.. _fbf.drivers.irc.ircevent: ircevent ~~~~~~~~ .. automodule:: fbf.drivers.irc.ircevent :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: CODE ---- :: # gozerbot/ircevent.py # # # http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/rfc/rfc2812.txt """ an ircevent is extracted from the IRC string received from the server. """ .. _fbf.drivers.irc.ircevent_fbf_imports: fbf imports -------------- :: from fbf.utils.generic import toenc, fromenc, strippedtxt, fix_format from fbf.lib.eventbase import EventBase .. _fbf.drivers.irc.ircevent_basic_imports: basic imports ---------------- :: import time import re import types import copy import logging .. _fbf.drivers.irc.ircevent_defines_: defines ---------- :: cpy = copy.deepcopy .. _fbf.drivers.irc.ircevent_Ircevent_class: Ircevent class ----------------- :: class IrcEvent(EventBase): """ represents an IRC event. """ def __deepcopy__(self, bla): e = IrcEvent() e.copyin(self) return e def parse(self, bot, rawstr): """ parse raw string into ircevent. """ self.bottype = "irc" self.bot = bot self.createdfrom = bot.cfg.name self.ttl = 2 self.speed = 4 rawstr = rawstr.rstrip() splitted = re.split('\s+', rawstr) if not rawstr[0] == ':': assert bot.cfg splitted.insert(0, ":%s!%s@%s" % (bot.cfg.nick, bot.cfg.username, bot.cfg.server)) rawstr = ":%s!%s@%s %s" % (bot.cfg.nick, bot.cfg.username, bot.cfg.server, rawstr) self.prefix = splitted[0][1:] nickuser = self.prefix.split('!') try: self.userhost = nickuser[1] self.nick = nickuser[0] except IndexError: self.userhost = None ; self.nick = None ; self.isservermsg = True self.cmnd = splitted[1] self.cbtype = self.cmnd if self.cmnd in pfc: self.arguments = splitted[2:pfc[self.cmnd]+2] txtsplit = re.split('\s+', rawstr, pfc[self.cmnd]+2) self.txt = txtsplit[-1] else: self.arguments = splitted[2:] if self.arguments: self.target = self.arguments[0] self.postfix = ' '.join(self.arguments) if self.target and self.target.startswith(':'): self.txt = ' '.join(self.arguments) if self.txt: if self.txt[0] == ":": self.txt = self.txt[1:] if self.txt: self.usercmnd = self.txt.split()[0] if self.cmnd == 'PING': self.speed = 9 if self.cmnd == 'PRIVMSG': self.channel = self.arguments[0] if '\001' in self.txt: self.isctcp = True elif self.cmnd == 'JOIN' or self.cmnd == 'PART': if self.arguments: self.channel = self.arguments[0] else: self.channel = self.txt elif self.cmnd == 'MODE': self.channel = self.arguments[0] elif self.cmnd == 'TOPIC': self.channel = self.arguments[0] elif self.cmnd == 'KICK': self.channel = self.arguments[0] elif self.cmnd == '353': self.channel = self.arguments[2] elif self.cmnd == '324': self.channel = self.arguments[1] if self.userhost: self.ruserhost = self.userhost self.stripped = self.userhost self.auth = self.userhost try: self.hostname = self.userhost.split("@")[1] except: self.hostname = None self.origtxt = self.txt if self.channel: self.channel = self.channel.strip() self.origchannel = self.channel if self.channel == self.bot.cfg.nick: logging.warn("irc - msg detected - setting channel to %s" % self.userhost) self.msg = True self.channel = self.userhost if not self.channel: for c in self.arguments: if c.startswith("#"): self.channel = c try: nr = int(self.cmnd) if nr > 399 and not nr == 422: logging.error('%s - %s - %s - %s' % (self.bot.cfg.name, self.cmnd, self.arguments, self.txt)) except ValueError: pass self.prepare() return self def reply(self, txt, result=[], event=None, origin="", dot=", ", nr=375, extend=0, *args, **kwargs): """ reply to this event """ if self.isdcc: self.bot.say(self.sock, txt, result, 'msg', self, nr, extend, dot, *args, **kwargs) elif self.msg: self.bot.say(self.nick, txt, result, 'msg', self, nr, extend, dot, *args, **kwargs) elif self.silent or (self.chan and self.chan.data and self.chan.data.silent): self.bot.say(self.nick, txt, result, 'msg', self, nr, extend, dot, *args, **kwargs) else: self.bot.say(self.channel, txt, result, 'msg', self, nr, extend, dot, *args, **kwargs) return self .. _fbf.drivers.irc.ircevent_postfix_count_-_how_many_arguments: postfix count - how many arguments ------------------------------------- :: pfc = {} pfc['NICK'] = 0 pfc['QUIT'] = 0 pfc['SQUIT'] = 1 pfc['JOIN'] = 0 pfc['PART'] = 1 pfc['TOPIC'] = 1 pfc['KICK'] = 2 pfc['PRIVMSG'] = 1 pfc['NOTICE'] = 1 pfc['SQUERY'] = 1 pfc['PING'] = 0 pfc['ERROR'] = 0 pfc['AWAY'] = 0 pfc['WALLOPS'] = 0 pfc['INVITE'] = 1 pfc['001'] = 1 pfc['002'] = 1 pfc['003'] = 1 pfc['004'] = 4 pfc['005'] = 15 pfc['302'] = 1 pfc['303'] = 1 pfc['301'] = 2 pfc['305'] = 1 pfc['306'] = 1 pfc['311'] = 5 pfc['312'] = 3 pfc['313'] = 2 pfc['317'] = 3 pfc['318'] = 2 pfc['319'] = 2 pfc['314'] = 5 pfc['369'] = 2 pfc['322'] = 3 pfc['323'] = 1 pfc['325'] = 3 pfc['324'] = 4 pfc['331'] = 2 pfc['332'] = 2 pfc['341'] = 3 pfc['342'] = 2 pfc['346'] = 3 pfc['347'] = 2 pfc['348'] = 3 pfc['349'] = 2 pfc['351'] = 3 pfc['352'] = 7 pfc['315'] = 2 pfc['353'] = 3 pfc['366'] = 2 pfc['364'] = 3 pfc['365'] = 2 pfc['367'] = 2 pfc['368'] = 2 pfc['371'] = 1 pfc['374'] = 1 pfc['375'] = 1 pfc['372'] = 1 pfc['376'] = 1 pfc['381'] = 1 pfc['382'] = 2 pfc['383'] = 5 pfc['391'] = 2 pfc['392'] = 1 pfc['393'] = 1 pfc['394'] = 1 pfc['395'] = 1 pfc['262'] = 3 pfc['242'] = 1 pfc['235'] = 3 pfc['250'] = 1 pfc['251'] = 1 pfc['252'] = 2 pfc['253'] = 2 pfc['254'] = 2 pfc['255'] = 1 pfc['256'] = 2 pfc['257'] = 1 pfc['258'] = 1 pfc['259'] = 1 pfc['263'] = 2 pfc['265'] = 1 pfc['266'] = 1 pfc['401'] = 2 pfc['402'] = 2 pfc['403'] = 2 pfc['404'] = 2 pfc['405'] = 2 pfc['406'] = 2 pfc['407'] = 2 pfc['408'] = 2 pfc['409'] = 1 pfc['411'] = 1 pfc['412'] = 1 pfc['413'] = 2 pfc['414'] = 2 pfc['415'] = 2 pfc['421'] = 2 pfc['422'] = 1 pfc['423'] = 2 pfc['424'] = 1 pfc['431'] = 1 pfc['432'] = 2 pfc['433'] = 2 pfc['436'] = 2 pfc['437'] = 2 pfc['441'] = 3 pfc['442'] = 2 pfc['443'] = 3 pfc['444'] = 2 pfc['445'] = 1 pfc['446'] = 1 pfc['451'] = 1 pfc['461'] = 2 pfc['462'] = 1 pfc['463'] = 1 pfc['464'] = 1 pfc['465'] = 1 pfc['467'] = 2 pfc['471'] = 2 pfc['472'] = 2 pfc['473'] = 2 pfc['474'] = 2 pfc['475'] = 2 pfc['476'] = 2 pfc['477'] = 2 pfc['478'] = 3 pfc['481'] = 1 pfc['482'] = 2 pfc['483'] = 1 pfc['484'] = 1 pfc['485'] = 1 pfc['491'] = 1 pfc['501'] = 1 pfc['502'] = 1 pfc['700'] = 2