Source code for djenerator.model_reader

#!/usr/bin/env python
This module has utility functions for reading models and their fields.
import inspect
from django.db.models import Model

[docs]def is_instance_of_django_model(reference): """ Tests if a given reference is a reference to a class that extends django.db.models.Model :param reference: A given Anonymous reference. :rtype: boolean :returns: A boolean value that is true only if the given reference is a reference to a Model class. """ if not inspect.isclass(reference): return False bases = ['%s.%s' % (b.__module__, b.__name__) for b in inspect.getmro(reference)] return 'django.db.models.base.Model' in bases
[docs]def is_required(field): """ Test if a given field is required. :param DjangoField fields: A reference to the given field. :rtype: boolean :returns: A boolean value that is true only if the given field is required. """ return not field.null
[docs]def field_type(field): """ Retrieves the type of a given field. :param DjangoField field: A reference to the given field. :rtype: str :returns: The type of the field. """ return field.get_internal_type()
[docs]def is_auto_field(field): """ Test if a given field is an Auto-Field. :param DjangoField field: A reference to the given field. :rtype: boolean :returns: A boolean value that's true only if the given field is an Auto-Field. """ return ( == 'id' or hasattr(field, 'get_internal_type') and field.get_internal_type() == 'AutoField')
[docs]def relation_type(field): """ Retrieves the type of the relation of a given related field. :param DjangoField field: A reference to the given field. :rtype: str :returns: A string that contains the type of the relation of the field. """ return field.rel.__class__.__name__
[docs]def list_of_models(models_module, keep_abstract=None): """ This function filters the models from the instances in given module. :param models_module: A reference to a given models' module. :param boolean keep_abstact: A boolean value that decides filtering of abstract models. :rtype: List :returns: A list of reference to the classes of the models in the imported models file. """ models = filter(is_instance_of_django_model, models_module.__dict__.values()) if keep_abstract: return models else: def is_not_abstract(model): return not model._meta.abstract return filter(is_not_abstract, models)
[docs]def list_of_fields(model): """ Retrieves the fields of a given model. :param DjangoModel model: A reference to the class of a given model. :rtype: List(DjangoFieldClass) :returns: A list of references to the classes of fields of the given model. """ fields = list(model._meta._get_fields()) fields = list(filter(lambda field: not is_reverse_related(field), fields)) """ if (hasattr(model._meta, '_fields') and hasattr(model._meta, '_many_to_many')): fields = model._meta._fields() + model._meta._many_to_many() else: fields = model._fields """ # If the inheritance is multi-table inheritence, the fields of # the super class(that should be inherited) will not appear # in fields, and they will be replaced by a OneToOneField to the # super class or ManyToManyField in case of a proxy model, so # this block of code will be replace the related field # by those of the super class. if Model != model.__base__: clone = [fld for fld in fields] for field in clone: if (is_related(field) and ('OneToOne' in relation_type(field) or 'ManyToMany' in relation_type(field)) and ( in model.__bases__) and != model): fields.remove(field) fields += filter(lambda x: not is_auto_field(x), list_of_fields( return fields
[docs]def names_of_fields(model): """ Retrieves the names of the fields of a given model. :param DjagoModel model: A reference to the class of a given model. :rtype: str :returns: A list of strings of the attributes' names of the field of the given model. """ def get_name(s): return return map(get_name, list_of_fields(model))
[docs]def module_import(app_path): """ Imports a module in a given path. :param str app_path: A string that contains the path of the module and it's name. :returns: A reference to the module in the given path. """ module = __import__(app_path) for part in app_path.split('.')[1:]: module = getattr(module, part) return module