Additional features

django-any provides clean API for creating users and authenticating as users.

Creating users

django_any.contrib.any_user(password=None, permissions=[], groups=[], **kwargs)

Without arguments it creates non-superuser and non-staff active user. Function can simultaneusly grant permissions to user and assign him to specified groups (groups and permissons are not created and should exist prior to function call). You can also provide any key-valued arguments, which User model takes.

from django_any.contrib import any_user
# create random user
foo = any_user()

# create inactive superuser
any_user(is_superuser=True, is_active=False, is_staff=True)

# create user with permissions 'can_add' and 'can_delete' in app books
any_user(permissions=['books.can_add', 'books.can_delete'])

# create user in group 'Special users'
any_user(groups=['Special users'])

Custom test client

Django-whatever has custom test clent, that extends default django client. It provides two useful methods for authorization and forms posting.

login_as(self, **kwargs):

Log into site as random user. Key-valued arguments are the same as for any_user function. To log in as specific user, provide argument user (note, that user password will be reset).

from django_any.test import Client
self.client = Client()
# log in as admin

# log in as specific user
user = User.objects.create_user('john', '', 'johnpassword')
post_any_data(self, url, extra=None, context_forms=_request_context_forms, **kwargs):

Posts random froms data to url. Additional data can be passed in dictionary format to extra argument. By default, it’s assumed that forms are rendered by same url, their names and default values are taken from context and can be overriden by context_forms argument.

Creating models with default values

Basic any_model provides totally random values that pass validation and meet requiremnts of creation, but sometimes it’s useful to keep defaults. In those cases it’s recommended to use any_model_with_defaults.

any_model_with_defaults(modelClass, **kwargs):
from django_any.contrib import any_model_with_defaults
class Poll(models.Model):
    question = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published', defalut=datetime.datetime(2000, 12, 10))
poll = any_model_with_defaults(Poll)

Note, that question value is random, but pub_date is taken from default attribute:

'question': 'HJ:34KW<DGdfSgfL67KVRD:'
'pub_date': datetime.datetime(2000, 12, 10)

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