Source code for fandango.linos

#!/usr/bin/env python

## $Author: Sergi Rubio Manrique, $
## $Revision: 2008 $
## copyleft :    ALBA Synchrotron Controls Section, CELLS
##               Bellaterra
##               Spain
## This file is part of Tango Control System
## Tango Control System is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Tango Control System is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, see <>.

#some Linux utilities

Executing shell commands and getting the stdout

The module subprocess must be used for that, instead of os.exec* or os.system.

import subprocess
ps = subprocess.Popen('ps uax',shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
grep1 = subprocess.Popen('grep -i hdbarchiver',shell=True,stdin=ps.stdout,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
('sicilia  13698  0.0  0.0  51000  1552 ?        Ss   Feb23   0:00 SCREEN -dm -S HdbArchiver-palantir01_BO01_VC /homelocal/sicilia/ap\nsicilia   6343  0.0  0.0  50872  2748 pts/13   S+   10:17   0:00 screen -r HdbArchiver-palantir01_BO01_VC\n',


import time,sys,os,re,traceback
import fandango.objects as fun #objects module includes functional

# Shell methods

[docs]def shell_command(*commands, **keywords): """Executes a list of commands linking their stdin and stdouts @param commands each argument is interpreted as a command @param split returns stdout as a file.readlines() result @return the last stdout result""" if not commands: return elif isinstance(commands,str): commands=[commands] split = keywords and 'split' in keywords and keywords['split'] import subprocess process = [subprocess.Popen(commands[0],shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)] if len(commands)>1: for comm in commands[1:]: ps = subprocess.Popen(comm,shell=True,stdin=process[-1].stdout,stdout=subprocess.PIPE) process.append(ps) #comm1 | comm2 | comm3 > result result = process[-1].communicate() result = (result and len(result)>=1 and result[0]) or None #process returns a tuple, being stdout the first field ## @remark I know that it could fit in one line ... but I prefer to make it readable if not result: return elif split: return result.split('\n') else: return result
[docs]def sendmail(subject,text,receivers,sender='',attachments=None,trace=False): # method for sending mails if trace: print 'Sending mail to %s'%receivers chars = sorted(set(re.findall('[^a-zA-Z0-9/\ \n\.\=\(\),\[\]_\-]',text))) for c in chars: if c in text and '\\'+c not in text: text = text.replace(c,'\\'+c) if '\n' in text and '\\n' not in text: text = text.replace('\n','\\n') receivers = ' '+(receivers if isinstance(receivers,str) else ' '.join(receivers)) sender = sender and " -r %s"%sender attachments = attachments and ' '+' '.join('-a %s'%a for a in attachments) or '' command = 'echo -e "'+text+'" ' command += '| mail -s "%s" ' % subject #command += '-S from=%s ' % self.FromAddress #'-r %s ' % (self.FromAddress) #command += (MAIL_RECEIVER if fandango.isString(MAIL_RECEIVER) else ','.join(MAIL_RECEIVER)) command += sender + attachments + receivers if trace: print(command.rsplit('|',1)[-1]) os.system(command) ################################################################################3 # Platform/Architecture/Hostname methods
[docs]class MyMachine(fun.Struct): """ This method identifies the current Machine (OS/Arch/Hostname/Kernel) using the platform module """ def __init__(self): import platform self.hostname = = platform.node() self.dist = platform.dist() self.arch = platform.machine() self.kernel = platform.release() self.os = platform.system() self.platform = platform.platform() ################################################################################3 # Processes methods
[docs]def get_memstats(units='m'): """ This method returns mem stats in Megabytes Remember that in linux buffers and cached memory should be considered FREE Dictionary returned is like: { 'buffers': '6', 'cached': '557', 'free': '16', 'shared': '0', 'total': '1002', 'used': '986' } """ txt = shell_command('free -%s'%units) txt = txt.split('\n') memstats = dict(zip(txt[0].strip().split(),map(int,txt[1].strip().split()[1:]))) return memstats
[docs]def get_free_memory(units='m'): stats = get_memstats(units) return stats['buffers']+stats['cached']+stats['free']
[docs]def get_memory_usage(): """This method returns the percentage of total memory used in this machine""" stats = get_memstats() mfree = float(stats['buffers']+stats['cached']+stats['free']) return 1-(mfree/stats['total'])
[docs]def get_memory(pid=None,virtual=False): """This function uses '/proc/pid/status' to get the memory consumption of a process """ try: if pid is None: pid = os.getpid() mem,units = shell_command('cat /proc/%s/status | grep Vm%s'%(pid,'Size' if virtual else 'RSS')).lower().strip().split()[1:3] return int(mem)*(1e3 if 'k' in units else (1e6 if 'm' in units else 1)) except: print traceback.format_exc() return 0
[docs]def get_cpu(pid): """ Uses ps to get the CPU usage of a process by PID ; it will trigger exception of PID doesn't exist """ return float(linos.shell_command('ps h -p %d -o pcpu'%pid))
[docs]def get_process_pid(include='',exclude='grep|screen|kwrite'): if not include: return os.getpid() include = include.replace(' ','.*') exclude = exclude.replace(' ','.*') ps = shell_command('ps ax | grep -E "%s"'%include+(' | grep -viE "%s"'%exclude if exclude else '')) if not ps: return None #raise Exception('No matching process found') lines = [s.strip() for s in ps.split('\n')] print '\n'.join(lines) pids = [] for l in lines: for p in l.split(): if re.match('[0-9]+',p): pids.append(int(p)) break if len(pids)>1: raise Exception('Multiple PIDs found: please refine your search using exclude argument') return pids[0]
[docs]def check_process(pid): try: return file_exists('/proc/%s'%pid) #os.kill(pid,0) except: return False
[docs]def kill_process(process=None,signal=15): pid = process if fun.isNumber(process) else get_process_pid(process) os.kill(pid,signal)
[docs]def KillEmAll(klass): processes = shell_command('ps uax').split('\n') processes = [s for s in processes if '%s'%(klass) in s] for a in processes: print 'Killing %s' % a pid = a.split()[1] shell_command('kill -9 %s'%pid) ################################################################################3 # Filesystem methods
import os,stat,time
[docs]def is_dir(path): return stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE])
[docs]def file_exists(path): try: os.stat(path) return True except: return False
[docs]def get_file_size(path): return os.stat(path)[stat.ST_SIZE]
[docs]def listdir(folder,mask='.*',files=False,folders=False,links=False,caseless=True): try: if folders and not files: vals = os.walk(folder,followlinks=links).next()[1] elif files and not folders: vals = os.walk(folder,followlinks=links).next()[2] else: vals = os.listdir(folder) if mask: if caseless: return [f for f in vals if fun.clmatch(mask,f)] else: return [f for f in vals if re.match(fun.toRegexp(mask),f)] else: return vals except Exception,e: print e raise Exception('FolderDoesNotExist',folder)
[docs]def copydir(origin,destination,timewait=0.1,overwrite=False): """ This method copies recursively a folder, creating subdirectories if needed and exiting at first error. Origin and destination must be existing folders. It includes a timewait between file copying """ if not file_exists(origin): return if not is_dir(origin): return fs = listdir(origin) print '%s dir contains %d files' % (origin,len(fs)) def exec_(com): print(com) r = os.system(com) assert not r, 'OS Error %s returned by: %s'%(r,com) if not file_exists(destination): exec_('mkdir "%s"'%(destination)) for f in sorted(fs): if is_dir('%s/%s'%(origin,f)): #if the file to process is a directory, we create it and process it copydir('%s/%s'%(origin,f),'%s/%s'%(destination,f),timewait) else: #if it was not a directory, we copy it if not overwrite and file_exists('%s/%s'%(destination,f)): print '\t%s/%s already exists'%(destination,f) continue size,t0 = file_size('%s/%s'%(origin,f)),time.time() exec_('cp "%s/%s" "%s/"'%(origin,f,destination)) t1 = time.time() if t1>t0: print('\t%f b/s'%(size/(t1-t0))) time.sleep(timewait)
[docs]def diffdir(origin,destination,caseless=False,checksize=True): fs,nfs = listdir(origin),listdir(destination) lfs,lnfs = [s.lower() for s in fs],[n.lower() for n in nfs] missing = [] for f in sorted(fs): df = '%s/%s'%(origin,f) if not (f in nfs) and (not caseless or not f.lower() in lnfs): print '> %s/%s not in %s'%(origin,f,destination) missing.append(df) elif is_dir(df): missing.extend(diffdir(df,'%s/%s'%(destination,f))) elif checksize: if file_size(df)!=file_size('%s/%s'%(destination,f)): print '---> %s and %s differs!'%(df,'%s/%s'%(destination,nf)) missing.append(df) for n in sorted(nfs): if not (n in fs) and (not caseless or not n.lower() in lfs): print '>> %s/%s not in %s'%(destination,n,origin) return missing
[docs]def findfolders(target='',parent='',filter_=True,printout = False): import os,fandango,stat,re,sys result = [] if not parent: parent = os.getcwd() if filter_: filter_folders = lambda fs: [f for f in fs if f not in '.svn tags branches'.split() and (f.count('/')<6 or not f in 'trunk xpand doc'.split())] else: filter_folders = lambda fs: fs def get_folders(path): folders = ['%s/%s'%(path,f) for f in filter_folders(linos.listdir(path,folders=True)) if not stat.S_ISLNK(os.lstat('%s/%s'%(path,f)).st_mode)] for f in folders: folders.extend(get_folders(f)) return folders for f in get_folders(): if not target or target.lower() in f.lower(): if printout: print f result.append(f) return result ################################################################################3 # Kde methods
[docs]def desktop_switcher(period,event=None,iterations=2): """ It uses wmctrl to switch between all desktops with a period as specified. @param period Time between desktop changes @param event Event to stop the application @param iterations Number of cycles to execute, -1 for infinite """ import threading if not event: event = threading.Event() def run(): ndesks = len([d for d in shell_command('wmctrl -d',split=True) if d]) i=0 while True: if iterations>0 and i>=ndesks*iterations or event.isSet(): break else: i+=1 shell_command('wmctrl -s %d'%(i%ndesks)) event.wait(period) return event.isSet() thr = threading.Thread(target=run) thr.daemon = True #If it is false means that Python will exit if this is the last unfinished thread thr.start() return True ################################################################################3 # Networking methods
[docs]def ping(ips,threaded = False, timeout = 1): ''' By Noah Gift's, PyCon 2008 ips = ['ivc%02d01'%(i+1) for i in range(16)] #ips = ["", "", "", ""] ''' import subprocess if isinstance(ips,str): ips=[ips] def _ping(ip): return not"ping -c 1 -w %d %s" % (int(max((1,timeout))),ip), shell=True, stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if not threaded: return dict((ip,_ping(ip)) for ip in ips) else: from threading import Thread,Event from Queue import Queue num_threads,event = 4,Event() pool,queue,results = [],Queue(),{} #wraps system ping command ## WARNING ... THIS IMPLEMENTATION OF THE THREAD IS GIVING A LOT OF PROBLEMS DUE TO THREAD NOT CLOSING! (waiting at q.get()) def pinger(i, q, r): """Pings subnet""" while not event.isSet(): ip = q.get() #print "Thread %s: Pinging %s" % (i, ip) ret = _ping(ip) #if ret == 0: print "%s: is alive" % ip #else: print "%s: did not respond" % ip r[ip] = (not ret) q.task_done() event.wait(.01) #Spawn thread pool for i in range(num_threads): pool.append(Thread(target=pinger, args=(i, queue,results))) pool[-1].setDaemon(True) pool[-1].start() #Place work in queue for ip in ips: queue.put(ip) queue.join() #Wait until worker threads are done to exit event.set(),event.wait(.01) #[t.join() for t in pool] return results #-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # time methods #-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
import time
[docs]def timefun(f): """ This function allow to get time spent by some method calls, use timefun(lambda:f(args)) if needed """ now = time.time() result = f() return (time.time()-now,result) #-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ # Managing arguments #-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
import sys
[docs]def sysargs_to_dict(args=None,defaults=[],trace=False,split=False,cast=True,lazy=True): ''' It parses the command line arguments into an understandable dict defaults is the list of anonymous arguments to accept (would be False if not specified) @param split: if True: args,kwargs are returned; if False then {None:[defaults],'option':value} is returned instead @param cast: will try to cast all strings to python types @param lazy: will accept any A=B as an alternative to -A B > command H=1 --option=value --parameter VALUE -test default_arg1 default_arg2 will returns {H:1,option:value,parameter:VALUE,test:True,params:[default_arg1,default_arg2]} getopt and argparse modules in python provide similar functionality, but are not available in all of our distributions ''' if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] if trace: print 'sysargs_to_dict(%s,%s)'%(args,defaults) result,defargs,vargs = {},[],[] cast_arg = lambda x: fun.str2type(x,use_eval=True) if cast else x ##Separate parameter/options and default arguments [(vargs if (lazy and '=' in a or a.startswith('-') or (i and args[i-1].startswith('--') and '=' not in args[i-i])) else defargs ).append(a) for i,a in enumerate(args)] #Parsing multiflag like -xHaB extend = [a for a in vargs if'[-][a-zA-Z]+',a)] for e in extend: vargs.remove(e) [vargs.append('-'+a) for a in e[1:]] defargs = map(cast_arg,defargs) if trace: print('defargs: %s'%defargs) for n,a in enumerate(vargs): if '=' in a: #argument like [-]ARG=VALUE while a.startswith('-'): a = a[1:] if a: result[a.split('=',1)[0]] = cast_arg(a.split('=',1)[1]) elif a.startswith('--'): #argument with - prefix while a.startswith('-'): a = a[1:] if not a: continue #If it is not the last value it is considered an assigment if (n+1)<len(args) and not args[n+1].startswith('-'): # --OPTION VALUE result[a],n = cast_arg(args[n+1]),n+1 else: result[a]=True # --OPTION for option=True else: #if a.startswith('-'): #A single dash is a plain boolean option result[a]=True if trace: print('defaults: %s'%defaults) if not defaults: result[None] = defargs #if not vargs: #return defargs #else: #if not vargs and defargs: #Arguments do not parse #return sysargs_to_dict(None,args) #Defaulting to sys.argv else: #Assigning arguments using defaults as keys defaults = [d for d in defaults if d not in result] if len(defaults)==1: result[defaults[0]] = defargs[0] if len(defargs)==1 else (defargs or None) else: if len(defargs)>len(defaults): result[None] = defargs[len(defaults):] result.update(zip(defaults,defargs)) result.update((d,False) for d in defaults if d not in result) if trace: print result if len(result)==1 and None in result: split = True if not split: return result else: args = result.pop(None,[]) kwargs = result return args,kwargs
[docs]def arg_to_bool(arg): if type(arg) is str: return arg.lower() in ('true','yes') or False else: return bool(arg)
[docs]def expand_args_to_list(args,type_=int): """ it generates a list of args from a sequence like 1,3,5 or 3-7 """ result = [] for arg in args.split(',' in args and ',' or ' '): if type_ is int and '-' in arg: vals = [type_(v) for v in arg.split('-',1)] result.extend(range(*(vals[0],vals[1]+1))) elif type_ is int and ':' in arg: vals = [type_(v) for v in arg.split(':',2)] result.extend(range(*(vals[0],vals[1]+1,vals[2]))) else: result.append(type_(arg)) return result
expand_args_to_int_list = lambda args: expand_args_to_list(args,int) expand_args_to_str_list = lambda args: expand_args_to_list(args,str) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys #print sysargs_to_dict(defaults=['params'],cast=False,split=True) print sysargs_to_dict.__name__,'\n',sysargs_to_dict.__doc__ print sysargs_to_dict(cast=False,split=True) from . import doc __doc__ = doc.get_fn_autodoc(__name__,vars())