
holds all the plugins. plugins are imported modules.

class fbf.lib.plugins.Plugins

Bases: fbf.utils.lazydict.LazyDict

the plugins object contains all the plugins.

load_mod(modname, force=False, showerror=True, loaded=[])

load a plugin.

loadall(paths=[], force=True)

load all plugins from given paths, if force is true .. otherwise load all plugins for default_plugins list.

loaddeps(modname, force=False, showerror=False, loaded=[])
loading = <fbf.utils.lazydict.LazyDict object at 0x3ed1400>
reload(modname, force=False, showerror=False)

reload a plugin. just load for now.

reloadfile(filename, force=True)

unload plugin .. remove related commands from cmnds object.


# fbf/lib/

""" holds all the plugins. plugins are imported modules. """

fbf imports

from .threads import start_new_thread
from .commands import cmnds
from .callbacks import callbacks, remote_callbacks, first_callbacks, last_callbacks
from .eventbase import EventBase
from .persist import Persist
from fbf.utils.lazydict import LazyDict
from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception
from .boot import cmndtable, plugin_packages, default_plugins
from .errors import NoSuchPlugin, URLNotEnabled, RequireError
from fbf.utils.locking import lockdec
from .fbfimport import force_import, _import
from .morphs import outputmorphs, inputmorphs
from .wait import waiter
from .boot import plugblacklist, isenabled
from .runner import threadrunner
from .threads import getname

basic imports

import imp
import os
import logging
import queue
import copy
import sys
import _thread
import types
import time
from collections import deque


cpy = copy.deepcopy


loadlock = _thread.allocate_lock()
locked = lockdec(loadlock)

Plugins class

class Plugins(LazyDict):

    """ the plugins object contains all the plugins. """

    loading = LazyDict()

    def size(self): return len(self)

    def exit(self):
        todo = cpy(self)
        threads = []
        for plugname in todo:
            threads.append(start_new_thread(self.unload, (plugname, )))
        for t in threads: t.join(0.5)

    def reloadfile(self, filename, force=True):
        mlist = filename.split(os.sep)
        mod = []
        for m in mlist[::-1]:
            mod.insert(0, m)
            if m == "myplugs": break
        modname = ".".join(mod)[:-3]
        if not isenabled(modname): logging.warn("%s is not enabled. not loading" % modname) ; return
        from .boot import plugblacklist
        if modname in logging.warn("%s is in blacklist .. not loading." % modname) ; return
        logging.debug("plugs - using %s" % modname)"reloading %s" % filename)
        try: self.reload(modname, force)
        except RequireError as ex:

    def loadall(self, paths=[], force=True):
            load all plugins from given paths, if force is true ..
            otherwise load all plugins for default_plugins list.

        if not paths: paths = plugin_packages
        imp = None
        old = list(self.keys())
        new = []
        logging.warn("loading all from paths %s" % paths)
        for module in paths:
            try: imp = _import(module)
            except ImportError as ex:
                logging.warn("no %s plugin package found - %s" % (module, str(ex)))
            except Exception as ex: handle_exception()
            logging.debug("got plugin package %s" % module)
                for plug in imp.__plugs__:
                    if "gae" in plug: continue
                    mod = "%s.%s" % (module, plug)
                    if not isenabled(mod): logging.warn("%s is not enabled. not loading" % mod) ; continue
                    try: self.reload(mod, force=force, showerror=True)
                    except RequireError as ex: ; continue
                    except KeyError: logging.debug("failed to load plugin package %s" % module) ; continue
                    except Exception as ex: handle_exception() ; continue
            except AttributeError: logging.error("no plugins in %s .. define __plugs__ in" % module)
        remove = [x for x in old if x not in new and x not in default_plugins]"unload list is:  %s" % ", ".join(remove))
        for mod in remove: self.unload(mod)
        return new

    def unload(self, modname):
        """ unload plugin .. remove related commands from cmnds object. """"unloading %s" % modname)
            logging.debug('called %s shutdown' % modname)
        except KeyError:
            logging.debug("no %s module found" % modname)
            return False
        except AttributeError: pass
        try: cmnds.unload(modname)
        except KeyError: pass
        try: first_callbacks.unload(modname)
        except KeyError: pass
        try: callbacks.unload(modname)
        except KeyError: pass
        try: last_callbacks.unload(modname)
        except KeyError: pass
        try: remote_callbacks.unload(modname)
        except KeyError: pass
        try: outputmorphs.unload(modname)
        except: handle_exception()
        try: inputmorphs.unload(modname)
        except: handle_exception()
        try: waiter.remove(modname)
        except: handle_exception()
        return True

    def load_mod(self, modname, force=False, showerror=True, loaded=[]):
        """ load a plugin. """
        if not modname: raise NoSuchPlugin(modname)
        if "__pycache__" in modname: return
        if not isenabled(modname): logging.warn("%s is not enabled. not loading" % modname) ; return
        if not force and modname in loaded: logging.warn("skipping %s" % modname) ; return loaded
        from .boot import plugblacklist
        if plugblacklist and modname in logging.warn("%s is in blacklist .. not loading." % modname) ; return loaded
        if modname in self:
                logging.debug("%s already loaded" % modname)
                if not force: return self[modname]
                self[modname] = imp.reload(self[modname])
            except Exception as ex: raise
            logging.debug("trying %s" % modname)
            mod = _import(modname)
            if not mod: return None
            try: self[modname] = mod
            except KeyError:
      "failed to load %s" % modname)
                raise NoSuchPlugin(modname)
        try: init = getattr(self[modname], 'init')
        except AttributeError: init = None
        try: threaded_init = getattr(self[modname], 'init_threaded')
        except AttributeError: threaded_init = None
            init and init()
            logging.debug('%s init called' % modname)
        except RequireError as ex: ; return
        except URLNotEnabled: logging.warn("URL fetching is disabled")
        except Exception as ex: raise
            threaded_init and threadrunner.put(3, modname, threaded_init)
            logging.debug('%s threaded_init started' % modname)
        except Exception as ex: raise
        logging.warn("%s loaded" % modname)
        return self[modname]

    def loaddeps(self, modname, force=False, showerror=False, loaded=[]):
        if not "." in modname: modname = self.getmodule(modname)
        if not modname: logging.error("no modname found for %s" % modname) ; return []
            deps = self[modname].__depending__
            if deps: logging.warn("dependcies detected: %s" % deps)
        except (KeyError, AttributeError): deps = []
        deps.insert(0, modname)
        for dep in deps:
            if dep not in loaded:
                self.loading[dep] = time.time()
                if dep in self: self.unload(dep)
                    self.load_mod(dep, force, showerror, loaded)
                except RequireError as ex: logging.warn("%s require error: %s" % (dep, str(ex)))
                except Exception as ex: del self.loading[dep] ; raise
                self.loading[dep] = 0
        return loaded

    def reload(self, modname, force=False, showerror=False):
        """ reload a plugin. just load for now. """
        if type(modname) == list: loadlist = modname
            loadlist = [modname, ]
        loaded = []
        for modname in loadlist:
            modname = modname.replace("..", ".")
            loaded.extend(self.loaddeps(modname, force, showerror, []))
        return loaded

    def fetch(self, plugname):
        mod = self.getmodule(plugname)
        if mod: self.reload(mod) ; return self.get(mod)

    def disabled(self):
        from fbf.lib.boot import disabled
        return disabled()

    def disable(self, plugslist):
        if not plugslist: return
        for plug in plugslist:
            try: self.unload(plug)
            except Exception as ex: handle_exception()

    def getmodule(self, plugname):
        for module in plugin_packages:
            try: imp = _import(module)
            except ImportError as ex:
                if "No module" in str(ex):
          "no %s plugin package found" % module)
            except Exception as ex: handle_exception() ; continue
            if plugname in imp.__plugs__: return "%s.%s" % (module, plugname)

global plugins object

plugs = Plugins()

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