
the bot has the capability to listen for udp packets which it will use to /msg a given nick or channel.

  1. setup

    • run !udp-cfg udp 1 .. this enables the udp plugin
    • do !reload udp to enable the udp plugin
    • test with:
    echo "YOOO" | ./bin/fbf-udp -p <nick> 
    • you can run !udp-cfgsave and edit ~/.fbf/config/fbf.plugs.socket.udp/config if need be.
  2. limiter

    on IRC the bot’s /msg to a user/channel are limited to 1 per 3 seconds so the bot will not excessflood on the server. you can use partyudp if you need no delay between sent messages, this will use dcc chat to deliver the message. on jabber bots there is no delay

class fbf.plugs.extra.udp.Udplistener

Bases: builtins.object

listen for udp messages and relay them to channel/nick/JID.

dosay(printto, txt)

send txt to printto .. do some checks.

handle(input, addr)

handle an incoming udp packet.

say(printto, txt)

send txt to printto.


init the udp plugin.


shutdown the udp plugin.

fbf.plugs.extra.udp.udpstart(bot, event)


# fbf/plugs/socket/udp.py

    the bot has the capability to listen for udp packets which it will use
    to /msg a given nick or channel.

    1) setup

        * run !udp-cfg udp 1 .. this enables the udp plugin
        * do !reload udp to enable the udp plugin
        * test with:


            echo "YOOO" | ./bin/fbf-udp -p <nick>

        * you can run !udp-cfgsave and edit ~/.fbf/config/fbf.plugs.socket.udp/config if need be.

    2) limiter

        on IRC the bot's /msg to a user/channel are limited to 1 per 3 seconds so the
        bot will not excessflood on the server. you can use partyudp if you need no
        delay between sent messages, this will use dcc chat to deliver the message.
        on jabber bots there is no delay


fbf imports

from fbf.lib.fleet import getfleet
from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception
from fbf.utils.generic import strippedtxt
from fbf.utils.locking import lockdec
from fbf.lib.partyline import partyline
from fbf.lib.threads import start_new_thread
from fbf.contrib.rijndael import rijndael
from fbf.lib.persistconfig import PersistConfig
from fbf.lib.callbacks import first_callbacks

basic imports

import socket
import re
import time
import queue
import logging

# defines

udplistener = None

cfg = PersistConfig()
cfg.define('udp', 0) # set to 0 to disnable
cfg.define('udpparty', 0)
cfg.define('udpipv6', 0)
cfg.define('udpmasks', ['192.168*', ])
cfg.define('udphost', "localhost")
cfg.define('udpport', 5500)
cfg.define('udpallow', ["", ])
cfg.define('udpallowednicks', ["#dunkbots", "#fbf", "dunk_"])
cfg.define('udppassword', "mekker", exposed=False)
cfg.define('udpseed', "blablablablablaz", exposed=False) # needs to be 16 chars wide
cfg.define('udpstrip', 1) # strip all chars < char(32)
cfg.define('udpsleep', 0) # sleep in sendloop .. can be used to delay pack
cfg.define('udpdblog', 0)
cfg.define('udpbots', [cfg['udpbot'] or 'default-irc', ])

_inmask function

def _inmask(addr):
    """ check if addr matches a mask. """
    if not cfg['udpmasks']:
        return False
    for i in cfg['udpmasks']:
        i = i.replace('*', '.*')
        if re.match(i, addr):
            return True

Udplistener class

class Udplistener(object):

    """ listen for udp messages and relay them to channel/nick/JID. """

    def __init__(self):
        self.outqueue = queue.Queue()
        self.queue = queue.Queue()
        self.stop = 0
        if cfg['udpipv6']: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        else: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        try: self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1)
        except: pass
        self.loggers = []

    def _outloop(self):
        """ loop controling the rate of outputted messages. """
        logging.info('udp - starting outloop')
        while not self.stop:
            (printto, txt) = self.outqueue.get()
            if self.stop: return
            self.dosay(printto, txt)
        logging.info('udp - stopping outloop')

    def _handleloop(self):
        """ handle incoming udp data. """
        while not self.stop:
            (input, addr) = self.queue.get()
            if not input or not addr: continue
            if self.stop: break
            self.handle(input, addr)
            if cfg['udpsleep']: time.sleep(cfg['udpsleep'] or 0.01)
        logging.info('udp - shutting down udplistener')

    def _listen(self):
        """ listen for udp messages .. /msg via bot"""
        if not cfg['udp']: return
        fleet = getfleet()
        for botname in cfg['udpbots']:
            if not fleet.byname(botname): logging.info("udp - can't find %s bot" % botname)
            logging.warn('udp listening on %s %s' % (cfg['udphost'], cfg['udpport']))
            self.sock.bind((cfg['udphost'], cfg['udpport']))
            self.stop = 0
        except IOError:
            self.sock = None
            self.stop = 1
        # loop on listening udp socket
        while not self.stop:
            try: input, addr = self.sock.recvfrom(64000)
            except socket.timeout: continue
            except Exception as ex:
                try: (errno, errstr) = ex
                except ValueError: errno = 0 ; errstr = str(ex)
                if errno == 4: logging.warn("udp - %s - %s" % (self.name, str(ex))) ; break
                if errno == 35: continue
                else: handle_exception() ; break
            if self.stop: break
            self.queue.put((input, addr))
        logging.info('udp - shutting down main loop')

    def handle(self, input, addr):
        """  handle an incoming udp packet. """
        if cfg['udpseed']:
            data = ""
            for i in range(len(input)/16):
                try: data += crypt.decrypt(input[i*16:i*16+16])
                except Exception as ex:
                    logging.warn("udp - can't decrypt: %s" % str(ex))
                    data = input
        else: data = input
        if cfg['udpstrip']: data = strippedtxt(data)
        # check if udp is enabled and source ip is in udpallow list
        if cfg['udp'] and (addr[0] in cfg['udpallow'] or _inmask(addr[0])):
            # get printto and passwd data
            header = re.search('(\S+) (\S+) (.*)', data)
            if header:
                # check password
                if header.group(1) == cfg['udppassword']:
                    printto = header.group(2)    # is the nick/channel
                    # check if printto is in allowednicks

                    if cfg['udpalloednicks'] and not printto in cfg['udpallowednicks']:
                        logging.warn("udp - udp denied %s" % printto )
                    logging.debug('udp - ' + str(addr[0]) +  " - udp allowed")
                    text = header.group(3)    # is the text
                    self.say(printto, text)
                else: logging.warn("udp - can't match udppasswd from " + str(addr))
            else: logging.warn("udp - can't match udp from " + str(addr[0]))
        else: logging.warn('udp - denied udp from ' + str(addr[0]))

    def say(self, printto, txt):
        """ send txt to printto. """
        self.outqueue.put((printto, txt))

    def dosay(self, printto, txt):
        """ send txt to printto .. do some checks. """
        if cfg['udpparty'] and partyline.is_on(printto): partyline.say_nick(printto, txt) ; return
        if not cfg['udpbots']: bots = [cfg['udpbot'], ]
        else: bots = cfg['udpbots']
        for botname in bots:
            bot = getfleet().byname(botname)
            if not bot: logging.warn("udp - can't find %s bot in fleet" % botname) ; continue
            bot.say(printto, txt)
            for i in self.loggers: i.log(printto, txt)

the udplistener object

if cfg['udp']: udplistener = Udplistener()

initialize crypt object if udpseed is set in config

if cfg['udp'] and cfg['udpseed']: crypt = rijndael(cfg['udpseed'])

plugin init

def init():
    """ init the udp plugin. """
    if cfg['udp']:
        global udplistener
        start_new_thread(udplistener._listen, ())
        start_new_thread(udplistener._handleloop, ())
        start_new_thread(udplistener._outloop, ())
    return 1

plugin shutdown

def shutdown():
    """ shutdown the udp plugin. """
    global udplistener
    if udplistener:
        udplistener.stop = 1
        udplistener.outqueue.put_nowait((None, None))
        udplistener.queue.put_nowait((None, None))
    return 1


def udpstart(bot, event):

first_callbacks.add("START", udpstart)

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