Source code for eulerlib.etc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#   Copyright 2015 Sameer Suhas Marathe
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

.. module:: eulerlib.numtheory
    :synopsis: Miscellaneous functions.

.. moduleauthor:: Sameer Marathe


from ._exceptions import EulerlibInputError

__all__ = ["decimal_to_base", "is_palindrome", "is_pandigital", "num_to_list",
           "list_to_num", "word_numerical_val", "write_number", 

[docs]def decimal_to_base(num,b): """Converts *num* from decimal to base *b* :param num: A decimal integer :param b: A decimal integer value for the base. 1 < b <= 36 :returns: String that represents decimal *num* in base *b* For example:: >>> decimal_to_base(8,2) '1000' """ symbols = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p', 'q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'] numstring = "" if(b > 36 or b < 2): return numstring else: done = False while(not done): cur_digit = num%b if(cur_digit > 9): cur_str = symbols[cur_digit - 10] else: cur_str = str(cur_digit) numstring = cur_str+numstring num = num//b if(num < b): if(num != 0): if(num > 9): cur_str = symbols[num - 10] else: cur_str = str(num) numstring = cur_str + numstring done = True return numstring
[docs]def is_palindrome(num,base=10): """Returns *True* if decimal number *num* is a Palindrome number in *base*. :param num: Decimal number to be tested :param base: Base of the number system in which *num* is to be tested. (Default = 10) :returns: *True* if *num* is palindromic in *base* For example:: >>> is_palidrome(3875783) #Test in default base = 10 >>> True >>> is_palidrome(9,2) # 9 in base 2 is 1001 >>> True """ str_num = str(num) if base != 10: str_num = decimal_to_base(num,base) rev_num = str_num[::-1] if(str_num == rev_num): return True else: return False
[docs]def is_pandigital(num,start,stop): """Returns *True* if *num* is Pandigital. :param num: An integer to be checked for pandigitalness. :param start: Strating digit. 0 <= start <= 9 :param stop: Ending digit start < stop <= 9 For example:: >>> is_pandigital(2134, 1, 4) True """ if(start < 0 or stop < 0 or start >9 or stop >9): raise EulerlibInputError('etc','is_pandigital', 'start or stop parameter value is incorrect') elif(stop < start): raise EulerlibInputError('etc','is_pandigital', 'start should be smaller than stop') else: test = list(range(start,stop+1)) nl = num_to_list(num) if(len(nl) != (stop-start)+1): return False else: nl.sort() if(nl == test): return True else: return False
[docs]def num_to_list(num): """Returns a list of digits in num (most significant digit first).""" result = [] if (num < 0): return result else: str_num = str(num) for c in str_num: result.append(int(c)) return result
[docs]def list_to_num(list_of_digits): """Returns an integer from a *list_of_digits*.""" num = 0 if(list_of_digits == []): return num test = range(10) for digit in list_of_digits: if(not (digit in test)): raise EulerlibInputError('etc','list_to_num', 'Invalid member in list_of_digits') num = 0 break num = num*10 + digit return num
[docs]def word_numerical_val(word): """Returns the sum of numerical value of each letter in the word based on its position in the alphabet. """ import string num_val = 0 lcase = string.ascii_lowercase test_word = word.lower() for char in test_word: if not char in lcase: raise EulerlibInputError('etc','word_numerical_val', 'Illegal character in the word') num_val = 0 break else: loc = lcase.find(char) if (loc != -1): num_val = num_val + loc + 1 else: raise EulerlibInputError('etc','word_numerical_val', 'Illegal character in the word') num_val = 0 break return num_val
[docs]def write_number(num): """Return the written English language string representation of *num* :param num: An integer number For example:: >>> write_num(132) >>> 'one hundred and thirty-two' """ ones = ["zero","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight", "nine"] teens = ["eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen", "seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"] tens = ["ten","twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty", "ninety"] hundred = " hundred" hundred_and = " hundred and " thousand = " thousand" thousand_and = " thousand " minus = "minus " num1 = abs(num) number = "" if num1 < 1000000: if num1 < 10: number = ones[num1] elif num1 >= 10 and num1 < 100: if num1%10 == 0: #divisible by 10 number = tens[(num1//10)-1] elif num1 > 10 and num1 < 20: #teens number = teens[num1-11] else: #create number by recursion tens_val = num1//10 ones_val = num1%10 number = tens[tens_val-1] + "-" + ones[ones_val] elif num1 >= 100 and num1 < 1000: if num1%100 == 0: hundreds_val = num1//100 number = write_number(hundreds_val) + hundred else: hundreds_val = num1//100 rest_of_num = num1%100 number = ones[hundreds_val] + hundred_and + \ write_number(rest_of_num) else: thousands_val = num1//1000 rest_of_num = num1%1000 if rest_of_num == 0: number = write_number(thousands_val) + thousand else: number = write_number(thousands_val) + thousand_and + \ write_number(rest_of_num) if num < 0: number = minus + number else: number = "out of range" return number
[docs]def collapse_lists(list1,list2,compf,pathf): """Function to collapse two lists into a single list based on comparison and path functions. :param list1: First list :param list2: Second list :param compf: Comparator function to compare values returned by path function. :param pathf: Function that takes a list of elements and returns a value of the same type. :returns: A list with length = len(list2) .. note:: * Both lists must have values of the same type 'T' * Comparison function should take a list of values of type 'T' and return a value of type 'T'. * Path function should take a list of values of type 'T' and return a value of type 'T'. * The function calculates path totals based on paths from list1 to list2. * The difference between lengths of list1 and list2 should be 1 For example: To calculate maximum sum of path values - path function => sum, comparison function => max:: >>> list1 = [12,37,53,46] >>> list2 = [23,34,47] >>> compf = max >>> pathf = sum >>> collapse_lists(list1,list2,compf,pathf) >>> [60, 87, 100] """ result = [] len1 = len(list1) len2 = len(list2) if (abs(len1-len2) != 1): pass elif(list1 == []): result = list(list2) elif(list2 == []): result = list(list1) else: small2large = True if(len1 > len2): small2large = False for j in range(len2): if(small2large): if(j == 0): val = pathf([list2[j],list1[0]]) elif(j == len2-1): val = pathf([list2[j],list1[len1-1]]) else: pv1 = pathf([list2[j],list1[j-1]]) pv2 = pathf([list2[j],list1[j]]) val = compf([pv1, pv2]) result.append(val) else: pv1 = pathf([list2[j],list1[j+1]]) pv2 = pathf([list2[j],list1[j]]) val = compf([pv1, pv2]) result.append(val) return result