Advanced *fcm* tutorial ####################### Graphics ******** :py:mod:`fcm` provides several convenience functions for plotting common flow cytometry plots. These include :py:func:``, :py:func:``, Histogram using :py:func:`graphics.hist` ======================================== :py:func:`` plots overlay histogram for the specified channel. .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: import fcm In [2]: import as graph In [3]: from glob import glob In [4]: xs =[fcm.loadFCS(x) for x in glob('B6901GFJ-08_*.fcs')] In [5]: graph.hist(xs,3, display=True) .. figure:: hist.png :align: center :height: 400px :alt: histogram of channel 3 of three fcs files :figclass: align-center Pseudo-color plots using :py:func:`` ======================================================== :py:func:`` provides a quick function to generate pseduo-color scatter plots. Multiple pairs of channels passed as tuples can be passed to generate multiple plots at once. If you wish to generate your own heat maps, :py:mod:`fcm` also provides :py:func:`` and :py:func:`` to calculate the intensity at a given point. .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: import fcm In [2]: import as graph In [3]: x = fcm.loadFCS('B6901GFJ-08_CMV pp65.fcs') In [4]: graph.heatmap(x,[(7,12)]) .. figure:: heatmap.png :align: center :height: 400px :alt: example heat map :figclass: align-center View logicle transformed axis ============================= Often when viewing logicle transformed data it is desirable to see the scale units in the original transformed data. :py:func:`` will set the axis units on a plot to the original untransformed scaling. :py:func:`` takes a matplotlib axis object and a string of ``'x'`` or ``'y'`` and sets the scale of the axis as appropriate. Automated positivity thresholds ******************************* :py:mod:`fcm` provides a method for automatically determining positivity thresholds on fcm data, by comparing a positive and negative control sample. Gate objects for this are generated by the :py:func:`fcm.generate_f_score_gate` taking a negative sample, a positive sample, and the channel to compare. Clustering ********** The :py:mod:`fcm.statistics` module provides several models to automate cell subset identification. The basic models are fit using k-means by :py:class:`fcm.statistics.KMeansModel` and or a mixture of Gaussians by :py:class:`fcm.statistics.DPMixtureModel`. Models are thought of as a collection of model parameters that can be used to fit multiple data sets using their fit method. fit methods then return a result object describing the estimated model fitting (means locations for :py:class:`fcm.statistics.KMeansModel`, weights, means and covariances for :py:class:`fcm.statistics.DPMixtureModel`) Clustering using K-Means ======================== .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: import fcm, fcm.statistics as stats In [2]: import pylab In [3]: data = fcm.loadFCS('/home/jolly/Projects/fcm/sample_data/3FITC_4PE_004.fcs') In [4]: kmmodel = stats.KMeansModel(10, niter=20, tol=1e-5) In [5]: results = In [6]: c = results.classify(data) In [7]: pylab.figure(figsize=(8,4)) Out[7]: In [8]: pylab.subplot(1,2,1) Out[8]: In [9]: pylab.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], c=c, s=1, edgecolor='none') Out[9]: In [10]: pylab.subplot(1,2,2) Out[10]: In [11]: pylab.scatter(data[:,2], data[:,3], c=c, s=1, edgecolor='none') Out[11]: In [12]: pylab.savefig('kmeans.png') produces .. figure:: kmeans.png :align: center :height: 400px :alt: kmeans model fitting :figclass: align-center Clustering with Mixture Models ------------------------------ An alternative to simple k-means models to describe the distribution of flow data is to use a mixture of Gaussian (normal) distributions, and use the probability of belonging to each Gaussian to assign cells to clusters. The :py:class`fcm.statistics.DPMixtureModel` is used to describe these mixtures of Gaussians and estimate the weights (pis), means (mus), and covariances (sigmas) of the distribution. Using the :py:mod:`dpmix` module we have two methods of estimating these parameters, Markov chain Monte Carlo (mcmc) and Bayesian expectation maximization (BEM) Fitting the model using MCMC ---------------------------- .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: import fcm, fcm.statistics as stats In [2]: import pylab In [3]: data = fcm.loadFCS('/home/jolly/Projects/fcm/sample_data/3FITC_4PE_004.fcs') In [4]: dpmodel = stats.DPMixtureModel(10, niter=100) In [5]: dpmodel.ident =True In [6]: results =,verbose=10) starting MCMC -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 In [7]: avg = results.average() In [8]: mus = avg.mus() In [9]: c = avg.classify(data) In [10]: pylab.figure(figsize=(8,4)) Out[10]: In [11]: pylab.subplot(1,2,1) Out[11]: In [12]: pylab.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], c=c, s=1, edgecolor='none') Out[12]: In [13]: pylab.scatter(mus[:,0], mus[:,1]) Out[13]: In [14]: pylab.subplot(1,2,2) Out[14]: In [15]: pylab.scatter(data[:,2], data[:,3], c=c, s=1, edgecolor='none') Out[15]: In [16]: pylab.scatter(mus[:,2], mus[:,3]) Out[16]: In [17]: pylab.savefig('dpmix.png') .. figure:: dpmix.png :align: center :height: 400px :alt: DPMixture model fitting :figclass: align-center Fitting the model using BEM --------------------------- .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: import fcm, fcm.statistics as stats In [2]: import pylab In [3]: data = fcm.loadFCS('/home/jolly/Projects/fcm/sample_data/3FITC_4PE_004.fcs') In [4]: dpmodel = stats.DPMixtureModel(10, niter=100, type='bem') In [5]: results =,verbose=10) starting BEM 0:, -941157.006634 10:, -158859.825045 20:, -144465.587253 30:, -111709.700352 40:, -111378.962977 50:, -111366.297392 60:, -111365.592223 In [6]: mus = results.mus() In [7]: c = results.classify(data) In [8]: pylab.figure(figsize=(8,4)) Out[8]: In [9]: pylab.subplot(1,2,1) Out[9]: In [10]: pylab.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], c=c, s=1, edgecolor='none') Out[10]: In [11]: pylab.scatter(mus[:,0], mus[:,1]) Out[11]: In [12]: pylab.subplot(1,2,2) Out[12]: In [13]: pylab.scatter(data[:,2], data[:,3], c=c, s=1, edgecolor='none') Out[13]: In [14]: pylab.scatter(mus[:,2], mus[:,3]) Out[14]: In [15]: pylab.savefig('bem.png') .. figure:: bem.png :align: center :height: 400px :alt: DPMixture model fitting :figclass: align-center