
Swingers’ utility methods.


swingers.utils.timedcall(function, *args, **kwargs)

Calls function with *args and **kwargs; returns the time in seconds and result.


Generates a unique machines ID based on /proc/cpuinfo. The output is suitable and intended for django’s settings.SECRET_KEY.

swingers.utils.breadcrumb_trail(links, sep=' > ')

links must be a list of two-item tuples in the format (URL, Text). URL may be None, in which case the trail will contain the Text only.

Returns a string of HTML.

swingers.utils.breadcrumbs_bootstrap(links, sep='>')

Creates a breadcrumb trail in much the same way as breadcrumb_trail() but formats it in the expected way for twitter bootstrap.

Returns a string of HTML.


Take a filename, and return it without special characters (keep only alphanumeric characters), and spaces replaced by underscores.

swingers.utils.smart_truncate(content, length=100, suffix='...(more)')

Small function to truncate a string in a sensible way, sourced from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/250357/smart-truncate-in-python

The content is truncated after the last word that is within length characters, and a suffix is added.

swingers.utils.label_span(text, label_class=None)

Return a Bootstrap span class for inline-labelled text. Pass in a valid Bootstrap label class as a string, if required.

Returns HTML.

swingers.utils.content_filename(instance, filename)

Decode unicode characters in file uploaded to ASCII-equivalents, also replace spaces with underscores.

This function is to be passed to FileField.upload_to, the instance parameter is unused.

Returns uploads/{date}/{filename} formatted string.


Returns a 10-character hash of the object passed into the function. The hash is binascii.b2a_base64 encoded and django slugified.

swingers.utils.chomsky([times=1[, line_length=100]])

Generates random semi-legible blocks of nonsense text phrases.

Parameters:times – number of generated sentences
Return type:string

Returns a random datetime object. Use get_random_datetime().date() to get a random date object.

Parameters:year – year, default value is a random year where the range is today - 5 years and today + 5 years



Builds a 10-character unique nonce for use in token requests.

swingers.utils.retrieve_access_token(request, service)

Takes care of retrieving an access token from a particular swingers service. Will use request.user to authenticate as. This user must exist on the target server also.

swingers.utils.validate_request(data, expires=600)

Validates a dictionary of request data (client_id, ‘client_secret` and user_id) against the User base and Application links and returns a (User, ApplicationLink and token expiry time).


Create a local user if the username exists in the configured LDAP server. Returns the updated or newly created local User.


This is most likely going to be deprecated due to the upcoming demerger work



Decorator to create a directory to work in whilst files are saved or manipulated. The first argument to any workdir-decorated function is the directory to work in. If no directory is specified, a temporary directory is created. Usage:

from swingers.utils.decorators import workdir

def save_file(filename, data):
    # do something with file and data
    # ...
    return filename

def save_file(filename, data):
    # do something with file and data
    # ...
    return filename

In the first example, after the function returns a value, the directory that was created will be removed, and everything under that directory will also get deleted. This is useful if you just need to do some temporary processing, and don’t care about the left over files.

The second example will not delete the directory if it was created, and is useful for when you need to save files somewhere for future usage.


swingers.utils.render_to_geojson(queryset, projection=None, simplify=None, extent=None, maxfeatures=None, priority_field=None, properties=None, prettyprint=False)

Shortcut to render a GeoJSON FeatureCollection from a Django queryset. Computes a bounding box and adds a CRS member as a sr.org link.


The queryset containing geometry data.

Projection used when geometry data should be transformed to another projection.

Default: None


Float value that specifies tolerance in Douglas-Peucker algorithm for simplifying geometry.

Default: None


A Polygon instance that bounds rendered features.

Default: None


Limits the maximum number of rendered features based on priority field.

Default: None


Name of the priority field used for reducing features.

Default: None


List of non-geometry fields to be included in the GeoJSON.

Default: None


How much to indent the resultant GeoJSON.

Default: 0


Returns the name of the field containing geometry data in the queryset. If none exist, raises ValueError.


Requires GDAL. Accepts a Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry, and returns it transformed to a projection of GDA94/MGA zone 49 through 56, depending on the centroid.

If the centroid lies outside of the appropriate X coordinates, returns None instead.


Returns a name for a direction given in degrees.


direction_name(0.0) returns "N"
direction_name(90.0) returns "E"
direction_name(152.0) returns "SSE".

Tries to use OSM Nominatim to generate a text location from a GEOS geometry (uses centroid).

swingers.utils.distance_bearing(point1, point2, epsg=3577)

Returns a text representation of the distance (in km) and bearing from point1 to point2 in SI units using the given projection. Defaults to GDA94 Albers. (point1, point2) are GEOS points

Returns for example 0.5 km NE


swingers.utils.queryset_iterator(queryset, chunksize=1000)

Iterate over a queryset ordered by the primary key.

This method loads a maximum of chunksize (default: 1000) rows in its memory at the same time while django normally would load all rows in it’s memory. Using the iterator() method only causes it to not preload all the classes.


Note that the implementation of the iterator does not support ordered querysets.

swingers.utils.normalise_query(query_string, find_terms=None, normalise_spaces=None)

Splits the query_string in invidual keywords, getting rid of unecessary spaces and grouping quoted words together.


>>> normalise_query('  some random  words "with   quotes  " and   spaces')
>>> ['some', 'random', 'words', 'with quotes', 'and', 'spaces']
swingers.utils.get_query(query_string, search_fields)

Returns a query which is a combination of Q objects. That combination aims to search keywords within a model by testing each of its/the given search fields.

Example: ::
>>> q1 = get_query('  issapps    "admin"', ['email', 'username'])
>>> q2 = (
          (Q(email__icontains="issapps") | Q(username__icontains="issapps")) &
          (Q(email__icontains="admin") | Q(username__icontains="admin"))
>>> assert q1 == q2
swingers.utils.filter_queryset(search_string, model, queryset)

Function to dynamically filter a model queryset, based upon the search_fields defined in admin.py for that model. If search_fields is not defined, the queryset is returned unchanged.

Django-swingers is a library of common utilities, templates and other django customizations used throughout Department of Parks and Wildlife.

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