EcohydroLib  1.29
Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 123]
 NDumpClimateStationInfoDump point climate station information from EcohydroLib metadata to standard output
 NDumpMetadataToiRODSXMLDump EcohydroLib metadata to iRODS XML metadata import format
 NghcndqueryQuery NCDC Global Historical Climatology Network dataset for daily climate data
 NbaseBase classes for EcohydroLib commands
 NdemEcohydroLib commands related to acquiring Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data
 NexceptionsPackage defining exceptions for EcohydroLib commands
 NhydroshareEcohydroLib commands related to HydroShare ( data
 NlandcoverEcohydroLib commands related to acquiring landcover data
 NsoilEcohydroLib commands related to acquiring soils data
 NcontextClass that encapsulated environment setup for ecohydrolib scripts
 NdbfMethods for reading and write DBF data files
 NdemwcsQuery DEM data from WCS service provided by Geoscience Australia
 NsoilwcsQuery soils data from WCS service provided by CSIRO/Geoscience Australia
 NgrasslibClass that encapsulated environment setup for using GRASS GIS scripting and low-level APIs
 NbasinsMethods for querying HYDRO1k basins
 NdemtileExtract tile for HYDRO1k digital elevation model (DEM) stored locally
 NhydroshareUtilities for interacting with HydroShare (
 NmetadataClasses for writing and reading metadata for Ecohydrology workflows
 NnetworkanalysisMethods for querying the NHDPlus V2 data set
 NwebserviceMethods for querying the NHDPlus V2 data set via custom web service
 NdaacqueryQuery NLCD data from ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center for Biogeochemical Dynamics
 NinferenceInfer soil properties from SSURGO and terrain data using SOLIM framework
 NutilsGeneric utilities for manipulating spatial data sets
 NattributequeryMake tabular queries against USDA Soil Data Mart SOAP web service interface
 NfeaturequeryMake feature queries against USDA Soil Data Mart OGC web service interface
 NrasterizeRasterize SSURGO features
 NsaxhandlersXml.sax.ContentHandler subclass for parsing SSURGO features stored as GML files
 Ntest_metadataTest methods for ecohydrolib.metadata
 Ntest_nhdwebsvcTest methods for ecohydrolib.nhdplus2.webservice
 NdemwcsMake WCS 1.1.1 query for DEM data hosted by U.S
 NnlcdwcsQuery NLCD datasets from WCS service provided by U.S
 NutilCatch-all location for miscellaneous utility functions
 NdemqueryQuery NASA EOS Education Alliance (NEHEA) GeoBrain for DEM data
 NwcslibMake WCS 1.1.1 query for DEM data hosted by U.S
 NGenerateSoilPropertyRastersFromSOLIMInfer soil attributes associated with SSURGO mapunit features using SOLIM
 NGenerateSoilPropertyRastersFromSSURGORasterize soil attributes associated with SSURGO mapunit features
 NGetBoundingboxFromStudyareaShapefileGet bounding box for ESRI Shapefile projected in WGS84 (EPSG:4326)
 NGetCatchmentShapefileForHYDRO1kBasinsExtract tile for HYDRO1k digital elevation model (DEM) stored locally
 NGetCatchmentShapefileForNHDStreamflowGageQuery NHDPlus2 database for shapefile of the drainage area of the given streamflow gage
 NGetDEMExplorerDEMForBoundingboxQuery GeoBrain WCS4DEM ( for digital elevation model (DEM) data
 NGetGAAustraliaDEMForBoundingBoxQuery OGC WCS web services provided by Geoscience Australia ( for digital elevation model (DEM) data
 NGetGHCNDailyClimateDataForBoundingboxCentroidQuery NCDC archive for climate data for a single station in the Global Historical Climatology Network (
 NGetGHCNDailyClimateDataForStationsInBoundingboxQuery NCDC archive for climate data for all stations in the Global Historical Climatology Network ( that fall within a bounding box
 NGetHYDRO1kDEMForBoundingboxExtract tile for HYDRO1k digital elevation model (DEM) stored locally
 NGetNHDStreamflowGageIdentifiersAndLocationGet NHDPlus2 streamflow gage identifiers (reachcode, measure along reach in percent) for a USGS gage
 NGetNLCDForDEMExtentExtract a tile, the extent derived from the DEM of the project, of NLCD 2006 data from a locally stored copy of the entire NLCD 2006 dataset
 NGetSoilGridAustraliaDownload Australian surface soil properties from
 NGetSSURGOFeaturesForBoundingboxQuery USDA soil datamart for SSURGO MapunitPolyExtended features and the following attributes, computed as a weighted average of the components in each mapunit, for the first soil horizon of each mapunit: ksat (chorizon.ksat_r), pctClay (chorizon.claytotal_r), pctSilt (chorizon.silttotal_r), pctSand (chorizon.andtotal_r), porosity (chorizon.wsatiated_r), 'fieldCap' (chorizon.wthirdbar_r), 'avlWatCap' (plant available water capacity; chorizon.awc_r), and drnWatCont (drainable water capacity; porosity - fieldCap)
 NGetUSGSDEMForBoundingboxCreate a new HydroShare resource by uploading the contents of an EcohydroLib project
 NGetUSGSNLCDForBoundingboxDownload NLCD 2006 or 2011 data hosted by U.S
 NGHCNDSetupBuilds SQLite3/Spatialite database needed for querying NCDC Global Historical Climatology Network station metadata downloaded from
 NNHDPlusV2SetupBuilds SQLite3 databases from NHDPlus V2 data archives downloaded from
 NRegisterDEMRegister digital elevation model (DEM) data into metadata store for a project directory, copying the DEM file into the project directory in the process
 NRegisterGageRegister streamflow gage coordinates from a point shapefile into metadata store for a project directory, copying the shapefile into the project directory in the process
 NRegisterRasterRegister raster into metadata store for a project directory, copying the raster into the project directory in the process
 NRegisterStudyAreaShapefileRegister shapefile into metadata store for a project directory, copying the source shapefile into the project directory in the process (if the source layer is not a shapefile, it will be converted on copy)
 NRunCmdRun an arbitrary command operating on data stored in a project directory, with the command and its arguments captured in the metadata for the project