done -- a simple, elegant command line todo list tool


done is a todo list tool designed for me. You might enjoy it, as well. It was inspired by:

and aims to distill my favorite aspects of each of these tools into one, useful tool.
It uses sqlite3.


done should be installable via pip though I haven't tested it. Otherwise, sudo python install works fine.


d a [-d due] task
add a task, optional natural language due date
d l [-s (due|created)] [filter...]
list out tasks, optional sort, optional filters
d d [filter...]
go through tasks to mark finished ones, optional filters
d b
launch sqlite3 backend


(printing format differs slightly from current release)

$: d a '7708 check logs again' -d tomorrow
$: d a '7848 write trigger'
$: d a '7848 write function'
$: d l
7708 check logs again (due 17 Feb 2010)
7848 write trigger
7848 write function
$: d l -s name
7708 check logs again (due 17 Feb 2010)
7848 write function
7848 write trigger
$: d l 7848
7848 write trigger
7848 write function
$: d l 'due:tomorrow'
7708 check logs again (due 17 Feb 2010)
$: d d 7708
finished with...
7708 check logs again (due 17 Feb 2010)? [y/N]:y
X 7708 check logs again (due 17 Feb 2010)
$: d d 7848
finished with...
7848 write trigger? [y/N]:y
7848 write function? [y/N]:n
X 7848 write trigger
$: d l
7848 write function
$: d b
spawn sqlite3 instance