): cols = args.get('cols', None) if cols: cols_set = set(util.comma_or_space_split(cols)) missing = cols_set - set(bugtype.iterkeys()) if missing: raise ValueError( "The following 'cols' entries do not have defined types: " + ', '.join(missing)) colstype = dict((cn, bugtype[cn]) for cn in cols_set) cols = parse.keys2cols(colstype, namemap) args['cols'] = cols if bug is None: bug = {} case = bug if args: case = dict(bug) case.update(args) res = editcall(**parse.fbargs(case, bugtype, namemap)) if not cols: return None return parse.extract(res, colstype, namemap)
[docs]def edit(fb, bug, bugtype, namemap={}, **args): return _edit(fb.edit, fb, bug, bugtype, namemap, args)
[docs]def resolve(fb, bug, bugtype, namemap={}, **args): return _edit(fb.resolve, fb, bug, bugtype, namemap, args)
[docs]def close(fb, bug, bugtype, namemap={}, **args): return _edit(fb.close, fb, bug, bugtype, namemap, args)
[docs]def listTags(fb, tagtype=objects.fbTag, sort_by=None): """listTags(fb, tagtype=fborm.objects.fbTag, sort_by=None) :arg dict tagtype: fborm Api typemap. Defaults to :py:data:`fborm.objects.fbTag`. """ return parse.extract_all(fb.listTags().tags, tagtype, {}, sort_by)
[docs]def viewProject(fb, projecttype=objects.fbProject, ixProject=None, sProject=None): """viewProject(fb, projecttype=fborm.objects.fbProject, \ ixProject=None, sProject=None) Hello to the documentation. """ if (not ixProject and not sProject) or (ixProject and sProject): raise ValueError('Must supply ixProject or sProject') if ixProject: res = fb.viewProject(ixProject=ixProject) if sProject: res = fb.viewProject(sProject=sProject) return parse.extract(res, projecttype)
[docs]def listProjects(fb, projecttype=objects.fbProject, ixProject=None, fWrite=None, fIncludeDeleted=None, sort_by=('ixProject', 'ixArea')): """listProjects(fb, projecttype=fborm.objects.fbProject, \ ixProject=None, fWrite=None, fIncludeDeleted=None, \ sort_by=('ixProject', 'ixArea')) """ args = {} if ixProject: args['ixProject'] = ixProject if fWrite: args['fWrite'] = 1 if fIncludeDeleted: args['fIncludeDeleted'] = 1 res = fb.listProjects(**args) projects = parse.extract_all(res.projects, projecttype, {}, sort_by) return projects
[docs]def viewArea(fb, areatype=objects.fbArea, ixArea=None, ixProject=None, sArea=None): """viewArea(fb, areatype=fborm.objects.fbArea, \ ixArea=None, ixProject=None, sArea=None) """ if ((not ixArea and (not ixProject or not sArea)) or ixArea and (ixProject or sProject)): raise ValueError('Must supply ixArea or (ixProject and sArea)') if ixArea: res = fb.viewArea(ixArea=ixArea) else: res = fb.viewArea(sArea=sArea, ixProject=ixProject) return parse.extract(res, areatype)
[docs]def listAreas(fb, areatype=objects.fbArea, ixProject=None, ixArea=None, fWrite=None, sort_by=('ixProject', 'ixArea')): """listAreas(fb, areatype=fborm.objects.fbArea, \ ixProject=None, ixArea=None, fWrite=None, \ sort_by=('ixProject', 'ixArea')) """ args = {} if ixProject: args['ixProject'] = ixProject if ixArea: args['ixArea'] = ixArea if fWrite: args['fWrite'] = 1 res = fb.listAreas(**args) areas = parse.extract_all(res.areas, areatype, {}, sort_by) return areas
[docs]def viewCategory(fb, ixCategory, categorytype=objects.fbCategory): """viewCategory(fb, ixCategory, categorytype=fborm.objects.fbCategory) """ res = fb.viewCategory(ixCategory=ixCategory) return parse.extract(res, categorytype)
[docs]def listCategories(fb, categorytype=objects.fbCategory, sort_by='ixCategory'): """listCategories(fb, categorytype=fborm.objects.fbCategory, \ sort_by='ixCategory') """ res = fb.listCategories() return parse.extract_all(res.categories, categorytype, {}, sort_by)
[docs]def viewPriority(fb, ixPriority, prioritytype=objects.fbPriority): """viewPriority(fb, ixPriority, prioritytype=fborm.objects.fbPriority) """ res = fb.viewPriority(ixPriority=ixPriority) return parse.extract(res, prioritytype)
[docs]def listPriorities(fb, prioritytype=objects.fbPriority, sort_by='ixPriority'): """listPriorities(fb, prioritytype=fborm.objects.fbPriority, \ sort_by='ixPriority') """ res = fb.listPriorities() return parse.extract_all(res.priorities, prioritytype, {}, sort_by)
[docs]def viewPerson(fb, persontype=objects.fbPerson, ixPerson=None, sEmail=None): """viewPerson(fb, persontype=fborm.objects.fbPerson, \ ixPerson=None, sEmail=None) """ if (not ixPerson and not sEmail) or (ixPerson and sEmail): raise ValueError('Must supply ixPerson or sEmail') if ixProject: res = fb.viewPerson(ixPerson=ixPerson) if sProject: res = fb.viewPerson(sEmail=sEmail) return parse.extract(res, persontype)
[docs]def listPeople(fb, persontype=objects.fbPerson, fIncludeDeleted=None, fIncludeVirtual=None, fIncludeNormal=None, fIncludeActive=None, fIncludeCommunity=None, sort_by=None): """listPeople(fb, persontype=fborm.objects.fbPerson, \ fIncludeDeleted=None, fIncludeVirtual=None, \ fIncludeNormal=None, fIncludeActive=None, \ fIncludeCommunity=None, sort_by=None) """ args = {} ## we can not use truth testing because some of these default to 1 in the ## api if not supplied. So blanket test to see if it was set away from ## None instead of guessing a default that can change on the server. if fIncludeDeleted is not None: args['fIncludeDeleted'] = int(bool(fIncludeDeleted)) if fIncludeVirtual is not None: args['fIncludeVirtual'] = int(bool(fIncludeVirtual)) if fIncludeActive is not None: args['fIncludeActive'] = int(bool(fIncludeActive)) if fIncludeCommunity is not None: args['fIncludeCommunity'] = int(bool(fIncludeCommunity)) if fIncludeNormal is not None: args['fIncludeNormal'] = int(bool(fIncludeNormal)) res = fb.listPeople(**args) return parse.extract_all(res.people, persontype, {}, sort_by)
[docs]def viewStatus(fb, statustype=objects.fbStatus, ixStatus=None, ixCategory=None, sStatus=None): """viewStatus(fb, statustype=fborm.objects.fbStatus, \ ixStatus=None, ixCategory=None, sStatus=None) """ if ((not ixStatus and (not ixCategory or not sStatus)) or ixStatus and (ixCategory or sStatus)): raise ValueError('Must supply ixStatus or (ixCategory and sStatus)') if ixStatus: res = fb.viewStatus(ixStatus=ixStatus) else: res = fb.viewStatus(sStatus=sStatus, ixCategory=ixCategory) return parse.extract(res, statustype)
[docs]def listStatuses(fb, statustype=objects.fbStatus, ixCategory=None, fResolved=None, sort_by=('ixCategory', 'iOrder')): """listStatuses(fb, statustype=fborm.objects.fbStatus, \ ixCategory=None, fResolved=None, \ sort_by=('ixCategory', 'iOrder')) """ args = {} if ixCategory: args['ixCategory'] = ixCategory if fResolved: args['fResolved'] = 1 res = fb.listStatuses(**args) return parse.extract_all(res.statuses, statustype, {}, sort_by)
[docs]def viewFixFor(fb, fixfortype=objects.fbFixFor, ixFixFor=None, ixProject=None, sFixFor=None): """viewFixFor(fb, fixfortype=fborm.objects.fbFixFor, \ ixFixFor=None, ixProject=None, sFixFor=None) """ if ((not ixFixFor and (not ixProject or not sFixFor)) or ixFixFor and (ixProject or sFixFor)): raise ValueError('Must supply ixFixFor or (ixProject and sFixFor)') if ixFixFor: res = fb.viewFixFor(ixFixFor=ixFixFor) else: res = fb.viewFixFor(sFixFor=sFixFor, ixProject=ixProject) return parse.extract(res, fixfortype)
[docs]def viewMilestone(*args, **kwdargs): """viewMilestone(fb, fixfortype=fborm.objects.fbFixFor, \ ixFixFor=None, ixProject=None, sFixFor=None) alias of :py:func:`fborm.commands.viewFixFor` """ return viewFixFor(*args, **kwdargs)
[docs]def listFixFors(fb, fixfortype=objects.fbFixFor, ixProject=None, ixFixFor=None, fIncludeDeleted=None, fIncludeReallyDeleted=None, sort_by='ixProject'): """listFixFors(fb, fixfortype=fborm.objects.fbFixFor, \ ixProject=None, ixFixFor=None, fIncludeDeleted=None, \ fIncludeReallyDeleted=None, \ sort_by='ixProject') """ args = {} if ixProject: args['ixProject'] = ixProject if ixFixFor: args['ixFixFor'] = ixFixFor if fIncludeDeleted: args['fIncludeDeleted'] = 1 if fIncludeReallyDeleted: args['fIncludeReallyDeleted'] = 1 res = fb.listFixFors(**args) return parse.extract_all(res.fixfors, fixfortype, {}, sort_by)
[docs]def listMilestones(*args, **kwdargs): """listMilestones(fb, fixfortype=fborm.objects.fbFixFor, \ ixProject=None, ixFixFor=None, fIncludeDeleted=None, \ fIncludeReallyDeleted=None, \ sort_by='ixProject')) alias of :py:func:`fborm.commands.listFixFors` """ return listFixFors(*args, **kwdargs)
[docs]def subscribe(fb, ixBug, ixPerson=None): """subscribe(fb, ixBug, ixPerson=None) To subscribe someone else, you must be logged in as an administrator and supply ixPerson. """ if ixPerson is None: return fb.subscribe(ixBug=ixBug) else: return fb.subscribe(ixBug=ixBug, ixPerson=ixPerson)
[docs]def unsubscribe(fb, ixBug, ixPerson=None): """subscribe(fb, ixBug, ixPerson=None) To unsubscribe someone else, you must be logged in as an administrator and supply ixPerson. """ if ixPerson is None: return fb.unsubscribe(ixBug=ixBug) else: return fb.unsubscribe(ixBug=ixBug, ixPerson=ixPerson)