
kickban functionality for IRC.

fbf.plugs.extra.kickban.get_bans(bot, channel)
fbf.plugs.extra.kickban.handle_367(bot, ievent)
fbf.plugs.extra.kickban.handle_ban_add(bot, ievent)

arguments: <nick> - add a ban.

fbf.plugs.extra.kickban.handle_ban_list(bot, ievent)

no arguments - list all bans.

fbf.plugs.extra.kickban.handle_ban_remove(bot, ievent)

arguments: <banlistindex> - remove a ban.

fbf.plugs.extra.kickban.handle_kickban_add(bot, ievent)

arguments: <nick> [<reason>] - add a kickban.

fbf.plugs.extra.kickban.handle_mode(bot, ievent)


# fbf/plugs/socket/

""" kickban functionality for IRC. """

fbf imports

from fbf.utils.generic import getwho
from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
from fbf.lib.examples import examples
from fbf.lib.callbacks import callbacks
from fbf.lib.wait import waiter
from fbf.lib.aliases import setalias

basic imports

import queue
import time
import logging


bans      = {}
cachetime = 300
timeout   = 10


def handle_367(bot, ievent):
    logging.warn('kickban - 367 - %s' % str(ievent))
    channel = ievent.arguments[1].lower()
    if not in bans or not channel in bans[]:
        return # not requested by this plugin
    b = ievent.txt.split()[0]
    target = bans[][channel]
    if b not in target: target.append(b)

def handle_mode(bot, ievent):
    logging.debug('kick-ban - mode - %s' % ievent.tojson())
    # [18 Jan 2008 13:41:29] (mode) cmnd=MODE prefix=maze! postfix=#eth0-test +b *!*@je.moeder.ook arguments=[u'#eth0-test', u'+b', u'*!*@je.moeder.ook'] nick=maze user=wijnand channel=#eth0-test txt= command= args=[] rest= speed=5 options={}

callbacks.add('367', handle_367)
callbacks.add('MODE', handle_mode)


def get_bans(bot, channel):
    # 367 basla #eth0 *!* eth0!eth0@ 1200657224
    # 367 basla #eth0 *!*@6ca5f0a3.14055a38.89.123.imsk eth0!eth0@ 1200238584
    # 368 basla #eth0 :End of Channel Ban List
    if bot.type != "irc": return []
    global bans
    channel = channel.lower()
    if not in bans:
        bans[] = {}
    bans[][channel] = []
    queue368 = queue.Queue()
    waiter.register('368', channel, queue368)
    bot._raw('MODE %s +b' % (channel, ))
    # wait for End of Channel Ban List
    try: res = queue368.get(1, 2)
    except queue.Empty: pass
    try: return bans[][channel]
    except KeyError: return []

def get_bothost(bot):
    return getwho(bot, bot.cfg.nick).split('@')[-1].lower()

ban-list command

def handle_ban_list(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - list all bans. """
    banslist = get_bans(bot,
    if not banslist: ievent.reply('the ban list for %s is empty' %
    else: ievent.reply('bans on %s: ' %, banslist)

cmnds.add('ban-list', handle_ban_list, 'OPER', threaded=True)
examples.add("ban-list", "list all bans.", "ban-list")

ban-remove command

def handle_ban_remove(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <banlistindex> - remove a ban. """
    channel =
    if len(ievent.args) != 1 or not ievent.args[0].isdigit(): ievent.missing('<banlistindex>') ; return
    if not in bans or not channel in bans[]:
        banslist = get_bans(bot,
        banslist = bans[][channel]
    index = int(ievent.args[0])-1
    if len(banslist) <= index: ievent.reply('ban index out of range')
        unban = banslist[index]
        bot.sendraw('MODE %s -b %s' % (channel, unban))
        ievent.reply('unbanned %s' % (unban, ))

cmnds.add('ban-remove', handle_ban_remove, 'OPER', threaded=True)
examples.add('ban-remove', 'removes a host from the ban list', 'ban-remove 1')

ban-add command

def handle_ban_add(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <nick> - add a ban. """
    if not ievent.args: ievent.missing('<nick>') ; return
    if bot.cfg.nick and ievent.args[0].lower() == bot.cfg.nick.lower():
        ievent.reply('not going to ban myself')
    userhost = getwho(bot, ievent.args[0])
    if userhost:
        host = userhost.split('@')[-1].lower()
        if host == get_bothost(bot): ievent.reply('not going to ban myself') ; return
        bot.sendraw('MODE %s +b *!*@%s' % (, host))
        ievent.reply('banned %s' % (host, ))
    else: ievent.reply('can not get userhost of %s' % ievent.args[0])

cmnds.add('ban-add', handle_ban_add, 'OPER')
examples.add('ban-add', 'adds a host to the ban list', 'ban-add *!*')

ban-kickban command

def handle_kickban_add(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <nick> [<reason>] - add a kickban. """
    if not ievent.args: ievent.missing('<nick> [<reason>]') ; return
    if bot.cfg.nick and ievent.args[0].lower() == bot.cfg.nick.lower():
        ievent.reply('not going to kickban myself')
    userhost = getwho(bot, ievent.args[0])
    reason = len(ievent.args) > 1 and ' '.join(ievent.args[1:]) or 'Permban requested, bye'
    if userhost:
        host = userhost.split('@')[-1].lower()
        if host == get_bothost(bot): ievent.reply('not going to kickban myself') ; return
        bot.sendraw('MODE %s +b *!*@%s' % (, host))
        bot.sendraw('KICK %s %s :%s' % (, ievent.args[0], reason))
    else: ievent.reply('can not get userhost of %s' % ievent.args[0])

cmnds.add('ban-kickban', handle_kickban_add, 'OPER')
examples.add('ban-kickban', 'kickbans the given nick', 'ban-kickban Lam0r Get out of here')
setalias("kickban", "ban-kickban")

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