
learn information items .. facts .. factoids.

fbf.plugs.extra.learn.handle_forget(bot, event)

” arguments: <item> and <matchstring> - set an information item.

fbf.plugs.extra.learn.handle_forgetchan(bot, event)

” arguments: <item> and <matchstring> - set an information item.

fbf.plugs.extra.learn.handle_items(bot, event)

no arguments - show what items the bot has learned.

fbf.plugs.extra.learn.handle_learn(bot, event)

” arguments: <item> is <description> - set an information item.

fbf.plugs.extra.learn.handle_learnchan(bot, event)

” arguments: <item> is <description> - set an information item.

fbf.plugs.extra.learn.handle_learntoglobal(bot, event)

argument: <searchtxt> - search the items the bot has learned.

fbf.plugs.extra.learn.handle_searchitems(bot, event)

argument: <searchtxt> - search the items the bot has learned.

fbf.plugs.extra.learn.handle_whatis(bot, event)

arguments: <item> - show what the bot has learned about a factoid.

fbf.plugs.extra.learn.learncb(bot, event)

learn callback, is for catching ? queries.

fbf.plugs.extra.learn.prelearn(bot, event)

learn precondition.


# fbf/plugs/common/learn.py

""" learn information items .. facts .. factoids. """

fbf imports

from fbf.lib.callbacks import callbacks
from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
from fbf.lib.examples import examples
from fbf.lib.aliases import setalias
from fbf.utils.lazydict import LazyDict
from fbf.lib.persist import PlugPersist, GlobalPersist

basic imports

import logging

learn command

def handle_learn(bot, event):
    """" arguments: <item> is <description> - set an information item. """
    if not event.rest: event.missing("<item> is <description>") ; return
    try: (what, description) = event.rest.split(" is ", 1)
    except ValueError: event.missing("<item> is <description>") ; return
    what = what.lower()
    items = GlobalPersist("learndb")
    if not items.data: items.data = LazyDict()
    if what not in items.data: items.data[what] = []
    if description not in items.data[what]: items.data[what].append(description)
    event.reply("%s item added to global database" % what)

cmnds.add('learn', handle_learn, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('learn', 'learn the bot a description of an item.', "learn dunk is botpapa")

learn-chan command

def handle_learnchan(bot, event):
    """" arguments: <item> is <description> - set an information item. """
    if not event.rest: event.missing("<item> is <description>") ; return
    try: (what, description) = event.rest.split(" is ", 1)
    except ValueError: event.missing("<item> is <description>") ; return
    what = what.lower()
    items = PlugPersist(event.channel)
    if not items.data: items.data = LazyDict()
    if what not in items.data: items.data[what] = []
    if description not in items.data[what]: items.data[what].append(description)
    event.reply("%s item added to %s database" % (what, event.channel))

cmnds.add('learn-chan', handle_learnchan, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add('learn-chan', 'learn the bot a description of an item. (channel specific)', "learn-chan dunk is botpapa")

learn-forget command

def handle_forget(bot, event):
    """" arguments: <item> and <matchstring> - set an information item. """
    if not event.rest: event.missing("<item> and <match>") ; return
    try: (what, match) = event.rest.split(" and ", 2)
    except ValueError: event.missing("<item> and <match>") ; return
    what = what.lower()
    items = GlobalPersist("learndb")
    if not items.data: items.data = LazyDict()
    if what in items.data:
        for i in range(len(items.data[what])):
            if match in items.data[what][i]:
                del items.data[what][i]
    event.reply("item removed from global database")

cmnds.add('learn-forget', handle_forget, ['OPER', 'USER'])
examples.add('learn-forget', 'forget a description of an item.', "learn-forget dunk and botpapa")
setalias("forget", "learn-forget")

learn-forgetchan command

def handle_forgetchan(bot, event):
    """" arguments: <item> and <matchstring> - set an information item. """
    if not event.rest: event.missing("<item> and <match>") ; return
    try: (what, match) = event.rest.split(" and ", 2)
    except ValueError: event.missing("<item> and <match>") ; return
    what = what.lower()
    items = PlugPersist(event.channel)
    if not items.data: items.data = LazyDict()
    if what in items.data:
        for i in range(len(items.data[what])):
            if match in items.data[what][i]:
                del items.data[what][i]
    event.reply("item removed from %s database" % event.channel)

cmnds.add('learn-forgetchan', handle_forgetchan, ['OPER', 'USER'])
examples.add('learn-forgetchan', 'forget a description of an item. (channel specific)', "learn-forgetchan dunk and botpapa")
setalias("forgetchan", "learn-forgetchan")

learn-whatis command

def handle_whatis(bot, event):
    """ arguments: <item> - show what the bot has learned about a factoid. """
    items = PlugPersist(event.channel)
    what = event.rest.lower().split('!')[0].strip()
    result = []
    if what in items.data and items.data[what]: result = items.data[what]
    globalitems = GlobalPersist("learndb")
    if what in globalitems.data and globalitems.data[what]: result.extend(globalitems.data[what])
    if result: event.reply("%s is " % event.rest, result, dot=", ")
    else: event.reply("no information known about %s" % what)

cmnds.add('learn-whatis', handle_whatis, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add("learn-whatis", "whatis learned about a subject", "learn-whatis fbf")
setalias("whatis", "learn-whatis")

learn-items command

def handle_items(bot, event):
    """ no arguments - show what items the bot has learned. """
    items = list(PlugPersist(event.channel).data.keys())
    globalitems = list(GlobalPersist("learndb").data.keys())
    result = items + globalitems
    event.reply("i know %s items: " % len(result), result)

cmnds.add('learn-items', handle_items, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add("learn-items", "show what items the bot knows", "learn-items")
setalias("items", "learn-items")

learn-searchitems command

def handle_searchitems(bot, event):
    """ argument: <searchtxt>  - search the items the bot has learned. """
    if not event.rest: event.missing("<searchtxt>") ; return
    items = list(PlugPersist(event.channel).data.keys())
    globalitems = list(GlobalPersist("learndb").data.keys())
    got = []
    for i in items + globalitems:
        if event.rest in i: got.append(i)
    event.reply("found %s items: " % len(got), got)

cmnds.add('learn-searchitems', handle_searchitems, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST'])
examples.add("learn-searchitems", "search the items the bot knows", "learn-searchitems fbfbot")
setalias("searchitems", "learn-searchitems")

learn-toglobal command

def handle_learntoglobal(bot, event):
    """ argument: <searchtxt>  - search the items the bot has learned. """
    items = PlugPersist(event.channel)
    globalitems = GlobalPersist("learndb")
    for i in list(items.data.keys()):
        if i not in globalitems.data: globalitems.data[i] = []
    event.reply("%s items copy to the global database. " % len(items.data))

cmnds.add('learn-toglobal', handle_learntoglobal, ['OPER', ])
examples.add("learn-toglobal", "move channel specific learn data to the global database.", "learn-toglobal")


def prelearn(bot, event):
    """ learn precondition. """
    if event.iscommand: return False
    if len(event.txt) < 2: return False
    if event.txt and (event.txt[0] == "?" or event.txt[-1] == "?") and not event.forwarded: return True
    return False

def learncb(bot, event):
    """ learn callback, is for catching ? queries. """
    if bot.type == "convore" and not event.chan.data.enable: return
    result = []
    items = PlugPersist(event.channel)
    target = event.txt.lower()
    if target[0] == "?": target = target[1:]
    if target[-1] == "?": target = target[:-1]
    if target in items.data: result = items.data[target]
    globalitems = GlobalPersist("learndb")
    if target in globalitems.data:
        if not target in result: result.extend(globalitems.data[target])
    if result: event.reply("%s is " % target, result, dot=", ")

callbacks.add("PRIVMSG", learncb, prelearn)
callbacks.add("MESSAGE", learncb, prelearn)
callbacks.add("DISPATCH", learncb, prelearn)
callbacks.add("CONSOLE", learncb, prelearn)
callbacks.add("CMND", learncb, prelearn)
callbacks.add("CONVORE", learncb, prelearn)
callbacks.add("BLIP_SUBMITTED", learncb, prelearn)
callbacks.add("TORNADO", learncb, prelearn)