Source code for dynetmlparsingutils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = 'Peter M. Landwehr <>'

from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from lxml import etree

[docs]def node_tuple(): """ :returns: The tuple that defines a node :rtype: :class:`tuple_(dict, dict)` """ return {}, {} # attrs, properties
[docs]def nodeset_tuple(): """ :returns: The tuple that defines a nodeset :rtype: :class:`tuple_(dict, defaultdict(node_tuple))` """ return {}, defaultdict(node_tuple) # property identities, list of nodes
[docs]def nodeclass_dict(): """ :returns: The defaultdict that defines a nodeclass :rtype: :class:`defaultdict(nodeset_tuple)` """ return defaultdict(nodeset_tuple) # nodesets
[docs]def node_tree(): """ :returns: The default dict that define :rtype: :class:`defaultdict(nodeclass_dict)` """ return defaultdict(nodeclass_dict) # node tree
[docs]def check_key(var, var_name, used_map, map_name, check_if_in_map=True): """ Helper function for checking if a key is in a map :param var: the variable which needs to be checked :param str|unicode var_name: the name of the variable :param used_map: the map :param str|unicode map_name: the name of the map :param bool check_if_in_map: if True, verify that var is in map. If False, check if var is not in map """ if check_if_in_map and var not in used_map: raise KeyError('{0} not in {1}; looked for {2}'.format(var_name, map_name, var)) elif not check_if_in_map and var in used_map: raise KeyError('{0} in {1}; looked for {2}'.format(var_name, map_name, var))
[docs]def check_type(var, var_name, allowable_types): """ Helper function for checking a variable's type :param var: the variable which needs its type checked :param str|unicode var_name: the name of the variable :param allowable_types: a type or tuple of types that var can be """ if not isinstance(var, allowable_types): raise TypeError('{0} must be of type {1}'.format(var_name, str(allowable_types)))
[docs]def check_contained_types(iterable, iterable_name, allowable_types): """ Helper function for validating that an iterable object only contains allowed types. :param tuple|list iterable: the tuple or list to be evaluated :param str|unicode iterable_name: the name of the iterable :param allowable_types: the types the iterable can be. """ if not isinstance(iterable, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError('{0} must be a tuple or list'.format(iterable_name)) for entry in iterable: if not isinstance(entry, allowable_types): raise TypeError('{0} can only contain types {1}'.format(iterable_name, allowable_types))
[docs]def validate_and_get_inclusion_test(include_tuple, ignore_tuple): """ A method for validating variables and then returning an inclusion test :param tuple include_tuple: A two element tuple, the first element is a list of strings, the second is the list's \ name :param tuple ignore_tuple: A two element tuple, the first element is a list of strings, the second is the list's \ name :returns: a test for whether or not an item should be included :rtype: lambda """ if include_tuple[0] is None: include_tuple = [], '' if ignore_tuple[0] is None: ignore_tuple = [], '' for pair, name in (include_tuple, 'include_tuple'), (ignore_tuple, 'ignore_tuple'): check_contained_types(pair[0], name, (str, unicode)) #check_contained_types(pair[1], name, (str, unicode)) if len(include_tuple[0]) > 0 and len(ignore_tuple[0]) > 0: raise ValueError('{0} and {1} cannot both contain values'.format(include_tuple[1], ignore_tuple[1])) if len(include_tuple[0]) > 0: good_set = set(include_tuple[0]) return lambda x: x in good_set elif len(ignore_tuple[0]) > 0: bad_set = set(ignore_tuple[0]) return lambda x: x not in bad_set return lambda x: True
[docs]def format_prop(prop_str, prop_type=str()): """ A method for converting properties to appropriate formats. Currently just covers dates (bools handled elsewhere) :param str|unicode prop_str: a property to be converted :param str|unicode prop_type: str or unicode specifying the type of property :returns: a property value that has been converted to the appropriate type. :rtype: bool|float|datetime|str|unicode """ if not isinstance(prop_type, (unicode, str)): raise TypeError('prop_type must be unicode or str') if prop_type == 'bool': if prop_str.lower() == 'true': return True elif prop_str.lower() == 'false': return False raise ValueError('Bad value for bool prop_type: {0}'.format(prop_str)) elif prop_type == 'number': return float(prop_str) elif prop_type == 'date': return datetime.strptime(prop_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return prop_str # 'text', 'categoryText', and 'URI' caught here
[docs]def unformat_prop(prop): """ A method for un-formatting properties back to strings. Currently covers dates and bools. :param prop: a property storied in a properties dictionary, of unknown type. :returns: the property value transformed to a string containing equivalent dynetml contents :rtype: unicode or str """ if isinstance(prop, (unicode, str)): return prop elif isinstance(prop, datetime): return prop.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(prop, bool): return unicode(prop).lower() return unicode(prop) # 'number', 'numberCategory', and 'URI' caught here
[docs]def get_property_identities_tag(property_identities_dict): """ Reads a dictionary of Property Identities and converts it to a propertyIdentities tag :param dict property_identities_dict: a dictionary containing propertyIndentity values :returns: a propertyIdentities tag :rtype: :class:`lxml._Element` """ # property_identities_tag = BeautifulSoup(features='xml').new_tag('propertyIdentities') # # if not isinstance(property_identities_dict, dict): # return property_identities_tag # # for key in property_identities_dict: # # if not isinstance(property_identities_dict[key], tuple) or len(property_identities_dict[key]) != 2: # continue # # prop_ident_tag = BeautifulSoup(features='xml').new_tag('propertyIdentity') # prop_ident_tag['id'] = key # prop_ident_tag['type'] = property_identities_dict[key][0] # prop_ident_tag['singleValued'] = unformat_prop(property_identities_dict[key][1]) # property_identities_tag.append(prop_ident_tag) # # return property_identities_tag property_identities_tag = etree.Element('propertyIdentities') if not isinstance(property_identities_dict, dict): return property_identities_tag for key in property_identities_dict: if not isinstance(property_identities_dict[key], tuple) or len(property_identities_dict[key]) != 2: continue etree.SubElement(property_identities_tag, 'propertyIdentity', attrib={'id': key, 'type': property_identities_dict[key][0], 'singleValued': unformat_prop(property_identities_dict[key][1])}) return property_identities_tag
[docs]def get_property_identities_dict(property_identities_tag, inclusion_test=None): """ Reads in a propertyIdentities tag and converts it to a dictionary of property identities :param lxml._Element property_identities_tag: a tag containing propertyIdentities, or None :param lambda inclusion_test: a test for whether or not to include a particular property. Defaults to including all. :returns: A dictionary of property identities, or an empty dictionary :rtype: dict """ property_identities_dict = {} if inclusion_test is None: inclusion_test = lambda x: True if property_identities_tag is None: return property_identities_dict for p_i in property_identities_tag.iterfind('propertyIdentity'): if inclusion_test(p_i.attrib['id']): property_identities_dict[p_i.attrib['id']] = \ p_i.attrib['type'], p_i.attrib['singleValued'] == 'true' return property_identities_dict
[docs]def get_properties_tag(properties_dict): """ Reads in a dictionary of properties and converts it to a properties tag :param properties_dict: a dictionary of properties :returns: A <properties> tag :rtype: :class:`lxml._Element` """ # properties_tag = BeautifulSoup(features='xml').new_tag('properties') # # if not isinstance(properties_dict, dict): # return properties_tag # # for key in properties_dict: # prop_tag = BeautifulSoup(features='xml').new_tag('property') # prop_tag['id'] = key # prop_tag['value'] = unformat_prop(properties_dict[key]) # properties_tag.append(prop_tag) # # return properties_tag properties_tag = etree.Element('properties') if not isinstance(properties_dict, dict): return properties_tag for key in properties_dict: etree.SubElement(properties_tag, 'property', attrib={'id': key, 'value': unformat_prop(properties_dict[key])}) return properties_tag
[docs]def get_nodeset_tuple(nodeclass_tag, property_inclusion_test=None): """ :param nodeclass_tag: An lxml._Element extracted from the <nodeclass> tag in a DyNetML file :param lambda property_inclusion_test: Test for whether a node property should be included :returns: :class:`dict`, :class:`Collections.defaultdict(node_tuple)` """ if property_inclusion_test is None: property_inclusion_test = lambda x: True p_i_dict = get_property_identities_dict(nodeclass_tag.find('propertyIdentities'), property_inclusion_test) node_tuples = defaultdict(node_tuple) for node in nodeclass_tag.iterfind('node'): for attrib_key in node.attrib: node_tuples[node.attrib['id']][0][attrib_key] = format_prop(node.attrib[attrib_key]) for prop in node.iterfind('property'): if property_inclusion_test(prop.attrib['id']): node_tuples[node.attrib['id']][1][prop.attrib['id']] = \ format_prop(prop.attrib['value'], p_i_dict[prop.attrib['id']][0]) return p_i_dict, node_tuples
[docs]def get_nodeclass_dict(nodes_tag, prop_inclusion_test=None, nodeclass_inclusion_test=None): """ :param lxml._Element nodes_tag: An lxml._Element extracted from the <nodes> tag in a DynetML file :param lambda prop_inclusion_test: Test for whether a node property should be included :param lambda nodeclass_inclusion_test: Test for whether a nodeclass should be included :returns: A dictionary defining a nodeclass :rtype: :class:`Collections.defaultdict(dict)` """ if nodeclass_inclusion_test is None: nodeclass_inclusion_test = lambda x: True new_nodeclass_dict = defaultdict(dict) for nc_tag in nodes_tag.iterfind('nodeclass'): if not nodeclass_inclusion_test(nc_tag.attrib['id']): continue new_nodeclass_dict[nc_tag.attrib['type']][nc_tag.attrib['id']] = get_nodeset_tuple(nc_tag, prop_inclusion_test) return new_nodeclass_dict