:py:attr:`bozo` =============== An integer, either ``1`` or ``0``. Set to ``1`` if the feed is not well-formed :abbr:`XML (Extensible Markup Language)`, and ``0`` otherwise. See :ref:`advanced.bozo` for more details on the :py:attr:`bozo` bit. .. tip:: :py:attr:`bozo` may not be present. Some platforms, such as Mac OS X 10.2 and some versions of FreeBSD, do not include an :abbr:`XML (Extensible Markup Language)` parser in their :program:`Python` distributions. :program:`Universal Feed Parser` will still work on these platforms, but it will not be able to detect whether a feed is well-formed. However, it *can* detect whether a feed's character encoding is incorrectly declared. (This is done in :program:`Python`, not by the :abbr:`XML (Extensible Markup Language)` parser.) See :ref:`advanced.encoding` for details.