.. _fbf.lib.partyline: partyline ~~~~~~~~~ .. automodule:: fbf.lib.partyline :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: CODE ---- :: # fbf/socklib/partyline.py # # """ provide partyline functionality .. manage dcc sockets. """ __copyright__ = 'this file is in the public domain' __author__ = 'Aim' .. _fbf.lib.partyline_fbf_imports: fbf imports -------------- :: from fbf.lib.fleet import getfleet from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception from fbf.lib.threads import start_new_thread from fbf.imports import getjson json = getjson() .. _fbf.lib.partyline_basic_imports: basic imports ---------------- :: import _thread import pickle import socket import logging .. _fbf.lib.partyline_classes_: classes ---------- :: class PartyLine(object): """ partyline can be used to talk through dcc chat connections. """ def __init__(self): self.socks = [] # partyline sockets list self.jids = [] self.lock = _thread.allocate_lock() def size(self): return len(self.socks) def resume(self, sessionfile): """ resume bot from session file. """ try: session = json.load(open(sessionfile, 'r')) self._resume(session) except: handle_exception() def _resume(self, data, reto=None): """ resume a party line connection after reboot. """ fleet = getfleet() for i in data['partyline']: logging.warn("partyline - resuming %s" % i) bot = fleet.byname(i['botname']) if not bot: logging.error("partyline - can't find bot") ; continue sock = socket.fromfd(i['fileno'], socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setblocking(1) nick = i['nick'] userhost = i['userhost'] channel = i['channel'] if not bot: logging.error("partyline - can't find %s bot in fleet" % i['botname']) continue self.socks.append({'bot': bot, 'sock': sock, 'nick': nick, 'userhost': userhost, 'channel': channel, 'silent': i['silent']}) bot._dccresume(sock, nick, userhost, channel) if reto: self.say_nick(nick, 'rebooting done') def _resumedata(self): """ return data used for resume. """ result = [] for i in self.socks: result.append({'botname': i['bot'].cfg.name, 'fileno': i['sock'].fileno(), 'nick': i['nick'], 'userhost': i['userhost'], 'channel': i['channel'], 'silent': i['silent']}) return result def stop(self, bot): """ stop all users on bot. """ for i in self.socks: if i['bot'] == bot: try: i['sock'].shutdown(2) i['sock'].close() except: pass def stop_all(self): """ stop every user on partyline. """ for i in self.socks: try: i['sock'].shutdown(2) i['sock'].close() except: pass def loud(self, nick): """ enable broadcasting of txt for nick. """ for i in self.socks: if i['nick'] == nick: i['silent'] = False def silent(self, nick): """ disable broadcasting txt from/to nick. """ for i in self.socks: if i['nick'] == nick: i['silent'] = True def add_party(self, bot, sock, nick, userhost, channel): ''' add a socket with nick to the list. ''' for i in self.socks: if i['sock'] == sock: return self.socks.append({'bot': bot, 'sock': sock, 'nick': nick, 'userhost': userhost, 'channel': channel, 'silent': False}) logging.warn("partyline - added user %s" % nick) def del_party(self, nick): ''' remove a socket with nick from the list. ''' nick = nick.lower() self.lock.acquire() try: for socknr in range(len(self.socks)-1, -1, -1): if self.socks[socknr]['nick'].lower() == nick: del self.socks[socknr] logging.debug('partyline - removed user %s' % nick) finally: self.lock.release() def list_nicks(self): ''' list all connected nicks. ''' result = [] for item in self.socks: result.append(item['nick']) return result def say_broadcast(self, txt): ''' broadcast a message to all ppl on partyline. ''' for item in self.socks: if not item['silent']: item['sock'].send("%s\n" % txt) def say_broadcast_notself(self, nick, txt): ''' broadcast a message to all ppl on partyline, except the sender. ''' nick = nick.lower() for item in self.socks: if item['nick'] == nick: continue if not item['silent']: item['sock'].send("%s\n" % txt) def say_nick(self, nickto, msg): ''' say a message on the partyline to an user. ''' nickto = nickto.lower() for item in self.socks: if item['nick'].lower() == nickto: if not '\n' in msg: msg += "\n" item['sock'].send("%s" % msg) return def is_on(self, nick): ''' checks if user an is on the partyline. ''' nick = nick.lower() for item in self.socks: if item['nick'].lower() == nick: return True return False .. _fbf.lib.partyline_global_partyline_object: global partyline object -------------------------- :: partyline = PartyLine() def size(): return partyline.size()