Source code for filetool.winzip

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A data/file compress utility module. You can easily programmatically add files
and directorys to zip archives. And compress arbitrary binary content.

- :func:`zip_a_folder`: add folder to archive.
- :func:`zip_everything_in_a_folder`: add everything in a folder to archive.
- :func:`zip_many_files`: Add many files to a zip archive.
- :func:`write_gzip`: Write binary content to gzip file.
- :func:`read_gzip`: Read binary content from gzip file.



- :func:`zip_a_folder`: 将目录添加到压缩包。
- :func:`zip_everything_in_a_folder`: 将目录内的所有文件添加到压缩包。
- :func:`zip_many_files`: 将多个文件添加到压缩包。
- :func:`write_gzip`: 将二进制数据写入文件, 例如python pickle, bytes string。
- :func:`read_gzip`: 读取解压后的二进制数据内容。

注: python中zipfile包自带的ZipFile方法的用法如下:


    with ZipFile("", "w") as f:

其中path是文件路径。 如果path是文件夹, 并不会将文件夹内所有的文件添加到压缩包中。


比如你有一个路径 ``C:\download\readme.txt``, 如果当前路径是 ``C:\``,
而此时你将 ``readme.txt`` 添加到压缩包时则是在压缩包内添加一个: ``download\readme.txt``,
如果当前路径是 ``C:\download\``, 则在压缩包内添加的路径则是: ``readme.txt``

from __future__ import print_function

import os
from zipfile import ZipFile

[docs]def zip_a_folder(src, dst): """Add a folder and everything inside to zip archive. Example:: |---paper |--- algorithm.pdf |--- images |--- 1.jpg zip_a_folder("paper", "") |---paper |--- algorithm.pdf |--- images |--- 1.jpg **中文文档** 将整个文件夹添加到压缩包, 包括根目录本身。 """ if os.path.exists(dst): print("destination '%s' already exist." % dst) return src, dst = os.path.abspath(src), os.path.abspath(dst) cwd = os.getcwd() todo = list() dirname, basename = os.path.split(src) os.chdir(dirname) for dirname, _, fnamelist in os.walk(basename): for fname in fnamelist: newname = os.path.join(dirname, fname) todo.append(newname) with ZipFile(dst, "w") as f: for newname in todo: f.write(newname) os.chdir(cwd)
[docs]def zip_everything_in_a_folder(src, dst): """Add everything in a folder except the root folder it self to zip archive. Example:: |---paper |--- algorithm.pdf |--- images |--- 1.jpg zip_everything_in_folder("paper", "") |--- algorithm.pdf |--- images |--- 1.jpg **中文文档** 将目录内部的所有文件添加到压缩包, 不包括根目录本身。 """ if os.path.exists(dst): print("destination '%s' already exist." % dst) return src, dst = os.path.abspath(src), os.path.abspath(dst) cwd = os.getcwd() todo = list() os.chdir(src) for dirname, _, fnamelist in os.walk(os.getcwd()): for fname in fnamelist: newname = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirname, fname), src) todo.append(newname) with ZipFile(dst, "w") as f: for newname in todo: f.write(newname) os.chdir(cwd)
[docs]def zip_many_files(list_of_abspath, dst): """Add many files to a zip archive. **中文文档** 将一系列的文件压缩到一个压缩包中, 若有重复的文件名, 在zip中保留所有的副本。 """ if os.path.exists(dst): print("destination '%s' already exist." % dst) return base_dir = os.getcwd() with ZipFile(dst, "w") as f: for abspath in list_of_abspath: dirname, basename = os.path.split(abspath) os.chdir(dirname) f.write(basename) os.chdir(base_dir)