.. _plugin:udp: === UDP === | about ----- | :author: FeedBackLoop :contact: FREENODE/#fbf :distribution: core :license: | description ----------- | the bot has the capability to listen for udp packets which it will use to /msg a given nick or channel. 1) setup * run !udp-cfg udp 1 .. this enables the udp plugin * do !reload udp to enable the udp plugin * test with: :: echo "YOOO" | ./bin/fbf-udp -p * you can run !udp-cfgsave and edit ~/.fbf/config/fbf.plugs.socket.udp/config if need be. 2) limiter on IRC the bot's /msg to a user/channel are limited to 1 per 3 seconds so the bot will not excessflood on the server. you can use partyudp if you need no delay between sent messages, this will use dcc chat to deliver the message. on jabber bots there is no delay | commands -------- | :commands in this plugin: udp-cfgsave .. udp-cfgdefined .. udp-cfg | 1) *udp-cfg .. [cfg]* :description: the config (cfg) command. :permissions: OPER :code: :ref:`fbf.lib.persistconfig_PersistConfig_class`. :examples: :: ;udp-cfg options: cfile="docs/docrun/config/plugs/fbf.plugs.extra.udp" .. datadir="docs/docrun/" .. dir="docs/docrun/config" .. filename="plugs/fbf.plugs.extra.udp" .. hide=['udppassword', 'udpseed'] .. issaved=True .. jsondb=None .. logname="config/plugs/fbf.plugs.extra.udp" .. modname="fbf.plugs.extra.udp" .. origdir="docs/docrun" .. origname="plugs/fbf.plugs.extra.udp" .. plugname="udp" - 1 more 2) *udp-cfgdefined .. [cfgdefined]* :description: show defined attributes. :permissions: OPER :code: :ref:`fbf.lib.persistconfig_PersistConfig_class`. :examples: :: ;udp-cfgdefined cfg has the following options defined: cfile, datadir, dir, filename, hide, issaved, jsondb, logname, modname, origdir, origname, plugname, port, udp, udpallow, udpallowednicks, udpbots, udpdblog, udphost, udpipv6, udpmasks, udpparty, udpport, udpsleep, udpstrip, uuid 3) *udp-cfgsave .. [cfgsave]* :description: save config. :permissions: OPER :code: :ref:`fbf.lib.persistconfig_PersistConfig_class`. :examples: :: ;udp-cfgsave config saved