
author:FeedBackLoop <>


core bot commands.


commands in this plugin:
 list .. version .. threads .. perm .. help-site .. loglevel .. help .. ping .. disabled .. statusline .. reboot .. help-plug .. encoding .. whatcommands .. apro .. descriptions .. stats .. commands .. loaded .. quit .. uptime .. whereis .. running .. topper .. versions

  1. apro .. [handle_apro]

    description:arguments: <searchtxt> - apropos (search) for commands.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:apro command.
    <user> ;apro com
    <output> commands matching com: admin-commands, bug-comments, chan-allowcommand, chan-loudcommand, chan-removecommand, chan-silentcommand, commands, fisheye_commit_lookup_disable, fisheye_commit_lookup_enable, welcome, whatcommands
  2. commands .. [handle_commands]

    description:arguments: [<plugname>] - show commands of plugin.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:commands command.
    <user> ;commands core
    <output> no commands found for plugin core
  3. descriptions .. [handle_descriptions]

    description:no arguments - show descriptions of all plugins.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:descriptions command.
    <user> ;descriptions
    <output> descriptions: <br>* 8b plugin (fbf.plugs.extra.8b) - run the eight ball. <br><br>* admin plugin (fbf.plugs.core.admin) - admin related commands. these commands are mainly for maintaining the bot. <br><br>* alarm plugin (fbf.plugs.extra.alarm) - <br> the alarm plugin allows for alarms that message the user giving the<br> command at a certain time or number of - 34 more
  4. disabled .. [handle_disabled]

    description:no arguments - show what plugins are disabled.
    permissions:OPER .. USER .. GUEST
    code:disabled command.
    <user> ;disabled
    <output> disabled plugins:
  5. encoding .. [handle_encoding]

    description:no arguments - show default encoding.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:encoding command.
    <user> ;encoding
    <output> default encoding is utf-8
  6. help .. [handle_help]

    description:arguments: [<cmndname or plugname>] - show help.
    permissions:OPER .. USER .. GUEST
    code:help command.
    <user> ;help rss-list
    <output> help on rss-list command: no arguments - return list of available rss items. examples: rss-list<br>location: fbf.plugs.extra.rss<br>permissions: RSS, USER
  7. help-plug .. [handle_helpplug]

    description:arguments: <plugname> - how help on plugin/command or show basic help msg.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:help-plug command.
    <user> ;help-plug
    <output> available plugins: 8b, admin, alarm, alias, all, ask, autovoice, birthday, bugtracker, cfg, chan, chatlog, choice, colors, confluence, controlchar, core, count, data, dns, echo, feedback, fisheye, fleet, forward, gatekeeper, gcalc, geo, grep, hubbub, idle, ignore, imdb, infoitem, ipcalc, irc, irccat, jira, karma, kickban, koffie, learn, lists, lmgt, markov, misc, more, - 1 more
    <output> see !help <plugin> to get help on a plugin.
    <user> ;help-plug misc
    <output> help on plugin MISC: <br> misc commands.
    <output> commands: 1: !source -  no arguments - show where to fetch the bot source.  - perms: ['USER', 'GUEST']<br>2: !test -  no arguments - give test response.  - perms: ['USER', 'GUEST']
  8. help-site .. [handle_helpsite]

    description:arguments: <cmnd> - help commands that gives a url to the docs.
    permissions:OPER .. USER .. GUEST
    code:help-site command.
    <user> ;help
    <output> documentation for fbfbot can be found at http:///docs/fbfbot
    <output> see !list for loaded plugins and "!help plugin" for help on the plugin.
    <user> ;help rss
    <output> help on plugin RSS: <br> the rss mantra is of the following: 1) add a url with !rss-add <feedname> <url> 2) use !rss-start <feed> in the channel you want the feed to appear 3) run !rss-scan <feed> to see what tokens you can use .. add them with !rss-additem <feed> <token> 4) change markup with !rss-addmarkup <feed> <markupitem> <value> .. see !rss-markuplist - 1 more
    <output> commands: 1: !rss-add -  arguments: <feedname> <url> - add a rss item.  - perms: USER<br>2: !rss-addchannel -  arguments: <feedname> [<botname>] [<bottype>] [<channel>] - add a channel to rss item.  - perms: ['OPER']<br>3: !rss-additem -  arguments: <feedname> <token> - add an item (token) to a feeds tokens to be displayed, see rss-scan for a list of available tokens.  - 11 more
  9. list .. [handle_available]

    description:no arguments - show available plugins .. to enable use !plug-enable.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:list command.
    <user> ;list
    <output> available plugins: 8b, admin, alarm, alias, all, ask, autovoice, birthday, bugtracker, cfg, chan, chatlog, choice, colors, confluence, controlchar, core, count, data, dns, echo, feedback, fisheye, fleet, forward, gatekeeper, gcalc, geo, grep, hubbub, idle, ignore, imdb, infoitem, ipcalc, irc, irccat, jira, karma, kickban, koffie, learn, lists, lmgt, markov, misc, more, - 1 more
  10. loaded .. [handle_loaded]

    description:no arguments - show plugins in cache.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:loaded command.
    <user> ;loaded
    <output> loaded plugins (cache): 8b, admin, alarm, alias, all, ask, autovoice, birthday, botevent, bugtracker, cfg, chan, chatlog, choice, colors, confluence, controlchar, core, core, count, data, db, dispatch, dns, echo, extra, feedback, fisheye, fleet, forward, gatekeeper, gcalc, geo, github, grep, hubbub, idle, ignore, imdb, infoitem, ipcalc, irc, irccat, jira, karma, kickban, - 2 more
  11. loglevel .. [handle_loglevel]

    description:arguments: <loglevel> - change loglevel of the bot. loglevel is on of debug, info, warn or error.
    code:loglevel command.
    <user> ;loglevel warn
    <output> done - loglevel
  12. perm .. [handle_perm]

    description:arguments: <cmnd> - get permission of command.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:perm command.
    <user> ;perm quit
    <output> quit command needs ['OPER'] permission
  13. ping .. [handle_ping]

    permissions:OPER .. USER
    code:ping command.
    <user> ;ping
    <output> pong
  14. quit .. [handle_quit]

    description:no arguments - disconnect from the server.
    code:quit command.
  15. reboot .. [handle_reboot]

    description:no arguments - reboot the bot.
    code:reboot command.
  16. running .. [handle_running]

    description:no arguments - show running tasks.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:running command.
    <user> ;running
    <output> runners: api: [], callback: ['chatlogcb', 'relaycallback', 'forwardoutcb'], cmnd: [], long: [], thread: [], url: [], wait: []
  17. stats .. [handle_stats]

    permissions:OPER .. USER
    code:stats command.
    <user> ;stats
    <output> stats results from 1 modules: Runner: 15, init_threaded: 15
    <user> ;stats rss
    <output> stats results from 0 modules:
  18. statusline .. [handle_statusline]

    description:no arguments - show a status line.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:statusline command.
    <user> ;statusline
    <output> controlchars: ! - perms: OPER, USER, QUOTE, MAIL, GUEST
  19. threads .. [handle_threads]

    description:no arguments - show running threads.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:threads command.
    <user> ;threads
    <output> BotEventRunner = 5, IRCBot.start = 1, MainThread = 1, TCPServer.serve_forever = 1, TickLoop = 1, gendoc = 7
  20. topper .. [handle_topper]

    description:no arguments - show a ‘topper’ startus line.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:topper command.
    <user> ;topper
    <output> forwards: none - watched: <channel> - feeds: none
  21. uptime .. [handle_uptime]

    description:no arguments - show uptime.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:uptime command.
    <user> ;uptime
    <output> uptime is 22 seconds
  22. version .. [handle_version]

    description:no arguments - show bot’s version.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:version command.
    <user> ;version
    <output> FBFBOT version 0.2 DEVELOPMENT BASE SQLITE
  23. versions .. [handle_versions]

    description:no arguments - show versions of all loaded modules (if available).
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:versions command.
    <user> ;versions
    <output> versions ==> {'fbf.contrib.bs4': '4.0.1', 'fbf.plugs.extra.spider': '0.2', 'fbf.plugs.extra.mpd': '2007111601', 'python': '3.2.3 (default, Sep 10 2012, 18:14:40) \n[GCC 4.6.3]', 'fbf.api.hooks': '0.1', 'fbf.contrib.feedparser': '5.1.1', 'fbf.version': '0.2', 'fbf.plugs.extra.ipcalc': '0.2a', 'fbf.lib': '0.5.0', 'fbf.lib.container': '1', 'fbf.contrib.tweepy': '1.4'}
  24. whatcommands .. [handle_whatcommands]

    description:arguments: <permission. - show all commands with permission.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:whatcommands command.
    <user> ;whatcommands USER
    <output> commands known for permission USER: 8b, @, age, alarm, alarm-mylist, alias, alias-del, alias-search, all, apro, ask, ask-experts, ask-join, ask-list, ask-part, ask-stop, ask-subjects, bd, bd-del, bd-set, beledig, bier, bug, bug-comments, bug-list, cc, cfg, cfg-set, chan-disable, chan-enable, chan-list, chatlog-search, chatlog-stats, chips, choice, commands, confluence-wiki, - 6 more
  25. whereis .. [handle_whereis]

    description:arguments: <cmnd> - locate a command.
    permissions:USER .. GUEST
    code:whereis command.
    <user> ;whereis test
    <output> test command is in: fbf.plugs.core.misc

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