
test plugin.

fbf.plugs.core.test.cpy(x, memo=None, _nil=[])

donot = [‘relay’, ‘silent’, ‘spider’, ‘chan-token’, ‘bug’, ‘test-deadline’, ‘test-plugs’, ‘stats’, ‘geo’, ‘whatis’, ‘urlinfo’, ‘privmsg’, ‘notice’, ‘disable’, ‘deadline’, ‘twitter’, ‘stop’, ‘admin’, ‘quit’, ‘reboot’, ‘shutdown’, ‘exit’, ‘delete’, ‘halt’, ‘upgrade’, ‘install’, ‘reconnect’, ‘wiki’, ‘weather’, ‘sc’, ‘jump’, ‘disable’, ‘dict’, ‘snarf’, ‘validate’, ‘popcon’, ‘twitter’, ‘tinyurl’, ‘whois’, ‘rblcheck’, ‘wowwiki’, ‘wikipedia’, ‘tr’, ‘translate’, ‘serie’, ‘sc’, ‘shoutcast’, ‘mash’, ‘gcalc’, ‘identi’, ‘mail’, ‘part’, ‘cycle’, ‘exception’, ‘fleet’, ‘ln’, ‘markov-learn’, ‘pit’, ‘bugtracker’, ‘tu’, ‘banner’, ‘cloud’, ‘dispatch’, ‘lns’, ‘loglevel’, ‘test-plugs’, ‘cloneurl’, ‘clone’, ‘hb’, ‘rss-all’, ‘rss-get’, ‘rss-sync’, ‘rss-add’, ‘rss-register’, ‘rss-cloneurl’, ‘rss-scan’]

fbf.plugs.core.test.dotest(bot, event, filter='', direct=False)

do 1 test loop on the bot, e.g. execute all the examples found.

fbf.plugs.core.test.dummy(a, b=None)
fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_forcedexception(bot, ievent)

no arguments - raise a exception.

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_forcedexceptionthreaded(bot, ievent)

no arguments - raise a exception.

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_forcedreconnect(bot, ievent)

no arguments - do a forced reconnect.

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testbackend(bot, ievent)

no arguments - run a threaded command.

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testdeadline(bot, ievent)

no arguments - slee for 40 seconds in the mainloop.

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testdocmnd(bot, ievent)

no arguments - call bot.docmnd().

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testhtml(bot, ievent)

arguments: [<txt>] - test the html=True option to event.reply().

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testmulti(bot, event)
fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testoptions(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show options in current event.

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testplugs(bot, event)

no arguments - test the plugins by executing all the available examples.

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testre(bot, event)
fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testsay(bot, ievent)

arguments: <txt> - call the say command on the current bot.

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testthreaded(bot, ievent)

no arguments - run a threaded command.

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testunicode(bot, ievent)

no arguments - send unicode test down the output paths.

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testuuid(bot, ievent)

no arguments - show a uuid4.

fbf.plugs.core.test.handle_testwrongxml(bot, ievent)

no arguments - try sending borked xml.


# fbf/plugs/core/test.py
# encoding: utf-8

""" test plugin. """

import fbf
from fbf.utils.exception import exceptionmsg, handle_exception, exceptionevents, exceptionlist
from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds
from fbf.lib.examples import examples
from fbf.lib.eventbase import EventBase
from fbf.lib.users import users
from fbf.lib.threads import start_new_thread
from fbf.utils.generic import waitforqueue, waitevents
from fbf.lib.runner import cmndrunner, defaultrunner, threadrunner
from fbf.lib.errors import NoSuchCommand
from fbf import setglobal, getglobal

basic imports

import time
import random
import copy
import logging
import queue


cpy = copy.deepcopy

donot = ['relay', 'silent', 'spider', 'chan-token', 'bug', 'test-deadline', 'test-plugs', 'stats', 'geo', 'whatis', 'urlinfo', 'privmsg', 'notice', 'disable', 'deadline', 'twitter', 'stop', 'admin', 'quit', 'reboot', 'shutdown', 'exit', 'delete', 'halt', 'upgrade', \
'install', 'reconnect', 'wiki', 'weather', 'sc', 'jump', 'disable', 'dict', \
'snarf', 'validate', 'popcon', 'twitter', 'tinyurl', 'whois', 'rblcheck', \
'wowwiki', 'wikipedia', 'tr', 'translate', 'serie', 'sc', 'shoutcast', 'mash', \
'gcalc', 'identi', 'mail', 'part', 'cycle', 'exception', 'fleet', 'ln', 'markov-learn', 'pit', 'bugtracker', 'tu', 'banner', 'cloud', 'dispatch', 'lns', 'loglevel', \
'test-plugs', 'cloneurl', 'clone', 'hb', 'rss-all', 'rss-get', 'rss-sync', 'rss-add', 'rss-register', 'rss-cloneurl', 'rss-scan']

donot = ['tinyurl', 'deadline', 'imdb', 'wiki', 'translate', 'rss', 'docmnd', 'exception', 'forward', 'admin', 'urlinfo', 'spider', 'fleet', 'validate', 'silent', 'test-plugs', 'markov-learn', 'loglevel', 'twitter', 'snarf', 'relay', 'reboot', 'quit']
disabled = ['tinyurl', 'imdb', 'wikipedia', 'translate', 'rss', 'forward', 'admin', 'urlinfo', 'spider', 'fleet', 'twitter', 'snarf', 'relay']
errors = {}
teller = 0

def dummy(a, b=None):
    return ""

dotest function

def dotest(bot, event, filter="", direct=False):
    """ do 1 test loop on the bot, e.g. execute all the examples found. """
    global teller
    global errors
    match = filter
    waiting = []
    examplez = examples.getexamples(disabled)
    for example in examplez:
        if match and match not in example: continue
        skip = False
        for dont in donot:
            if dont in example: skip = True
        if skip: continue
        teller += 1
        e = bot.make_event(event.auth, event.channel, ";" + example, event, cbtype=event.cbtype)
        e.speed = teller % 5
        e.nodispatch = False
        e.iscommand = True
        e.globalerrors = True
            if direct: e.execute()
        except NoSuchCommand as ex: logging.error("failed to find %s command" % str(ex)) ; continue
        except Exception as ex: altar.testerrors[example] = str(ex)
        teller += 1
    for e in waiting: e.join()
    event.reply("%s commands executed" % teller)

test-plugs command

def handle_testplugs(bot, event):
    """ no arguments - test the plugins by executing all the available examples. """
    global teller
    try: threaded = event.args[0]
    except (ValueError, IndexError): threaded = 1
    try: loop = int(event.args[1])
    except (ValueError, IndexError): loop = 1
    try: filter = event.args[2]
    except (ValueError, IndexError): filter = ""
    threads = []
    teller = 0
    jobs = []
    #event.dontclose = True
    for i in range(loop):
        if threaded:
            job = threadrunner.put(5, "dotest", dotest, bot, event, filter)
        else: dotest(bot, event)
    if jobs:
        logging.error("%s jobs launched" % len(jobs))
        for job in jobs:
            if job: logging.info("trying to join %s" % str(job)) ; job.join()
    testerrors = getglobal("testerrors")
    if testerrors:
        event.reply("there are %s test errors .. " % len(testerrors))
        for cmnd, error in testerrors.items(): event.reply("%s - %s" % (cmnd, error))
    else: event.reply("no errors")
    errors = getglobal("errors")
    if errors:
        event.reply("there are %s errors .. " % len(errors))
        for cmnd, error in errors.items(): event.reply("%s - %s" % (cmnd, error))
    else: event.reply("no errors")
    for (event, msg) in exceptionevents: event.reply("EXCEPTION: %s - %s" % (event.txt,msg))
    for msg in exceptionlist: event.reply("EXCEPTION: %s" % msg)

cmnds.add('test-plugs', handle_testplugs, ['TEST', 'USER'], speed=3, threaded=True)
examples.add('test-plugs', 'test all plugins by running there examples', 'test-plugs')

test-forcedconnection command

def handle_forcedreconnect(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - do a forced reconnect. """
    if not bot.cfg.ssl: bot.sock.shutdown(2)
    else: bot.sock.shutdown()

cmnds.add('test-forcedreconnect', handle_forcedreconnect, 'TEST')

test-forcedexception command

def handle_forcedexception(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - raise a exception. """
    ievent.reply("raising exception.")
    raise Exception('test exception')

cmnds.add('test-forcedexception', handle_forcedexception, 'TEST')
examples.add('test-forcedexception', 'throw an exception as test', 'test-forcedexception')

test-forcedexceptionthreaded command

def handle_forcedexceptionthreaded(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - raise a exception. """
    ievent.reply("raising exception")
    raise Exception('test exception')

cmnds.add('test-forcedexceptionthreaded', handle_forcedexceptionthreaded, 'TEST', threaded=True)
examples.add('test-forcedexceptionthreaded', 'throw an exception as test in a thread', 'test-forcedexceptionthreaded')

test-wrongxml command

def handle_testwrongxml(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - try sending borked xml. """
    if not bot.type == "sxmpp":
        ievent.reply('only sxmpp')
    ievent.reply('sending bork xml')
    bot._raw('<message asdfadf/>')

cmnds.add('test-wrongxml', handle_testwrongxml, 'TEST')

test-unicode command

def handle_testunicode(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - send unicode test down the output paths. """
    outtxt = "Đíť ìš éèñ ëņċøďıńğŧęŝţ· .. にほんごがはなせません .. ₀0⁰₁1¹₂2²₃3³₄4⁴₅5⁵₆6⁶₇7⁷₈8⁸₉9⁹ .. ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▉▇▆▅▄▃▂▁ .. .. uǝʌoqǝʇsɹǝpuo pɐdı ǝɾ ʇpnoɥ ǝɾ"
    bot.say(ievent.channel, outtxt, event=ievent)

cmnds.add('test-unicode', handle_testunicode, 'TEST')
examples.add('test-unicode', 'test if unicode output path is clear', 'test-unicode')

test-docmnd command

def handle_testdocmnd(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - call bot.docmnd(). """
    if ievent.rest: bot.docmnd(ievent.origin or ievent.userhost, ievent.channel, ievent.rest, event=ievent)
    else: ievent.missing("<cmnd>") ; return

cmnds.add('test-docmnd', handle_testdocmnd, 'TEST')
examples.add('test-docmnd', 'test the bot.docmnd() method', 'test-docmnd version')

test-say command

def handle_testsay(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <txt> - call the say command on the current bot. """
    if not ievent.rest:
    bot.say(ievent.channel, ievent.rest)

cmnds.add('test-say', handle_testsay, 'TEST')
examples.add('test-say', 'use bot.say()', 'test-say')

test-options command

def handle_testoptions(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show options in current event. """
    ievent.reply('"%s" - %s' % (ievent.txt, str(ievent.options)))

cmnds.add('test-options', handle_testoptions, 'TEST')
examples.add('test-options', "test event options", "test-options")

test-deadline command

def handle_testdeadline(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - slee for 40 seconds in the mainloop. """
    ievent.reply('starting 40 sec sleep')

cmnds.add('test-deadline', handle_testdeadline, 'TEST')
examples.add('test-deadline', "sleep 40 sec to trigger deadlineexceeded exception (GAE)", "test-deadline")

test-html command

def handle_testhtml(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: [<txt>] - test the html=True option to event.reply(). """
    if not ievent.rest: data = '<span style="font-family: fixed; font-size: 10pt"><b>YOOOO BROEDERS</b></span>'
    else: data = ievent.rest
    ievent.reply(data, html=True)

cmnds.add('test-html', handle_testhtml, 'TEST')
examples.add('test-html', 'test html output', '1) test-html 2) test-html <h1><YOO</h1>')

test-uuid command

def handle_testuuid(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - show a uuid4. """
    import uuid

cmnds.add('test-uuid', handle_testuuid, 'TEST')
examples.add("test-uuid", "show a uuid4.", "test-uuid")

test-threaded command

def handle_testthreaded(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - run a threaded command. """

cmnds.add("test-threaded", handle_testthreaded, "TEST", threaded=True)
examples.add("test-threaded", "run a threaded command.", "test-threaded")

test-backend command

def handle_testbackend(bot, ievent):
    """ no arguments - run a threaded command. """
    ievent.reply("backend yoooo!")

cmnds.add("test-backend", handle_testthreaded, "TEST", threaded="backend")
examples.add("test-backend", "run a test command on the backend", "test-backend")

test-re command

def handle_testre(bot, event):

cmnds.add("test-re (.*)$", handle_testre, "TEST", regex=True)
examples.add("test-re", "regular expression as command test", "test-re mekker")

test-multi command

def handle_testmulti(bot, event):
    try: nr = int(event.rest)
    except: event.missing("<nr>") ; return
    if nr > 5: nr = 5
    for i in range(nr): event.reply("bla %s" % i)

cmnds.add("test-multi", handle_testmulti, ["OPER",])