.. _fbf.plugs.extra.twitter: twitter ~~~~~~~ .. automodule:: fbf.plugs.extra.twitter :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: CODE ---- :: # fbf/plugs/extra/twitter.py # # """ a twitter plugin for the FBFBOT, currently post only .. uses tweepy oauth. """ .. _fbf.plugs.extra.twitter_fbf_imports: fbf imports -------------- :: from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds from fbf.lib.examples import examples from fbf.utils.pdol import Pdol from fbf.utils.textutils import html_unescape from fbf.utils.generic import waitforqueue, strippedtxt, splittxt from fbf.lib.persist import PlugPersist from fbf.utils.twitter import twitter_out, get_token, get_users, twitterapi, twittertoken, getcreds, getauth from fbf.lib.datadir import getdatadir .. _fbf.plugs.extra.twitter_tweppy_imports: tweppy imports ----------------- :: from fbf.contrib import tweepy .. _fbf.plugs.extra.twitter_basic_imports: basic imports ---------------- :: import os import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import types import logging .. _fbf.plugs.extra.twitter_twitter_command: twitter command ------------------ :: def handle_twitter(bot, ievent): """ arguments: - send a twitter message. """ from fbf.utils.twitter import go if not go: ievent.reply("the twitter plugin needs the credentials.py file in the .fbf/config dir. see the examples directory") ; return txt = ievent.rest if ievent.ispipelined: txt = ievent.wait() if not txt: ievent.missing('') ; return else: if ievent.chan: taglist = ievent.chan.data.taglist if taglist: for tag in taglist: txt += " %s" % tag twitter_out(ievent.user.data.name, txt, ievent) ; ievent.reply("tweet posted") cmnds.add('twitter', handle_twitter, ['USER', 'GUEST']) examples.add('twitter', 'posts a message on twitter', 'twitter just found the http://jsonbot.org project') .. _fbf.plugs.extra.twitter_twitter-cmnd_command: twitter-cmnd command ----------------------- :: def handle_twittercmnd(bot, ievent): """ arguments: - do a twitter API cmommand. """ from fbf.utils.twitter import go if not go: ievent.reply("the twitter plugin needs the credentials.py file in the .fbf/config dir. see the examples dir") ; return if not ievent.args: ievent.missing('') ; return target = strippedtxt(ievent.args[0]) try: from fbf.utils.twitter import get_token token = get_token(ievent.user.data.name) if not token: ievent.reply("you are not logged in yet .. run the twitter-auth command.") ; return key, secret = getcreds(getdatadir()) token = tweepy.oauth.OAuthToken(key, secret).from_string(token) twitter = twitterapi(key, secret, token) cmndlist = dir(twitter) cmnds = [] for cmnd in cmndlist: if cmnd.startswith("_") or cmnd == "auth": continue else: cmnds.append(cmnd) if target not in cmnds: ievent.reply("choose one of: %s" % ", ".join(cmnds)) ; return try: method = getattr(twitter, target) except AttributeError: ievent.reply("choose one of: %s" % ", ".join(cmnds)) ; return result = method() res = [] for item in result: try: res.append("%s - %s" % (item.screen_name, item.text)) except AttributeError: try: res.append("%s - %s" % (item.screen_name, item.description)) except AttributeError: try: res.append(str(item.__getstate__())) except AttributeError: res.append(dir(i)) ; res.append(str(item)) ievent.reply("result of %s: " % target, res) except KeyError: ievent.reply('you are not logged in yet. see the twitter-auth command.') except (tweepy.TweepError, urllib.error.HTTPError) as e: ievent.reply('twitter failed: %s' % (str(e),)) cmnds.add('twitter-cmnd', handle_twittercmnd, 'OPER') examples.add('twitter-cmnd', 'do a cmnd on the twitter API', 'twitter-cmnd home_timeline') .. _fbf.plugs.extra.twitter_twitter-confirm_command: twitter-confirm command -------------------------- :: def handle_twitter_confirm(bot, ievent): """ arguments: - confirm auth with PIN. """ from fbf.utils.twitter import go if not go: ievent.reply("the twitter plugin needs the credentials.py file in the %s/config dir. see the examples directory" % getdatadir()) ; return pin = ievent.args[0] if not pin: ievent.missing(" .. see the twitter-auth command.") ; return try: access_token = getauth(getdatadir()).get_access_token(pin) except (tweepy.TweepError, urllib.error.HTTPError) as e: ievent.reply('twitter failed: %s' % (str(e),)) ; return twitteruser = get_users() twitteruser.add(ievent.user.data.name, access_token.to_string()) ievent.reply("access token saved.") cmnds.add('twitter-confirm', handle_twitter_confirm, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST']) examples.add('twitter-confirm', 'confirm your twitter account', 'twitter-confirm 6992762') .. _fbf.plugs.extra.twitter_twitter-auth_command: twitter-auth command ----------------------- :: def handle_twitter_auth(bot, ievent): """ no arguments - get url to get the auth PIN needed for the twitter-confirm command. """ from fbf.utils.twitter import go if not go: ievent.reply("the twitter plugin needs the credentials.py file in the .fbf/config dir. see the examples directory") ; return try: auth_url = getauth(getdatadir()).get_authorization_url() except (tweepy.TweepError, urllib.error.HTTPError) as e: ievent.reply('twitter failed: %s' % (str(e),)) ; return if bot.type == "irc": bot.say(ievent.nick, "sign in at %s" % auth_url) bot.say(ievent.nick, "use the provided code in the twitter-confirm command.") else: ievent.reply("sign in at %s" % auth_url) ievent.reply("use the provided code in the twitter-confirm command.") cmnds.add('twitter-auth', handle_twitter_auth, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST']) examples.add('twitter-auth', 'adds your twitter account', 'twitter-auth') .. _fbf.plugs.extra.twitter_twitter-friends_command: twitter-friends command -------------------------- :: def handle_twitterfriends(bot, ievent): """ no arguments - show friends timeline (your normal twitter feed). """ from fbf.utils.twitter import go if not go: ievent.reply("the twitter plugin needs the credentials.py file in the .fbf/config dir. see the examples directory") ; return try: token = get_token(ievent.user.data.name) if not token: ievent.reply("you are not logged in yet .. run the twitter-auth command.") ; return key , secret = getcreds(getdatadir()) token = tweepy.oauth.OAuthToken(key, secret).from_string(token) twitter = twitterapi(key, secret, token) method = getattr(twitter, "friends_timeline") result = method() res = [] for item in result: try: res.append("%s - %s" % (item.author.screen_name, item.text)) except Exception as ex: handle_exception() ievent.reply("results: ", res) except KeyError: ievent.reply('you are not logged in yet. see the twitter-auth command.') except (tweepy.TweepError, urllib.error.HTTPError) as e: ievent.reply('twitter failed: %s' % (str(e),)) cmnds.add('twitter-friends', handle_twitterfriends, ['OPER', 'USER', 'GUEST'], threaded=True) examples.add('twitter-friends', 'show your friends_timeline', 'twitter-friends') def init(): from fbf.utils.twitter import getcreds creds = getcreds()