.. _fbf.plugs.extra.plus: plus ~~~~ .. automodule:: fbf.plugs.extra.plus :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: CODE ---- :: # fbf/plugs/common/plus.py # # """ plugin to query the Google+ API. """ .. _fbf.plugs.extra.plus_fbf_imports: fbf imports -------------- :: from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception from fbf.utils.lazydict import LazyDict from fbf.utils.url import geturl2 from fbf.lib.persistconfig import PersistConfig from fbf.lib.persiststate import PlugState from fbf.lib.fbfimport import import_byfile from fbf.lib.datadir import getdatadir from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds from fbf.lib.examples import examples from fbf.lib.fleet import getfleet from fbf.lib.periodical import minutely, periodical from fbf.imports import getjson json = getjson() .. _fbf.plugs.extra.plus_basic_imports: basic imports ---------------- :: import os import logging import uuid .. _fbf.plugs.extra.plus_defines_: defines ---------- :: cfg = PersistConfig() cfg.define("enable", 0) state = PlugState() state.define("ids", {}) state.define("seen", {}) teller = 0 .. _fbf.plugs.extra.plus_getplus_function: getplus function ------------------- :: def getplus(target): credentials = import_byfile("credentials", getdatadir() + os.sep + "config" + os.sep + "credentials.py") url = "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/%s/activities/public?alt=json&pp=1&key=%s" % (target, credentials.googleclient_apikey) result = geturl2(url) data = json.loads(result) res = [] for item in data['items']: i = LazyDict(item) res.append("%s - %s - %s" % (i.actor['displayName'], i['title'], item['url'])) return res .. _fbf.plugs.extra.plus_PlusLoop_class: PlusLoop class ----------------- :: @minutely def plusscan(skip=False): global teller teller += 1 if teller % 5 != 0: return logging.warn("running plus scan") fleet = getfleet() for id, channels in state.data.ids.items(): if not id in state.data.seen: state.data.seen[id] = [] for botname, chan in channels: try: res = getplus(id) if not res: logging.warn("no result from %s" % id) ; continue bot = fleet.byname(botname) if bot: todo = [] for r in res: stamp = uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, str(r)).hex if stamp not in state.data.seen[id]: state.data.seen[id].append(stamp) todo.append(r) if todo: bot.say(chan, "new plus update: " , todo) else: logging.warn("no %s bot in fleet" % botname) except AttributeError as ex: logging.error(str(ex)) except Exception as ex: handle_exception() state.save() .. _fbf.plugs.extra.plus_plus_command: plus command --------------- :: def handle_plus(bot, event): if event.args: target = event.args[0] else: event.missing("userid") ; return try: res = getplus(target) except Exception as ex: event.reply("an error occured: %s" % str(ex)) ; return if res: event.reply("results: ", res, dot=" || ") else: event.repy("no data found") cmnds.add("plus", handle_plus, ["OPER", "USER"]) examples.add("plus", "query activities of a userid on google+", "plus 115623252983295760522") .. _fbf.plugs.extra.plus_plus-start_command: plus-start command --------------------- :: def handle_plusstart(bot, event): if not event.args: event.missing("") ; return global state gid = event.args[0] target = [bot.cfg.name, event.channel] if gid not in state.data.ids: state.data.ids[gid] = [] if not target in state.data.ids[gid]: state.data.ids[gid].append(target) state.save() event.done() else: event.reply("we are already monitoring %s in %s" % (gid, str(target))) cmnds.add("plus-start", handle_plusstart, ["OPER", ]) examples.add("plus-start", "start monitoring a google+ id into the channel", "plus-start 115623252983295760522") .. _fbf.plugs.extra.plus_plus-stop_command: plus-stop command -------------------- :: def handle_plusstop(bot, event): if not event.args: event.missing("") ; return global state gid = event.args[0] try: del state.data.ids[gid] state.save() event.done() except (KeyError, ValueError): event.reply("we are already monitoring %s" % gid) cmnds.add("plus-stop", handle_plusstop, ["OPER", ]) examples.add("plus-stop", "stop monitoring a google+ id", "plus-stop 115623252983295760522") def handle_pluslist(bot, event): event.reply("ids list: ", state.data.ids) cmnds.add("plus-list", handle_pluslist, ['OPER', ]) def init(): if cfg.enable: plusscan(True) def shutdown(): periodical.kill()