Source code for fandango.log

#!/usr/bin/env python

## project :     Tango Control System
## $Author: Sergi Rubio Manrique, $
## $Revision: 2008 $
## copyleft :    ALBA Synchrotron Controls Section, CELLS
##               Bellaterra
##               Spain
## This file is part of Tango Control System
## Tango Control System is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Tango Control System is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, see <>.

Example of usage:
class logged_class(Logger):
    def __init__(self,name,system):
        #parent must be also an instance of a Logger object

Example of logging:
In [17]: import logging  
In [18]: l = logging.getLogger("something")
In [19]: l.debug("message")
In [20]: l.error("message")
No handlers could be found for logger "something"   
In [21]: l.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())
In [22]: l.error("message")


import time, logging, weakref, traceback, sys
from objects import Object,Decorator
from pprint import pprint
from functional import \
import warnings

[docs]def printf(*args): # This is a 'lambdable' version of print print(''.join(map(str,args)))
[docs]def printerr(*args): sys.stderr.write(*args)
[docs]def shortstr(s,max_len=144): s = str(s) if max_len>0 and len(s) > max_len: s = s[:max_len-3]+'...' return s
[docs]def except2str(e=None,max_len=int(7.5*80)): if e is None: e = traceback.format_exc() e = str(e) if 'desc=' in e or 'desc =' in e: r,c = '',0 for i in range(e.count('desc')): c = e.index('desc',c)+1 r+=e[c-15:c+max_len-18]+'...\n' result = r else: result = str(e)[-(max_len-3):]+'...' return result or e[:max_len]
[docs]def test2str(obj,meth='',args=[],kwargs={}): """ Executes a method providing a verbose output. For usage examples see fandango.device.FolderDS.FolderAPI.__test__() """ fs = str(obj) if not meth else '%s.%s'%(obj,meth) r = 'Testing %s(*%s,**%s)\n\n' % (fs,args,kwargs) v = None try: f = getattr(obj,meth) if meth and isString(meth) else (meth or obj) v = f(*args,**kwargs) if isMapping(v): s = '\n'.join(map(str,v.items())) elif isSequence(v): s = '\n'.join(map(str,v)) else: s = str(v) except: s = traceback.format_exc() r += '\n'.join('\t%s'%l for l in s.split('\n'))+'\n\n' return r,v
[docs]def printtest(obj,meth='',args=[],kwargs={}): """ Executes a method providing a verbose output. For usage examples see fandango.device.FolderDS.FolderAPI.__test__() """ r,v = test2str(obj,meth,args,kwargs) print(r) return v
[docs]class FakeLogger(): """ This class just simulates a Logger using prints with date and header, it doesn't allow any customization """ _instances = [] def __init__(self,header='',keep=False): self.LogLevel = 1 self.header = '%s: '%header if header else '' if keep: self._instances.append(self)
[docs] def setLogLevel(self,s): self.LogLevel = str(s).lower()!='DEBUG'
[docs] def trace(self,s): if not self.LogLevel: print time2str()+' '+'TRACE\t'+self.header+s
[docs] def debug(self,s): if not self.LogLevel: print time2str()+' '+'DEBUG\t'+self.header+s
[docs] def info(self,s):print time2str()+' '+'INFO\t'+self.header+s
[docs] def warning(self,s):print time2str()+' '+'WARNING\t'+self.header+s
[docs] def error(self,s):print time2str()+' '+'ERROR\t'+self.header+s
[docs]class Logger(Object): """ This class provides logging methods (debug,info,error,warning) to all classes inheriting it. To use it you must inherit from it and add it within your __init__ method: class MyTangoDevice(Device_4Impl,Logger): def __init__(self,cl, name): PyTango.Device_4Impl.__init__(self,cl,name) self.call__init__(Logger,name,format='%(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s %(name)s: %(message)s') Constructor arguments allow to customize the output format: * name='fandango.Logger' #object name to appear at the beginning * parent=None * format='%(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s %(name)s: %(message)s'\ * use_tango=True #Use Tango Logger if available * use_print=True #Use printouts instead of linux logger (use_tango will override this option) * level='INFO' #default log level * max_len=0 #max length of log strings """ root_inited = False Error = ERROR Warning = WARNING Info = INFO Debug = DEBUG def __init__(self, name='fandango.Logger', parent=None,\ format='%(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s %(name)s: %(message)s',\ use_tango=True,use_print=True,level='INFO',max_len=0): self.max_len = max_len self.call__init__(Object) self.__levelAliases = LogLevels.copy() self.log_name = name if parent is not None: self.full_name = '%s.%s' % (parent.full_name, name) else: self.full_name = name self.log_obj = logging.getLogger(self.full_name) self.log_handlers = [] self.use_tango = use_tango and hasattr(self,'debug_stream') self._ForcePrint = use_print self.parent = None self.children = [] if parent is not None: self.parent = weakref.ref(parent) parent.addChild(self) self.setLogLevel(level) if not Logger.root_inited: #print 'log format is ',format self.initRoot(format) Logger.root_inited = True def __del__(self): parent = self.getParent() if parent is not None: parent.delChild(self)
[docs] def initRoot(self,_format='%(threadName)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s %(name)s: %(message)s'): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,format=_format) #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, # format='%(threadName)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s %(name)s: %(message)s')
[docs] def setLogPrint(self,force): ''' This method enables/disables a print to be executed for each log call ''' self._ForcePrint=force
[docs] def getTimeString(self,t=None): if t is None: t=time.time() cad='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' s = time.strftime(cad,time.localtime(t)) ms = int((t-int(t))*1e3) return '%s.%d'%(s,ms)
[docs] def logPrint(self,prio,msg): name = self.log_name or '' l = self.__levelAliases.get(prio,prio) if l<self.log_obj.level: return print ('%s %7s %s: %s'%(name,prio,self.getTimeString(),str(msg).replace('\r','')))
[docs] def setLogLevel(self,level): ''' This method allows to change the default logging level''' #if isinstance(level,basestring): level = level.upper() if type(level)==type(logging.NOTSET): self.log_obj.setLevel(level) self.debug('log.Logger: Logging level set to %s'%str(level).upper()) else: l = self.getLogLevel(level) if l is not None: self.log_obj.setLevel(l) self.debug('log.Logger: Logging level set to "%s" = %s'%(level,l)) else: self.warning('log.Logger: Logging level cannot be set to "%s"'%level) return level
setLevel = setLogLevel
[docs] def setLevelAlias(self,alias,level): ''' setLevelAlias(alias,level), allows to setup predefined levels for different tags ''' self.__levelAliases[alias]=level
[docs] def getLogLevel(self,alias=None): if alias is None: l = self.log_obj.level for k,v in self.__levelAliases.items(): if v==l: l = k return l else: if not isinstance(alias,basestring): try: return (k for k,v in self.__levelAliases.iteritems() if v==alias).next() except: return None elif alias.lower() in ('debug','info','warning','error'): return logging.__dict__.get(alias.upper()) else: try: return (v for k,v in self.__levelAliases.iteritems() if k.lower()==alias.lower()).next() except: return None return
[docs] def getRootLog(self): return logging.getLogger()
[docs] def getTangoLog(self): if not self.use_tango: return None if getattr(self,'__tango_log',None): return self.tango_obj try: #import PyTango #if PyTango.Util.instance().is_svr_starting(): return None self.get_name() #Will trigger exception if Tango object is not ready self.__tango_log = self except: print(traceback.format_exc()) self.warning('Unable to setup tango logging for %s'%self.log_name) self.__tango_log = None return self.__tango_log
[docs] def getParent(self): if self.parent is None: return None return self.parent()
[docs] def getChildren(self): children = [] for ref in self.children: child = ref() if child is not None: children.append(child) return children
[docs] def addChild(self, child): ref = weakref.ref(child) if not ref in self.children: self.children.append(ref)
[docs] def delChild(self, child): ref = weakref.ref(child) if ref in self.children: self.children.remove(ref)
def __eq__(self, other): return self is other
[docs] def addLogHandler(self, handler): self.log_obj.addHandler(handler) self.log_handlers.append(handler)
[docs] def copyLogHandlers(self, other): for handler in other.log_handlers: self.addLogHandler(handler)
[docs] def output(self, msg, *args, **kw): self.log_obj.log(Logger.Output, msg, *args, **kw)
[docs] def debug(self, msg, *args, **kw): self.sendToStream(msg,'debug',3,*args,**kw)
[docs] def trace(self, msg, *args, **kw): self.sendToStream(msg,'debug',3,*args,**kw)
[docs] def info(self, msg, *args, **kw): self.sendToStream(msg,'info',2,*args,**kw)
[docs] def warning(self, msg, *args, **kw): self.sendToStream(msg,'warning',1,*args,**kw)
[docs] def error(self, msg, *args, **kw): self.sendToStream(msg,'error',0,*args,**kw)
[docs] def sendToStream(self,msg,level,prio,*args,**kw): #stream should be a number in trace=4,debug=3,info=2,warning=1,error=0 try: prio = min(prio,3) if self.max_len>0: msg = shortstr(msg,self.max_len) msg = str(msg).replace('\r','').replace('%','%%') obj = self.getTangoLog() if obj: stream = (obj.error_stream,obj.warn_stream,obj.info_stream,obj.debug_stream)[prio] stream(msg, *args, **kw) elif self._ForcePrint: self.logPrint(level.upper(),msg) else: stream = (self.log_obj.error,self.log_obj.warning,,self.log_obj.debug)[prio] stream(msg, *args, **kw) except Exception,e: print 'Exception in Logger.%s! \nmsg:%s\ne:%s\nargs:%s\nkw:%s'%(level,msg,e,str(args),str(kw)) print traceback.format_exc()
[docs] def deprecated(self, msg, *args, **kw): filename, lineno, func = self.log_obj.findCaller() depr_msg = warnings.formatwarning(msg, DeprecationWarning, filename, lineno) self.log_obj.warning(depr_msg, *args, **kw)
[docs] def flushOutput(self): self.syncLog()
[docs] def syncLog(self): logger = self synced = [] while logger is not None: for handler in logger.log_handlers: if handler in synced: continue try: sync = getattr(handler, 'sync') except: continue sync() synced.append(handler) logger = logger.getParent()
[docs] def changeLogName(self,name): """Change the log name.""" p = self.getParent() if p is not None: self.full_name = '%s.%s' % (p.full_name, name) else: self.full_name = name self.log_obj = logging.getLogger(self.full_name) for handler in self.log_handlers: self.log_obj.addHandler(handler) for child in self.getChildren(): self.changeLogName(child.log_name)
[docs]class LogFilter(logging.Filter): def __init__(self, level): self.filter_level = level logging.Filter.__init__(self)
[docs] def filter(self, record): ok = (record.levelno == self.filter_level) return ok
__doc__ += """ fandango.logger submodule provides a default Logger instance and its info/debug/warning/error/trace methods directly available as module methods. import fandango.log'just a test') fandango.Logger.INFO 2016-02-19 11:49:55.609 just a test """ _LogLevel = 'INFO' for a in sys.argv: if a.startswith('--log-level='): _LogLevel = a.split('=')[-1].upper() _Logger = Logger(level=_LogLevel) info = debug = _Logger.debug warning = _Logger.warning error = _Logger.error trace = _Logger.trace
[docs]class InOutLogged(Decorator): """ This class provides an easy way to trace whenever python enter/leaves a function. """ def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs): debug('In %s(%s,%s)'%(self.f.__name__,args,kwargs,)) r = self.f(*args,**kwargs) debug('Out of '+self.f.__name__) return r
from . import doc __doc__ = doc.get_fn_autodoc(__name__,vars())