
generic functions.


checks if the user is fbf.

fbf.utils.generic.checkpermissions(ddir, umode)

see if ddir has umode permission and if not set them.

fbf.utils.generic.checkqueues(self, queues, resultlist)

check if resultlist is to be sent to the queues. if so do it!

fbf.utils.generic.copyfile(filename, filename2, sedstring=None)

copy a file with optional sed.

fbf.utils.generic.decodeperchar(txt, encoding='utf-8', what='')

decode a string char by char. strip chars that can’t be decoded.

fbf.utils.generic.dosed(filename, sedstring)

apply a sedstring to the file.


return filesize of a file.

fbf.utils.generic.fromenc(txt, encoding='utf-8', what='')

convert from encoding.

fbf.utils.generic.gethighest(ddir, ffile)

get filename with the highest extension (number).

fbf.utils.generic.getnick(bot, userhost)

get nick from bots userhost cache


return a random nick.

fbf.utils.generic.getwho(bot, who, channel=None)

get userhost from bots userhost cache


checks if we are on debian.

class fbf.utils.generic.istr

Bases: builtins.str

fbf.utils.generic.jabberstrip(text, allowed=[])

strip control characters for jabber transmission.


convert s to a jsonstring.

fbf.utils.generic.printline(lineno, txt)
fbf.utils.generic.sedfile(filename, sedstring)
fbf.utils.generic.sedstring(input, sedstring)
fbf.utils.generic.splittxt(what, l=375)

split output into seperate chunks.

fbf.utils.generic.stringinlist(s, l)

check is string is in list of strings.

fbf.utils.generic.stringsed(instring, sedstring)

apply a sedstring to a string.


return a stripped userhost (everything before the ‘/’).

fbf.utils.generic.strippedtxt(what, allowed=[])

strip control characters from txt.


convert to ascii.

fbf.utils.generic.toenc(what, encoding='utf-8')

convert to encoding.


convert to latin1.


touch a file.


return unique elements in a list (as list).

fbf.utils.generic.waitevents(eventlist, millisec=5000)
fbf.utils.generic.waitforqueue(queue, timeout=10000, maxitems=None, bot=None)

wait for results to arrive in a queue. return list of results.


# fbf/utils/

""" generic functions. """

lib imports

from .exception import handle_exception
from .trace import calledfrom, whichmodule
from .lazydict import LazyDict
from fbf.imports import getjson
json = getjson()

generic imports

from stat import ST_UID, ST_MODE, S_IMODE
import time
import sys
import re
import getopt
import types
import os
import os.path
import random
import queue
import logging
import io

istr class

class istr(str):

fix_format function

def fix_format(s):
    counters = {
        chr(2): 0,
        chr(3): 0
    for letter in s:
        if letter in counters:
            counters[letter] += 1
    for char in counters:
        if counters[char] % 2:
            s += char
    return s

isdebian function

def isdebian():
    """ checks if we are on debian. """
    return os.path.isfile("/etc/debian_version")

isfbfuser function

def botuser():
    """ checks if the user is fbf. """
        import getpass
        return getpass.getuser()
    except ImportError: return ""

checkpermission function

def checkpermissions(ddir, umode):
    """ see if ddir has umode permission and if not set them. """
        uid = os.getuid()
        gid = os.getgid()
    except AttributeError: return
    try: stat = os.stat(ddir)
    except OSError: return
    if stat[ST_UID] != uid:
        try: os.chown(ddir, uid, gid)
        except: pass
    if S_IMODE(stat[ST_MODE]) != umode:
        try: os.chmod(ddir, umode)
        except: handle_exception()

printline function

def printline(lineno, txt):
    try: print(txt.split("\n")[lineno-1])
    except: handle_exception()

jsonstring function

def jsonstring(s):
    """ convert s to a jsonstring. """
    if type(s) == tuple: s = list(s)
    return json.dumps(s)

getwho function

def getwho(bot, who, channel=None):
    """ get userhost from bots userhost cache """
    who = who.lower()
        if bot.type in ["xmpp", "sxmpp", "sleek"]: return stripped(bot.userhosts[who])
        else: return bot.userhosts[who]
    except KeyError: pass

def getnick(bot, userhost):
    """ get nick from bots userhost cache """
    userhost = userhost.lower()
    try: return bot.nicks[userhost]
    except KeyError: pass

splitxt function

def splittxt(what, l=375):
    """ split output into seperate chunks. """
    txtlist = []
    start = 0
    end = l
    length = len(what)
    for i in range(round(length/end+1)):
        starttag = what.find("</", end)
        if starttag != -1: endword = what.find('>', end) + 1
            endword = what.find(' ', end)
            if endword == -1: endword = length
        res = what[start:endword]
        if res: txtlist.append(res)
        start = endword
        end = start + l
    return txtlist

getrandomnick function

def getrandomnick():
    """ return a random nick. """
    return "fbf-" + str(random.randint(0, 100))

decodeperchar function

def decodeperchar(txt, encoding='utf-8', what=""):
    """ decode a string char by char. strip chars that can't be decoded. """
    res = []
    nogo = []
    for i in txt:
        try: res.append(i.decode(encoding))
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            if i not in nogo: nogo.append(i)
    if nogo:
        if what: logging.debug("%s: can't decode %s characters to %s" % (what, nogo, encoding))
        else: logging.debug("%s - can't decode %s characters to %s" % (whichmodule(), nogo, encoding))
    return "".join(res)

toenc function

def toenc(what, encoding='utf-8'):
    """ convert to encoding. """
    if not what: what=  ""
        return str(what, encoding)
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        logging.debug("%s - can't encode %s to %s" % (whichmodule(2), what, encoding))

fromenc function

def fromenc(txt, encoding='utf-8', what=""):
    """ convert from encoding. """
    if not txt: txt = ""
    if type(txt) == str: return txt
    try: return txt.decode(encoding)
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        logging.debug("%s - can't decode %s - decoding per char" % (whichmodule(), encoding))
        return decodeperchar(txt, encoding, what)

toascii function

def toascii(what):
    """ convert to ascii. """
    return what.encode('ascii', 'replace')

tolatin1 function

def tolatin1(what):
    """ convert to latin1. """
    return what.encode('latin-1', 'replace')

strippedtxt function

def strippedtxt(what, allowed=[]):
    """ strip control characters from txt. """
    txt = []
    for i in what:
        if ord(i) > 31 or (allowed and i in allowed): txt.append(i)
    return ''.join(txt)

stripcolor function

REcolor = re.compile("\003\d\d(.*?)\003")

def matchcolor(match):

def stripcolor(txt):
    find = REcolor.findall(txt)
    for c in find:
        if c: txt = re.sub(REcolor, c, txt, 1) ;
    return txt

uniqlist function

def uniqlist(l):
    """ return unique elements in a list (as list). """
    result = []
    for i in l:
        if i not in result: result.append(i)
    return result

jabberstrip function

def jabberstrip(text, allowed=[]):
    """ strip control characters for jabber transmission. """
    txt = []
    allowed = allowed + ['\n', '\t']
    for i in text:
        if ord(i) > 31 or (allowed and i in allowed): txt.append(i)
    return ''.join(txt)

filesize function

def filesize(path):
    """ return filesize of a file. """
    return os.stat(path)[6]

touch function

def touch(fname):
    """ touch a file. """
    fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT)

stringinlist function

def stringinlist(s, l):
    """ check is string is in list of strings. """
    for i in l:
        if s in i: return True
    return False

stripped function

def stripped(userhost):
    """ return a stripped userhost (everything before the '/'). """
    return userhost.split('/')[0]

gethighest function

def gethighest(ddir, ffile):
    """ get filename with the highest extension (number). """
    highest = 0
    for i in os.listdir(ddir):
        if not os.path.isdir(ddir + os.sep + i) and ffile in i:
            try: seqnr = i.split('.')[-1]
            except IndexError: continue
                if int(seqnr) > highest: highest = int(seqnr)
            except ValueError: continue
    ffile += '.' + str(highest + 1)
    return ffile

waitevents function

def waitevents(eventlist, millisec=5000):
    result = []
    for e in eventlist:
        if not e: continue
        #logging.warn("waitevents - waiting for %s" % e.txt)
        res = waitforqueue(e.outqueue, 5000)
    return result

waitforqueue function

def waitforqueue(queue, timeout=10000, maxitems=None, bot=None):
    """ wait for results to arrive in a queue. return list of results. """
    #if len(queue) > 1: return list(queue)
    result = []
    counter = 0
    if not maxitems: maxitems = 100
    logging.warn("waiting for queue: %s - %s" % (timeout, maxitems))
        while not len(queue):
            if len(queue) > maxitems: break
            if counter > timeout: break
            time.sleep(0.001) ; counter += 10
        logging.warn("waitforqueue - result is %s items (%s) - %s" % (len(queue), counter, str(queue)))
        return queue
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        q = []
        while 1:
            if counter > timeout: break
            except queue.Empty: break
            time.sleep(0.001) ;  counter += 10
        logging.warn("waitforqueue - result is %s items (%s) - %s" % (len(q), counter, str(q)))
        return q

checkqueues function

def checkqueues(self, queues, resultlist):
    """ check if resultlist is to be sent to the queues. if so do it! """
    for queue in queues:
        for item in resultlist: queue.put_nowait(item)
        return True
    return False

sedstring function

def sedstring(input, sedstring):
    seds = sedstring.split('/')
    fr = seds[1].replace('\\', '')
    to = seds[2].replace('\\', '')
    return input.replace(fr,to)

sedfile function

def sedfile(filename, sedstring):
    result = io.StringIO()
    f = open(filename, 'r')
    seds = sedstring.split('/')
    fr = seds[1].replace('\\', '')
    to = seds[2].replace('\\', '')
        for line in f:
            l = line.replace(fr,to)
    finally: f.close()
    return result

dosed function

def dosed(filename, sedstring):
    """ apply a sedstring to the file. """
    try: f = open(filename, 'r')
    except IOError: return
    tmp = filename + '.tmp'
    fout = open(tmp, 'w')
    seds = sedstring.split('/')
    fr = seds[1].replace('\\', '')
    to = seds[2].replace('\\', '')
        for line in f:
            if 'googlecode' in line or 'github' in line or '' in line or '' in line: l = line
            else: l = line.replace(fr,to)
    try: os.rename(tmp, filename)
    except WindowsError:
        os.rename(tmp, filename)

def stringsed(instring, sedstring):
    """ apply a sedstring to a string. """
    seds = sedstring.split('/')
    fr = seds[1].replace('\\', '')
    to = seds[2].replace('\\', '')
    mekker = instring.replace(fr,to)
    return mekker

def copyfile(filename, filename2, sedstring=None):
    """ copy a file with optional sed. """
    if os.path.isdir(filename): return
    try: f = open(filename, 'r')
    except IOError: return
    ddir = ""
    for x in filename2.split(os.sep)[:-1]:
        ddir += os.sep + x
        if not os.path.isdir(ddir):
            try: os.mkdir(ddir)
            except: pass
    try: fout = open(filename2, 'w')
    except: return
    if sedstring:
        seds = sedstring.split('/')
        fr = seds[1].replace('\\', '')
        to = seds[2].replace('\\', '')
        for line in f:
            if sedstring:
                l = line.replace(fr,to)
            else: l = line