.. _plugin:jira: ==== JIRA ==== | about ----- | :author: FeedBackLoop :contact: FREENODE/#fbf :distribution: core :license: | description ----------- | jira.py - fbfbot module for performing lookups on a jira server Copyright 2011, Richard Bateman Special thanks to Sean B. Palmer for his phenny module; many of the ideas for this were adapted from that plugin http://inamidst.com/phenny/ BHJTW - adapted for FBFBOT on 15-09-2012 | commands -------- | :commands in this plugin: del_jira_server .. jira_issue_lookup_enable .. add_jira_server | 1) *add_jira_server .. [handle_add_jira_server]* :description: configure a new jira server; syntax: add_jira_server [server name] [url] [username] [password] :permissions: OPER :code: :ref:`fbf.plugs.extra.jira_add_jira_server_command`. :examples: :: ;add_jira_server FireBreath http://jira.firebreath.org myuser mypassword Added jira server FireBreath 2) *del_jira_server .. [handle_del_jira_server]* :description: remove a jira server; syntax: del_jira_server :permissions: OPER :code: :ref:`fbf.plugs.extra.jira_del_jira_server_command`. :examples: :: ;del_jira_server FireBreath http://jira.firebreath.org myuser mypassword syntax: del_jira_server [server name] 3) *jira_issue_lookup_enable .. [handle_jira_issue_lookup_enable]* :description: enable lookups for jira issues in the current channel; syntax: jira_issue_lookup_enable [server] [prefix] :permissions: OPER :code: :ref:`fbf.plugs.extra.jira_jira_issue_lookup_enable_command`. :examples: :: ;jira_issue_lookup_enable jiraserver FIREBREATH Unknown server jiraserver