HappyDoc Generated Documentation Class: DropStar

/ dropstar / DropStar 

Load ( self )

Load the YAML configuration file. Sets self.conf

_Start ( self )

Start all the listening pools.

__init__ ( self,  sites )

Returns a dropSTAR server object, which wraps everything you need.

HTTP and XMLRPC servers run in their own threads on starting. Many sites may be run off one set of thread listeners on a single port, or many thread listeners can be specified on their respective ports.

This allows many dropSTAR installations on a single machine, and the ability to add totally new sites to an existing dropSTAR installation without running a second dropSTAR process or interfering with any of the existing dropSTAR sites.

Args: sites: dict, keyed on site main host-header for listening. Contains a dictionary with site information such as the key "port", which specifies the port to listen on, and key "packages", which contains a list of packages and their mount points.

This document was automatically generated Thu Aug 19 13:42:40 2010 by HappyDoc version 3.1