Configuration ============= Application Configuration ------------------------- The following options can be defined for **tinymce4-lite** in your Django project's :file:`` file. .. _TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG: ``TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG`` -- TinyMCE 4 widget configuration. **tinymce4-lite** provides a reasonable default configuration with essential editing capabilities, so you need to use this option only if you want to create your own custom TinyMCE configuration. .. note:: In **tinymce4-lite** the TinyMCE configuration is defined as a Python :class:`dict`. The :class:`dict` configuration is then translated to JSON configuration according to :class:`json.JSONEncoder` rules. Default configuration:: DEFAULT = { 'selector': 'textarea', 'theme': 'modern', 'plugins': 'link image preview codesample contextmenu table code', 'toolbar1': 'bold italic underline | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify ' '| bullist numlist | outdent indent | table | link image | codesample | preview code', 'contextmenu': 'formats | link image', 'menubar': False, 'inline': False, 'statusbar': True, 'height': 360, } ``TINYMCE_SPELLCHECKER`` -- enables spellchecker function for TinyMCE. For the default configuration it also adds a spellcheck button to TinyMCE toolbar. Default: ``False``. .. note:: If you are using a custom TinyMCE configuration, don't forget to add `spellchecker`_ plugin to your configuration, and add the necessary menu item/toolbar button. Also read `Language Configuration`_ subsection about how to configure the spellchecker. ``TINYMCE_FILEBROWSER`` -- enables file browser support in TinyMCE image and link dialogs. **tinymce4-lite** supports both `django-filebrowser`_ and `django-filebrowser-no-grappelli`_ file browsers. Default: ``True`` if ``'filebrowser'`` is added to `INSTALLED_APPS`_, else ``False``. ``TINYMCE_JS_URL`` -- a path to TinyMCE JavaScript library. Default: :file:`{your_static_url}/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js`. The following example shows how to load the TinyMCE library from a CDN:: TINYMCE_JS_URL = '//' ``TINYMCE_ADDITIONAL_JS_URLS`` -- a :class:`list` of URLs for additional JavaScript files to be used with the TinyMCE widget, for example, custom TinyMCE plugins. Default: ``None``. ``TINYMCE_CSS_URL`` -- a path to a CSS file with additional styles for TinyMCE. Unlike ``content_style`` and ``content_css`` TinyMCE settings (see ":ref:`Applying custom CSS`"), this CSS is applied to the TinyMCE widget itself, for example to correct the widget position on a page. Default: ``None``. ``TINYMCE_CALLBACKS`` -- allows to define custom TinyMCE callbacks, for example ``file_browser_callback`` or ``spellchecker_callback``. This is a Python :class:`dict` where keys are the names of callbacks and values are JavaScript objects as Python strings. Default: ``{}`` (an empty :class:`dict`). Read `TinyMCE documentation`_ to learn about available callbacks. .. note:: Custom ``file_browser_callback`` and ``spellchecker_callback`` options defined in ``TINYMCE_CALLBACKS`` override **tinymce4-lite** built-in callbacks. .. _language_config: Language Configuration ---------------------- By default **tinymce4-lite** uses `LANGUAGE_CODE`_ and `LANGUAGES`_ Django options to automatically set up TinyMCE interface language and available spellchecker dictionaries. That is why it is recommended to define both options in your project's :file:``. ``LANGUAGE_CODE`` option defines TinyMCE interface language and writing directionality. ``LANGUAGES`` option defines the list of available spellchecker languages. The first language in this list is used as the default one. The list of spellchecker languages also depends on available **pyenchant** dictionaries. For example, on Windows the default **pyenchant** installation includes only English, German and French spellchecker dictionaries. Read `pyenchant documentation`_ to learn how to add additional spellchecker dictionaries. You can view the list available spellchecker dictionaries by running ``enchant.list_languages()`` function in a console from your working Python environment. For example:: >>> import enchant >>> enchant.list_languages() ['de_DE', 'en_AU', 'en_GB', 'en_US', 'fr_FR'] Additional spellchecker dictionaries can be downloaded from `this page`_. Unpack a :file:`.sox` file using an archive manager, for example `7zip`_, and copy :file:`.dic` and :file:`.aff` for your language into **pyenchant**/**enchant** installation. .. note:: Django language codes in ``LANGUAGES`` must match dictionary filenames. For example, ``'en-us'`` in ``LANGUAGES`` (with a country code) corresponds to :file:`en_US.dic`/:file:`en_US.aff` dictionary files, and ``'uk'`` (no country code) corresponds to :file:`uk.dic`/:file:`uk.aff` dictionary files. Also you can completely override TinyMCE automatic language configuration by defining the necessary language options in `TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG`_. .. _django-filebrowser: .. _django-filebrowser-no-grappelli: .. _TinyMCE documentation: .. _LANGUAGE_CODE: .. _LANGUAGES: .. _pyenchant documentation: .. _this page: .. _7zip: .. _INSTALLED_APPS: .. _spellchecker: