.. _plugin:kickban: ======= KICKBAN ======= | about ----- | :author: FeedBackLoop :contact: FREENODE/#fbf :distribution: core :license: | description ----------- | kickban functionality for IRC. | commands -------- | :commands in this plugin: ban-add .. ban-remove .. ban-kickban .. ban-list | 1) *ban-add .. [handle_ban_add]* :description: arguments: - add a ban. :permissions: OPER :code: :ref:`fbf.plugs.extra.kickban_ban-add_command`. :examples: :: ;ban-add *!*@lamers.are.us can not get userhost of *!*@lamers.are.us 2) *ban-kickban .. [handle_kickban_add]* :description: arguments: [] - add a kickban. :permissions: OPER :code: :ref:`fbf.plugs.extra.kickban_ban-kickban_command`. :examples: :: ;ban-kickban Lam0r Get out of here can not get userhost of Lam0r 3) *ban-list .. [handle_ban_list]* :description: no arguments - list all bans. :permissions: OPER :code: :ref:`fbf.plugs.extra.kickban_ban-list_command`. :examples: :: ;ban-list the ban list for #test is empty 4) *ban-remove .. [handle_ban_remove]* :description: arguments: - remove a ban. :permissions: OPER :code: :ref:`fbf.plugs.extra.kickban_ban-remove_command`. :examples: :: ;ban-remove 1 ban index out of range