
class easymodel.cascade.AbstractLevel(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Mixin for QtGui.QWidget for a level of a cascade view.

A level is a widget that should display data of a specific root index of its model. So it can be just a regular view, but it can also be a combobox. It can also emit a signal to state that the level below this one should have a new root index. You are free to emit the signal whenever you want.

When subclassing implement AbstractLevel.model_changed(), AbstractLevel.set_root(), AbstractLevel.selected_indexes().

Constructs a new level. All arguments will be passed on.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Constructs a new level. All arguments will be passed on.



__init__(*args, **kwargs) Constructs a new level.
get_model() Return the model
model_changed(model) Abstract method that should handle the case that someone set the model
selected_indexes() Abstract method that should return the “selected” indexes.
set_index(index) Set the current index of the level to the given one
set_model(model) Set the model
set_root(index) Abstract method that should make the level use the given index as root


new_root This signal says that the level under this one should update its root index to the one of the signal.
new_root = <PySide.QtCore.Signal object>

This signal says that the level under this one should update its root index to the one of the signal.


Return the model

Returns:the model
Return type:QtGui.QAbstractItemModel

Set the model

Parameters:model (QtGui.QAbstractItemModel) – The value for model

Abstract method that should handle the case that someone set the model

When a level instance is created, the model is None. So it has to be set afterwards. Then this method will be called and your level should somehow use the model

Parameters:model (QtCore.QAbstractItemModel | None) – the model that the level should use | None
Return type:None

Abstract method that should make the level use the given index as root

The index might also be invalid! In that case show an empty level. If the index has been of a different model, the model was set automatically before calling this method.

Parameters:index (QtCore.QModelIndex) – the new root index
Return type:None

Abstract method that should return the “selected” indexes.

Selected does not mean, selected like Qt refers to the term. It just means that this level has some indexes that seems to be of importance right now. E.g. your level is a combobox, then the selected indexes would just consist of the current index. If your level is a regular view, then you could indeed return the selected indexes.

Returns:the ‘selected’ indexes of the level
Return type:list of QtCore.QModelIndex

Set the current index of the level to the given one

The given index should be the new root for levels below. You should make sure that the new_root signal will be emitted.

Parameters:index (QtCore.QModelIndex) – the new index
Return type:None