.. _plugin:alias: ===== ALIAS ===== | about ----- | :author: FeedBackLoop :contact: FREENODE/#fbf :distribution: core :license: | description ----------- | this alias plugin allows aliases for commands to be added. aliases are in the form of -> .. aliases to aliases are not allowed, aliases are per channel. | commands -------- | :commands in this plugin: aliases .. alias .. alias-search .. alias-makeglobal .. alias-del | 1) *alias .. [handle_aliasset]* :description: arguments: - set alias. :permissions: USER :code: :ref:`fbf.plugs.core.alias_alias_command`. :examples: :: ;alias ll list alias added 2) *alias-del .. [handle_delalias]* :description: arguments: - delete alias. :permissions: USER :code: :ref:`fbf.plugs.core.alias_alias-del_command`. :examples: :: ;alias-del ll alias deleted 3) *alias-makeglobal .. [handle_aliasmakeglobal]* :description: no arguments - make channel aliases global. :permissions: OPER :code: :ref:`fbf.plugs.core.alias_alias-makeglobal_command`. :examples: :: ;alias-makeglobal global aliases updated 4) *alias-search .. [handle_aliassearch]* :description: arguments: - search aliases. :permissions: USER :code: :ref:`fbf.plugs.core.alias_alias-search_command`. :examples: :: ;alias-search web no web found 5) *aliases .. [handle_aliasget]* :description: not arguments - show aliases. (per user) :permissions: OPER :code: :ref:`fbf.plugs.core.alias_aliases_command`. :examples: :: ;aliases global aliases: {"forget": "learn-forget", "iq": "quote-id", "searchitems": "learn-searchitems", "k-search": "karma-search", "cq": "quote-count", "whodown": "karma-whodown", "q-bad": "quote-bad", "whatup": "karma-whatup", "kickban": "ban-kickban", "tt": "todo-time", "mcfg-set": "cfg-set main", "whoup": "karma-whoup", "lq": "quote-last", "mcfg": "cfg main", "good": "karma-good", - 2 more