HappyDoc Generated Documentation dropstar/httpd.py

dropstar / httpd.py 


Handles all HTTP requests, GET only. It is intended to be READ only.

Use RPC for doing interaction with the backend, doing this inside a web rendering request is a total pain in the ass and has all kinds of times you'd like to have some feature you dont, and this isnt an end-user oriented service, so is it assumed their JS will be working and can submit any data we need them to. Code accordingly for best results.

When querying Cloud data from the Site Control API, we will always get the cached version, so that web requests are fast. This is not the place we need to wait on data.

NOTE(g): I left this a single threaded HTTP server because the requests should be infrequent enough and fast enough that even "heavy" usage of this server should not back up. It's an admin tool.

CGIArgsToDict ( args )

Convert our args string into a dictionary.

parse_multipart ( fp,  pdict )

Parse multipart input.

Arguments: fp : input file pdict: dictionary containing other parameters of content-type header

Returns a dictionary just like parse_qs(): keys are the field names, each value is a list of values for that field. This is easy to use but not much good if you are expecting megabytes to be uploaded -- in that case, use the FieldStorage class instead which is much more flexible. Note that content-type is the raw, unparsed contents of the content-type header.

XXX This does not parse nested multipart parts
use FieldStorage for that.
XXX This should really be subsumed by FieldStorage altogether
no point in having two implementations of the same parsing algorithm.

ValueError, ('Invalid boundary in multipart form: %r' %( boundary, ) )
ValueError, 'Maximum content length exceeded'

UriParse ( uri )

We want to parse the URI into a path and argument section. Return tuple.

Python's urlparse module fails on more complex data, such as sending Python code across the line. It crops our data, breaking the submit, so we must do this ourselves.

Args: uri: string, uri (url, minus the protocol and host name)

Returns: tuple (path, args). Both strings.



HTTP Request handler.


HTTP Listener Thread

This document was automatically generated Thu Aug 19 13:42:40 2010 by HappyDoc version 3.1