Quick Start ============ Once installed, Fapistrano bootstraps a `fap` command to complete release/rollback/restart task. First Run --------- Add a file named `deploy.yml`:: project_name: smallest-example app_name: smallest-example user: deploy use_ssh_config: true stage_role_configs: staging: app: hosts: - app-stag01 After Runing command below, Fapistrano will create a smallest example on your host:: $ fap release --stage staging --role app [app-stag01] Executing task 'release' ===> Starting [app-stag01] run: mkdir -p /home/deploy/www/smallest-example/{releases,shared/log} [app-stag01] run: chmod -R g+w /home/deploy/www/smallest-example/shared [app-stag01] run: mkdir -p /home/deploy/www/smallest-example/releases/160328-162832 ===> Started ===> Updating ===> Updated ===> Publishing [app-stag01] run: ln -nfs /home/deploy/www/smallest-example/releases/160328-162832 /home/deploy/www/smallest-example/current ===> Published ===> Finishing [app-stag01] run: ls -x /home/deploy/www/smallest-example/releases ===> Finished For now, it does nothing but leaving a blank directory hierachy to you:: $ ssh deploy@app-stag01 tree /home/deploy/www/smallest-example/ /home/deploy/www/smallest-example/ ├── current -> /home/deploy/www/smallest-example/releases/160328-162832 ├── releases │   └── 160328-162832 └── shared └── log 5 directories, 0 files Using Git --------- Git is a popular scm tool. Fapistrano integrated git as a plugin. You need to declare loading `fapistrano.git` and specify repository in `deploy.yml`:: project_name: git-example app_name: git-example user: deploy use_ssh_config: true stage_role_configs: staging: app: hosts: - app-stag01 plugins: - fapistrano.plugins.git repo: git@github.com:octocat/Hello-World.git branch: master By Executing release flow, Fapistrano clones remote git repo and export code in `master` branch to release directory:: $ fap release --stage staging --role app [app-stag01] Executing task 'release' ===> Starting [app-stag01] run: mkdir -p /home/deploy/www/git-example/{releases,shared/log} [app-stag01] run: chmod -R g+w /home/deploy/www/git-example/shared [app-stag01] run: mkdir -p /home/deploy/www/git-example/releases/160328-163937 ===> Started [app-stag01] run: git clone --mirror --depth 1 --no-single-branch git@github.com:octocat/Hello-World.git /home/deploy/www/git-example/repo [app-stag01] run: git ls-remote --heads git@github.com:octocat/Hello-World.git ===> Updating [app-stag01] run: git fetch --depth 1 origin master [app-stag01] run: git rev-list --max-count=1 --abbrev-commit --abbrev=12 master [app-stag01] run: git archive master | tar -x -f - -C /home/deploy/www/git-example/releases/160328-163937/ [app-stag01] run: echo 7fd1a60b01f9 >> REVISION ===> Updated ===> Publishing [app-stag01] run: ln -nfs /home/deploy/www/git-example/releases/160328-163937 /home/deploy/www/git-example/current ===> Published ===> Finishing [app-stag01] run: ls -x /home/deploy/www/git-example/releases ===> Finished Now we have added a `repo` directory and updated out release directory:: % ssh deploy@lws-stag01 tree /home/deploy/www/git-example /home/deploy/www/git-example ├── current -> /home/deploy/www/git-example/releases/160328-163937 ├── releases │   └── 160328-163937 │   ├── README │   └── REVISION ├── repo │   ├── branches │   ├── config │   ├── description │   ├── FETCH_HEAD │   ├── HEAD │   ├── hooks │   │   ├── applypatch-msg.sample │   │   ├── commit-msg.sample │   │   ├── post-update.sample │   │   ├── pre-applypatch.sample │   │   ├── pre-commit.sample │   │   ├── prepare-commit-msg.sample │   │   ├── pre-push.sample │   │   ├── pre-rebase.sample │   │   └── update.sample │   ├── info │   │   └── exclude │   ├── objects │   │   ├── info │   │   └── pack │   │   ├── pack-c8b9cbbd14e791b8beddf1033f5b4357d4f179da.idx │   │   └── pack-c8b9cbbd14e791b8beddf1033f5b4357d4f179da.pack │   ├── packed-refs │   ├── refs │   │   ├── heads │   │   └── tags │   └── shallow └── shared └── log Using Supervisor ---------------- A static git repository updating is trivial. Let's get a little bit more complicated now. We are going to define `deploy.yml` for a flask hello-world application:: project_name: supervisor-example app_name: supervisor-example user: deploy use_ssh_config: true stage_role_configs: staging: app: hosts: - app-stag01 plugins: - fapistrano.plugins.git - fapistrano.plugins.virtualenv - fapistrano.plugins.supervisorctl repo: git@github.com:liwushuo/fapistrano.git git_archive_tree: examples/supervisor-example supervisor_check_status: true supervisor_conf: configs/supervisor_%(stage)s_%(role)s.conf Then we add `configs/supervisor_staging_app.conf` to the repository:: [program:supervisor-example] command=python app.py directory=/home/deploy/www/%(program_name)s/current environment=PATH="/home/deploy/www/%(program_name)s/current/venv/bin",FLASK_ENV="stag" numprocs=1 user=deploy autostart=true autorestart=true redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/%(program_name)s-web.log stdout_logfile_maxbytes=100MB stdout_logfile_backups=10 Finally, Run with option `--supervisor-refresh=true`, since we first registered our supervisor config to supervisord. In the next release, there is no need to add option `--supervisor-refresh=true` unless supervisor config file modified.:: [app-stag01] Executing task 'release' ===> Starting [app-stag01] run: mkdir -p /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/{releases,shared/log} [app-stag01] run: chmod -R g+w /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/shared [app-stag01] run: mkdir -p /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/releases/160328-173812 ===> Started [app-stag01] run: git clone --mirror --depth 1 --no-single-branch git@github.com:liwushuo/fapistrano.git /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/repo [app-stag01] run: git ls-remote --heads git@github.com:liwushuo/fapistrano.git [app-stag01] run: ln -nfs /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/current/configs/supervisor_staging_app.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisor-example.conf ===> Updating [app-stag01] run: git fetch --depth 1 origin master [app-stag01] run: git rev-list --max-count=1 --abbrev-commit --abbrev=12 master [app-stag01] run: git archive master examples/supervisor-example | tar -x --strip-components 2 -f - -C /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/releases/160328-173812/ [app-stag01] run: echo 86ba572f3d8e >> REVISION ===> Updated [app-stag01] run: /usr/bin/env virtualenv /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/releases/160328-173812/venv [app-stag01] run: pip install -U pip setuptools wheel [app-stag01] run: pip install -r /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/releases/160328-173812/requirements.txt ===> Publishing [app-stag01] run: ln -nfs /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/releases/160328-173812 /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/current ===> Published [app-stag01] run: supervisorctl stop supervisor-example [app-stag01] run: supervisorctl reread [app-stag01] run: supervisorctl update [app-stag01] run: supervisorctl start supervisor-example [app-stag01] run: supervisorctl status supervisor-example [app-stag01] out: supervisor-example RUNNING pid 13014, uptime 0:00:02 [app-stag01] out: ===> Finishing [app-stag01] run: ls -x /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/releases [app-stag01] run: rm -rf 160328-173248 ===> Finished Now, our flask application is running!:: $ ssh deploy@app-stag01 curl -s hello world Rollback! --------- Rollback is easily by replacing `release` to `rollback`. After releasing again, our release are now at 160328-175016. let's trigger a rollback flow.:: $ fap rollback --stage staging --role app staging app [app-stag01] Executing task 'rollback' ===> Starting [app-stag01] run: readlink /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/current [app-stag01] run: ls -x /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/releases ===> Started [app-stag01] run: git ls-remote --heads git@github.com:liwushuo/fapistrano.git [app-stag01] run: ln -nfs /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/current/configs/supervisor_staging_app.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisor-example.conf ===> Reverting ===> Reverted ===> Publishing [app-stag01] run: ln -nfs /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/releases/160328-173812 /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/current ===> Published [app-stag01] run: supervisorctl restart supervisor-example [app-stag01] run: supervisorctl status supervisor-example [app-stag01] out: supervisor-example RUNNING pid 15272, uptime 0:00:02 [app-stag01] out: ===> Finishing rollback [app-stag01] run: rm -rf /home/deploy/www/supervisor-example/releases/160328-175016 ===> Finished This command help us rollback our current release back to `160328-173812`, which is deployed in last example. Using with Beeper ----------------- Beeper is a tool bundling virtualenv.py, wheels and our project as a tar file. With the help of Jenkins, we can build a beeper tgz file before release. We can use a curl plugin to update our application:: project_name: curl-example app_name: curl-example user: deploy use_ssh_config: true stage_role_configs: staging: app: hosts: - app-stag01 plugins: - fapistrano.plugins.curl - fapistrano.plugins.supervisorctl curl_extract_tar: true curl_postinstall_script: "sh ./install.sh" supervisor_check_status: true When running `fap release`, we can attach option `--curl-url`. Assuming you are using Jenkins to build your application and have authority to fetch artifact:: $ fap release -s staging -r app --curl-url=http://ci.your-corp.com/view/Server/job/server.builder.curl-example/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/dist/curl-example-0f2da63.tar --curl-options="--user $JENKINS_USERNAME:$JENKINS_TOKEN" Using with Jar -------------- If there is a Java application to deploy, it's recommend to build it to a Jar file. You can integrate `fapistrano.plugins.curl` to deploy jar.:: project_name: jar-example app_name: jar-example user: deploy use_ssh_config: true stage_role_configs: staging: app: hosts: - app-stag01 plugins: - fapistrano.plugins.localshared - fapistrano.plugins.curl - fapistrano.plugins.supervisorctl # supervisor conf supervisor_refresh: false supervisor_output: false supervisor_check_status: true # curl conf curl_output: 'bayarea.jar'