Source code for eulerlib.numtheory

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#   Copyright 2015 Sameer Suhas Marathe
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.. module:: eulerlib.numtheory
    :synopsis: Number theory related functions.

.. moduleauthor:: Sameer Marathe


__all__ = ["is_square", "gcd", "lcm", "lcm_n", "nCr", "nPr", "digital_sum",
from .prime_numbers import primes

[docs]def is_square(num): """Determines if a positive integer *num* is the perfect square. :param num: Integer to be checked :returns: A tuple (is_square,root) .. note:: * *is_square* is *True* if *num* is a perfect square. * The integer *root* <= (square root of *num*). Uses `Digit-by-digit algorithm < digit_calculation>`_ in base 10. """ if(num == 0): pn = 0 rn = 1 else: z = num test = [] while(z !=0): test.append(z%100) z = z//100 test.reverse() pn = 0 rn = 0 for i in range(len(test)): #get an estimate of xn c = 100*rn + test[i] xn = 1 while ((20*pn+xn)*xn <= c): xn += 1 xn -= 1 rn = c - (20*pn+xn)*xn pn = pn*10 + xn if(rn == 0): return (True,pn) else: return (False,pn)
[docs]def gcd(a,b): """Calculates Greatest Common Divisor of two integers. :param a: First integer :param b: Second integer :returns: Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of *a* and *b* Uses `Euclid's algorithm < Using_Euclid.27s_algorithm>`_. """ if(a==b): return a if(a== 0): return b if(b== 0): return a if(a==1 or b==1): return 1 if(a>b): big, small = a, b else: big, small = b, a r = big%small while(r != 0): big = small small = r r = big%small return small
[docs]def lcm(a,b): """Calculates the `Least Common Multiple <>`_ (LCM) of two integers. :param a: First integer :param b: Second integer :returns: Least Common Multiple (LCM) of *a* and *b* """ lcm_ab = 0 if a!=0 or b!=0: lcm_ab = abs(a*b)/gcd(a,b) return lcm_ab
[docs]def lcm_n(num_list): """Calculate the `Least Common Multiple`_ of a list of integers. :param num_list: A list of integers *[i1,i2,i3,...,in]* :returns: LCM of the integers in *num_list* Uses the associative property LCM(a,b,c) = LCM(*LCM(a,b)*,c) """ result = 0 lennum = len(num_list) if not (lennum <=1 or sum(num_list) == 0): cindex = 1 while cindex < lennum: if cindex == 1: curr_lcm = lcm(num_list[cindex-1],num_list[cindex]) else: curr_lcm = lcm(curr_lcm,num_list[cindex]) cindex += 1 result = curr_lcm return result
[docs]def nCr(n,r): """Calculate ways of selecting *r* members out of a collection of *n* members. :param n: Size of the collection :param r: Number of members to be selected from the collection :returns: n!/[r!(n-r)!] .. note:: :sup:`n` C :sub:`r` is typically read as *n combination r*. Order of members *is not* important in the combination. E.g. There are :sup:`4` C :sub:`2` = 6 ways of selecting two members out of a collection (A, B, C, D) => AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD. """ result = 0 if n >= 0 and r >= 0 and r <= n: num = 1 denom = 1 for i in range(r): num *= (n-i) denom *= (i+1) result = num/denom return result
[docs]def nPr(n,r): """Calculate number of permutations of length *r* out of a collection of *n* members (No repeated members). :param n: Size of the collection :param r: Number of members to be permutated. :returns: n!/[(n-r)!] .. note:: :sup:`n` P :sub:`r` is typically read as *n permutation r*. Order of members *is* important in the permutation. E.g. There are :sup:`4` P :sub:`2` = 12 permutations of length 2 out of a collection (A, B, C, D) => AB, AC, AD, BA, BC, BD, CA, CB, CD, DA, DB, DC. """ result = 0 if n >= 0 and r >= 0 and r <= n: num = 1 denom = 1 for i in range(r): num *= (n-i) result = num/denom return result
[docs]def digital_sum(num): """Calculate the `digital sum <>`_ of a number *num* in base 10 :param num: Number for which digital sum is to be calculated. *num* should be in base 10. :returns: Digital sum of *num* in base 10. """ from .etc import num_to_list testnum = num if num < 0: testnum = abs(num) return sum(num_to_list(testnum))
[docs]def digital_root(num): """Calculate the `digital root <>`_ of a number *num* in base 10. :param num: Number for which digital root is to be calculated. *num* should be in base 10. :returns: Digital root of *num* in base 10. """ testnum = num if num < 0: testnum = abs(num) while testnum > 9: testnum = digital_sum(testnum) return testnum
[docs]class Divisors: """Implements methods related to prime factors and divisors. :param maxnum: Upper limit for the list of primes. (default = 1000) """ def __init__(self,maxnum=1000): """Constructor for *Divisors* class """ self.limit = maxnum self.primes_table = primes(maxnum) self.sigma_table = {} self.primefact_table = {} self.pfactonly_table = {} self.divisors_table = {}
[docs] def sigma_function(self,num): """Calculates the `divisor functions <>`_ (sigma functions). :param num: Integer for which sigma functions are needed. :returns: A tuple (sigma0,sigma1,s(n)) .. note:: * sigma0 = number of divisors of *num*. * sigma1 = sum of *all* divisors of *num* * s(n) = sum of *proper* divisors of *num* (includes 1, excludes *num*) """ if num in self.sigma_table: return self.sigma_table[num] elif ((num < 1) or (num > self.limit)): return () elif num == 1: return (1,1,0) elif (num in self.primes_table): return (2,num+1,1) else: sigma0 = 1 sigma1 = 1 #Implement divisor fucntion pfs = self.prime_factors(num) for (pi,ai) in pfs: sigma0 = sigma0*(ai+1) temp = 0 for i in range(ai+1): temp = temp + pi**i sigma1 = sigma1*temp result = (sigma0,sigma1,sigma1-num) self.sigma_table[num] = result return result
[docs] def prime_factors(self,num): """Returns the `prime factors`_ *pf* :sub:`i` of *num* and the maximum power *a* :sub:`i` for each prime factor *pf* :sub:`i`. :param num: An integer for which prime factors are needed :returns: A list of tuples [(pf1,a1),...(pfi,ai)] .. note:: num = (pf1**a1)*(pf2**a2)..*(pfi**ai) """ if num in self.primefact_table: return self.primefact_table[num] elif ((num < 2) or (num > self.limit)): return [] elif num in self.primes_table: self.primefact_table[num] = [(num,1)] return [(num,1)] else: result = [] tnum = num for prime in self.primes_table: if(tnum%prime==0): ai = 2 pdiv = prime*prime while(tnum%pdiv==0): ai += 1 pdiv *= prime ai -= 1 pdiv //= prime result.append((prime,ai)) tnum //= pdiv if(tnum in self.primes_table): result.append((tnum,1)) break elif(tnum==1): break self.primefact_table[num] = result return result
[docs] def prime_factors_only(self,num): """Returns the `prime factors <>`_ *pf* :sub:`i` of *num*. :param num: An integer for which prime factors are needed :returns: A list [pf1,pf2,...pfi] of prime factors of *num* """ if num in self.pfactonly_table: return self.pfactonly_table[num] elif ((num < 2) or (num > self.limit)): return [] elif num in self.primes_table: self.pfactonly_table[num] = [num] return [num] else: result = [] tnum = num for prime in self.primes_table: if(tnum%prime==0): result.append(prime) pdiv = prime*prime while(tnum%pdiv == 0): pdiv *= prime pdiv //= prime tnum //= pdiv if(tnum in self.primes_table): result.append(tnum) break elif(tnum == 1): break self.pfactonly_table[num] = result return result
[docs] def divisors(self,num): """Returns a list of ALL divisors of *num* (including 1 and num). :param num: An integer for which divisors are needed. :returns: A list [d1,d2,...dn] of divisors of *num* """ result = [] if (num < 1) or (num > self.limit): return result result.append(1) if (num == 1): return result elif (num in self.primes_table): result.append(num) self.divisors_table[num] = result return result else: pfs = self.prime_factors(num) for (pi,ai) in pfs: newdivs = [] for i in range(ai): fact = pi**(i+1) for div in result: newdivs.append(div*fact) result += newdivs newdivs = [] result.sort() self.divisors_table[num] = result return result
[docs] def phi(self,num): """Returns the number of `totatives <>`_ of *num* :param num: Integer for which number of totatives are needed. :returns: Number of totatives of *num* .. note:: A totative of an integer *num* is any integer *i* such that, 0 < i < n and *GCD(i,num) == 1*. Uses `Euler's totient function <>`_. """ if(num < 1): return 0 if(num == 1): return 1 if(num in self.primes_table): return num-1 pfs = self.prime_factors_only(num) prod = num for pfi in pfs: prod = prod*(pfi-1)/pfi return prod