Source code for DynamicMetaNetwork

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: dynetml2other
:synopsis: Imports DyNetML into NetworkX, igraph, or Python dictionaries.

.. moduleauthor:: Peter M. Landwehr <>

__author__ = 'Peter M. Landwehr <>'

import codecs
from datetime import datetime
import dynetmlparsingutils as dmlpu
from lxml import etree
import os

[docs]class DynamicMetaNetwork: """ The DynamicMetaNetwork class is a container for dynamic meta-networks extracted from DyNetML. It bundles together a set of Meta-Networks collected at different times. :ivar __network_format: the format in which the networks should be stored:"dict", "igraph" or "networkx". \ It cannot be changed after initialization. :ivar attributes: A dictionary of attributes associated with the dynamic network :ivar metanetworks: The list of the Meta-Networks associated with the dynamic meta-network. """ def __init__(self, network_format="dict"): """ Initializes a DynamicMetaNetwork :param str|unicode network_format: Format in which graphs should be stored: "dict", "igraph" or "networkx" """ if not isinstance(network_format, (str, unicode)): raise TypeError('network_format must be a str or unicode') self.__network_format = network_format.lower() if self.__network_format not in ['dict', 'igraph', 'networkx', '']: raise ValueError('network_format must be blank, "dict", "igraph" or "networkx"; got {0}'. format(network_format)) self.attributes = {} self.metanetworks = []
[docs] def get_network_format(self): """Returns the network format""" return self.__network_format
[docs] def load_from_dynetml(self, dmn_text, properties_to_include=None, properties_to_ignore=None, nodeclasses_to_include=None, nodeclasses_to_ignore=None, networks_to_include=None, networks_to_ignore=None, start_date=None, end_date=None): """ Parses and loads the contents of an XML containing a dynamic meta-network. If no properties, nodeclasses, or networks are specified to be included, all of them will be included. Lists of included and ignored elements are exclusive - only specify a set to include or a set to ignore for each category. :param str|unicode dmn_text: XML containing a dynamic meta-network :param list properties_to_include: a list of nodeclass properties that should be included :param list properties_to_ignore: a list of nodeclass properties that should be ignored :param list nodeclasses_to_include: a list of nodeclasses that should be included :param list nodeclasses_to_ignore: a list of nodeclasses that should be ignored :param list networks_to_include: a list of networks that should be included :param list networks_to_ignore: a list of networks that should be ignored :param datetime.datetime start_date: Meta-Networks from before this datetime should not be imported :param datetime.datetime end_date: MetaNetworks from after this datetime should not be imported """ if not isinstance(dmn_text, (unicode, str)): raise TypeError('load_from_dynetml needs text containing XML; got {0}'.format(type(dmn_text))) dmn_tag = etree.XML(dmn_text) if dmn_tag.tag != 'DynamicMetaNetwork': return self.load_from_tag(dmn_tag, properties_to_include, properties_to_ignore, nodeclasses_to_include, nodeclasses_to_ignore, networks_to_include, networks_to_ignore, start_date, end_date)
[docs] def load_from_tag(self, dmn_tag, properties_to_include=None, properties_to_ignore=None, nodeclasses_to_include=None, nodeclasses_to_ignore=None, networks_to_include=None, networks_to_ignore=None, start_date=None, end_date=None): """ Parses and loads the contents of an :class:`lxml._Element` containing a dynamic meta-network. If no properties, nodeclasses, or networks are specified to be included, all of them will be included. Lists of included and ignored elements are exclusive - only specify a set to include or a set to ignore for each category. :param lxml._Element dmn_tag: A tag containing a dynamic meta-network :param list properties_to_include: a list of nodeclass properties that should be included :param list properties_to_ignore: a list of nodeclass properties that should be ignored :param list nodeclasses_to_include: a list of nodeclasses that should be included :param list nodeclasses_to_ignore: a list of nodeclasses that should be ignored :param list networks_to_include: a list of networks that should be included :param list networks_to_ignore: a list of networks that should be ignored :param datetime.datetime start_date: MetaNetworks from before this datetime should not be imported :param datetime.datetime end_date: MetaNetworks from after this datetime should not be imported """ #if not isinstance(dmn_tag, (unicode, str)): # raise TypeError('load_from_dynetml needs text containing XML; got {0}'.format(type(dnn_text))) for attrib_key in dmn_tag.attrib: self.attributes[attrib_key] = dmlpu.format_prop(dmn_tag.attrib[attrib_key]) if self.__network_format == 'networkx': from MetaNetworkNetworkX import MetaNetworkNX as MetaNetwork elif self.__network_format == 'igraph': from MetaNetworkIGraph import MetaNetworkIG as MetaNetwork else: from MetaNetwork import MetaNetwork for mn_tag in dmn_tag.iterfind('MetaNetwork'): if start_date is not None: if start_date > datetime.strptime(mn_tag.attrib['id'], '%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S'): continue if end_date is not None: if end_date < datetime.strptime(mn_tag.attrib['id'], '%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S'): continue self.metanetworks.append(MetaNetwork()) self.metanetworks[-1].load_from_tag(mn_tag, properties_to_include, properties_to_ignore, nodeclasses_to_include, nodeclasses_to_ignore, networks_to_include, networks_to_ignore)
[docs] def drop_metanetworks_before(self, start_date): """:param datetime.datetime start_date: Drop meta-networks that occur before this datetime.""" while len(self.metanetworks) > 0 and \ datetime.strptime(self.metanetworks[0].attributes['id'], '%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S') < start_date: self.metanetworks.remove(0)
[docs] def drop_metanetworks_after(self, end_date): """:param datetime.datetime end_date: Drop meta-networks that occur after this datetime.""" while len(self.metanetworks) > 0 and \ datetime.strptime(self.metanetworks[-1].attributes['id'], '%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S') > end_date: self.metanetworks.remove(-1)
[docs] def drop_metanetworks_for_ranges(self, range_tuples, keep_in_range=True): """ :param list range_tuples: A list of tuples containing of a start date and end date pair :param list keep_in_range: If true, dates outside of any tuple are dropped. If false, dates within any tuple \ are dropped. """ dmlpu.check_contained_types(range_tuples, 'range_tuples', datetime) for mn in self.metanetworks: date_val = datetime.strptime(self.metanetworks[-1].attributes['id'], '%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S') for r_t in range_tuples: if (keep_in_range and r_t[0] > date_val or r_t[1] < date_val) or \ (keep_in_range is False and r_t[0] <= date_val <= r_t[1]): self.metanetworks.remove(mn)
[docs] def write_dynetml(self, out_file_path): """:param str|unicode out_file_path: Write the dynamic meta-network to this path.""" if type(out_file_path) not in [str, unicode]: raise TypeError('out_file_path must be str or unicode') if os.path.exists(out_file_path) and os.path.isdir(out_file_path): raise IOError('out_file_path cannot be a directory') # bs = self.convert_to_dynetml(True) # # with, 'w', 'utf8') as outfile: # outfile.write(bs.prettify()) xml_root = self.convert_to_dynetml() with, 'w', 'utf8') as outfile: outfile.write('<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>\n\n') outfile.write(etree.tostring(xml_root, pretty_print=True))
[docs] def convert_to_dynetml(self): """Return the dynamic meta-network as an :class:`lxml._Element`""" # bs = BeautifulSoup(features='xml') # bs.append(bs.new_tag('DynamicMetaNetwork')) # for attr in self.attributes: # bs.DynamicMetaNetwork[attr] = dmlpu.unformat_prop(self.attributes[attr]) # # for mn in self.metanetworks: # bs.DynamicMetaNetwork.append(mn.convert_to_dynetml()) # # if not is_entire_file: # bs = bs.DynamicMetaNetwork # # return bs dmn = etree.Element('DynamicMetaNetwork') for attr in self.attributes: dmn.attrib[attr] = dmlpu.unformat_prop(self.attributes[attr]) for mn in self.metanetworks: etree.SubElement(dmn, mn.convert_to_dynetml()) return dmn
[docs] def pretty_print(self): """Pretty-print the dynamic meta-network""" print '= Dynamic Meta-Network =' print '= Properties =' for attr in self.attributes: print u' {0}: {1}'.format(attr, self.attributes[attr]).encode('utf8') for mm in self.metanetworks: mm.pretty_print()